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Colin I

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Posts posted by Colin I

  1. British fight back, only sinking a U boat and damaging other ships. On the whole so far the Germans fought better but British can afford the losses.

    Meanwhile Russian recce reports Germans massing in Poland. What the hell!!?? Its still autumn 1940. What's the matter with the Kraut's, don't they have anyone small to beat up on? Or is Barbarossa VERY early!? [Germany has confined itself to Benelux-Poland-France-Denmark with Italy doing some dirty work in North Africa].

    Hungary drifts to the Nazis.

  2. Arado has made some commentsa on a general thread, but I wanted to put the full AAR on a new thread, so here it is. hopefully Arado will add.

    Arado (Axis) vs Colin (Allies)

    Germans move across Polish border destroying resistance rapidly and efficiently. Polish fighters even engage in ground combat – “magnificent but its not war” – but its all futile. Despite bombardment of Copenhagen and a land assault there is a slight delay in entering the city after destruction of the Danish Royal Army. But Denmark doesn’t last long. In the West, German troops eyeball the French from the Maginot line. The French observe that, unlike many of the troops involved in Poland, these are not equipped with the latest weaponry and transport. But the Germans seem to be taking the possibility of a French assault into Germany seriously without being geared up for an immediate invasion, which makes the nervous Gallic troops feel better. Sub attacks are reported on Canadian shipping though the RN conspicuously fails to connect with the U-boats.

    In London, a wily Churchill assembles his generals and industrialists and tells them what he wants. Amongst other actions he sacks most of MI5 after the Enigma fiasco. One general resigns in protest, one heads to Oxford St. to buy a new winter coat (muttering something about why fight the Nazi’s THERE rather than Northern France) and the others get to work. On leaving the cabinet meeting one politician observes that "he has never seen such a cynical and ruthless leader, so at least we have someone who can match the Nazis blow for blow". New British fighters barrel roll over London though no-one mentions how few there are compared to the swarms of German aircraft.

    Meanwhile the French rearm as best they can. Having taken Liddell Hart seriously, they concentrate an armoured reserve and improve command control. But LH (Paris born, in fact) is the only “Englishman” in vogue in France – its clear Churchill will not send troops to help. The French gather strength, deploying their navy North to intercept any German naval attack (not trusting the British to do this though Churchill did promise this much). It seems, despite no obvious German diplomacy, that the Allies fight independently.

    By the end of 1939 formidable masses of German troops and aircraft are spotted on the Benelux and French borders. The French recall North African troops and send them to the home front, and brace, brace, brace. Germans rapidly blitz Benelux but the French show spirit – bombarding enemy held port and attacking into Belgium (kind of the historical plan). Its so close, heavy armour moves forwards and the French assault and almost destroy a German army. And then the cry goes up – the British are coming! British air finishes the job – the first German unit of the war to die, and a full army at that. But the Germans then quickly storm Paris though the French fight on one more turn. The only British involvement is harassment bombing of ports that could aid a Sealion operation and some raids towards Kiel. And, bizarrely, one French corps in transit by sea hijacks the troop ship and sails it to Egypt to defend North Africa – apparently Anglo-French cordiality still exists. Alternatively, perhaps it was simply hostility to Italy who seized Marseilles and then Tunis and who generally seem to be up to mischief in the former French world.

    The RN finally finds the German sub (now heading to North Africa) but the engagement is inconclusive. The British storm Norway to reroute those ore shipments and simultaneously deploy well equipped troops and route out Quislings. On the South Coast the British deploy well equipped troops to deter any opportunistic Sealion. Meanwhile, the RN bombards the coast of fortress Europe out of sheer petulance. The Luftwaffe is worryingly quiet, "I mean dammit, I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but why aren’t they giving our fly boys hell?"

  3. Terif,

    If there is a single trigger then its easy to circumvent, agreed shifting it doesn't really help. Multiple triggers with boolean logic and some randomness should help.

    If Axis take V or W or (X + Y but not Z) then event may trigger. If event is possible chance is 0-40% (random factor) + (20% if V true) + (10% if W is true) etc. for each turn. For each turn in a row even is possible increase chance by 5%.

    They can still be broken but its much harder to base a foolproof plan on avoiding an expected trigger. And the complexity is only in the event programming, not the playability.

  4. I'm with Hellraiser - lets introroduce slightly more complex and random triggers to avoid this.

    Another one (my fault I admit) was in a game when Spain was nearly Axis but completely blocked by Allied diplomacy. I landed a suicide unit in UK which held long enough to trigger Spanish entry.

    Worse, US fleet seems to be triggered from Pacific even if US attacks Spain.

    The scripting is really great but needs more subtlety.

  5. Thannk you Dave.

    Was actually thinking of one related things. One is that Diplomacy chits have some value on surrender of target country when coupled to National Morale. For example, with fall of France.

    Default is Vichy France and some chance of defection of Units to UK. You can imagine Fall of France with 5 Axis chips in to France which has low National Morale (I know its not allowed now, but bear with me) - possible result is all of France is Axis with small chance of Units defecting to Axis. Or if UK has large diplomatic advantage all France becomes Vichy and defection chance to UK is larger.

    This is kind of like some of the alternative Scripts suggested but with a one-off resolution that players can influence.

    Other possibles are Partisans. Germany didn't stomp on some countries too hard after conquest because they hoped to influence the population (eg NL in the early days). Others got the jackboot harder. This is currently decided for us (Yugoslavia and Russia are big trouble, UK and Norway difficult, Low countries passive). This could be another check-diplo-on surrender (or before for Russia) issue. So, we can simulate a wise German policy to Ukranians (Edwin's suggestion I think) by German Diplomacy chits into Russia resulting in some pre- or post surrender benefits such as no Partisans in Ukranian locations (not actually sure there are now, but you get the idea).

  6. Dave,

    Absolutely - Italy should have some chance of surrender as soon as Allies land on the mainland - be it by capturing any city or whatever metric you choose. Lots of Italian Royalists were only to glad to see the back of Mussolini.

    To counterbalance a serious (but realistic) Axis disadvantage perhaps increase Italian forces (significant if used well - as it was with Rommel, but fragile) AND give Germany a few more advantages (I favour return to three HQ; German command and control was a great asset).

    I was actually wondering if diplomacy system could be used here. After a country enters war you normally stop using the system for that country. Perhaps it changes to a national morale track that shifts with victory, defeat and (perhaps) even diplomacy of another kind when very shaky. After all, in the last days of the war even the Germans were being (unofficially) approached about surrender. This makes it more interesting for minors, less predictable than the loss of your capital though obviously this would have a major effect. I'm not saying you can Diplo a country into surender UNLESS its in big trouble in other ways.

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