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Gen. Zeitzler

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Posts posted by Gen. Zeitzler

  1. Would like to mod kursk. My idea is to increase experience pts to how many medals a unit has instead of the number 10 which is consistant on all the units in the game. How do i do this? For example: their are 4 colored medals for GD PZG yet it shows only 10. how do i make this unit show 14? Alot of Soviet Tank Divs, or Corps have One colored medal, meaning i would change their unit to show 11 on the map.

  2. Concerning North Africa, The Bomber at the top,I can't seem to use it or move it, Any tips? Also when playing the Grand Strategic game, I had taken France, Russia, Egypt and London, but not as yet taken manchester, yet the program gave me an Axis Major Victory. I had alot of high quality units in Great Britian and it was 1945. Can strength alone conquer Countries? Had time expired? Does the new manual address timeframes? I only saw 1947 in this manual.

  3. I don't know where I read it or for that matter if i read it but I thought some time back the tiles were to be 25 miles instead of 50 miles as the manual says! An added feature could have been to put a number of troops in units or/and number of tanks, planes, etc. I think there was only one strategic computer wargame that had that feature. I can't remember the game though. I guess i could do a mod of 25 miles per tile if i had some ambition. Any way good job hubert!!

  4. The British lined up two deep to bring more firepower to bear! Gen. Ney's forces were set as follows... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... only the front two columns could fire i.e. the first 30 dots as an example Wellingtons forces were setup as follows: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: giving Wellington's force's twice the firepower. Also square hurt the french. No horse will charge bayonet's

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