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Everything posted by thenickster101

  1. ive tried the tech support thing, but i couldnt find a solution for it, i have a radeon card. I downloaded the fonts because they seem to be having a problem with the radeon cards, but it still didnt work
  2. Hi, im playing cmbb right now, and while im in game, i cant read the font, its pure white, with a block of white around it, making it imposible to read it. I have tried to make the background of the fonts disapear, but every time i reload the game, it makes the font have white boxes around it still. i changed the background of the font , and made it pink, just so i can read font, but i get a big pink box around the font, dose anyone know how to fix this?? its realy making me mad now, cause it is still hard to read font.
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