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Posts posted by GasMask

  1. I don't understand why all you people are trying to make me sound stupid and are attacking my intelligence. I admit that I was wrong about the occupying force comment but you people keep trying to fight me. I just don't understand why you can't stop being jerks and be mature about this.

    And about the "challenge". What I meant is you will never know what it's like to be a Marine till you are one. You can read all the books in the world and try to understand the Marine Corps, but being one is the only way to "get it".

    Maybe instead of trying to insult me you could talk to me.

    Knowlege is power, yes, but it doesn't mean you understand everything or comprehend it.

    Today is my son's birthday, so I'm not spending a lot of time online for you. I will however tell you that any Marine that doesn't know that the Marine Corps was founded in Tun Tavern on 10 November 1775 wouldn't be a good Marine.

  2. Yes, it is my Marine Corps, it's every Marines Marine Corps. We earned it, and we wern't "accepted" into it like some club house or country club. I belong to the Corps and the Corps belongs to me. It's my Corps and I'll defend it, and love it, and make it better. Yes individual Marines affect the Corps. That's something you don't understand, and never will. You don't join the Corps for money, or because your friends do it, or because it makes you cool. You join because you want to be part of something elite and deeper then anything you've ever been apart of. You don't understand that, because you arn't a Marine.

    Sure, I was an enlisted man but what I did day to day, and what I did in Iraq affects the Marine Corps, it's not just a bunch of Generals sitting around deciding that they're going to say we're the best and that's that. If a Marine wants, and believes the Marine Corps is the best, he makes it the best by giving it his all in everything he does. Once again, you might not understand that.

    So, the civilian population pays taxes and thus owns the corps huh? Well you know, Marines are Americans too, that's why many of us join; to protect America, and yeah, we pay taxes too.

    Now, why don't you stop coming on here and attacking the Marine Corps and me? Why don't you stop being a jerk and just go about your bussiness? If you don't like what I say, and if you think that the Marine Corps is a sham or a myth, or just something that we tell our selves is the best because it makes us feel better, then fine. But I don't see you joining up to prove it wrong. Until you join the Corps and write a book about it, then you can kiss my green Marine ASS.

  3. "I don't think it's an inferiority thing on either side. I think it's just that combat arms types are almost psychotically competitive. I'd be a little worried if they weren't."

    Agreed. Everyone can always learn something from someone else. That's just life. I didn't mean any disrespect to the Army. Let us now become one with peace and harmony and the universe or whatever. The war is over there right?

  4. POSTED BY Fusilier9

    "“Hell, when I said the army is an occupying force, maybe I was wrong,”

    Progress has been made. "

    Come on now. Don't confuse kindness for weakness. If I admit something might have been wrong don't try to belittle me. No progress has been made, you havn't changed me, or my views in any way.

    And about the name calling, I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the other guy who called me a tool.

  5. I didn't say that only Marines can state thier opinion. You can say that the Marine Corps doesn't fight well, or you don't like the Corps or whatever, but to attack Marines by saying we are exagerating and we have inferiority complexes is not simply disagreeing with tactics, or the way we do things, it's actually attacking Marines as people on a personal level. That is wrong. State you opinion all you want, but I would expect that you would keep it from being personal. Hell, when I said the army is an occupying force, maybe I was wrong, but I never said that Army guys are "THIS." I was talking about how they do things militarily, not personally.

    I think some of you people are skipping over the parts when I say all the branches are needed and I'm not trying to downplay that.

    You know, instead of coming in hear calling me names, you should try to talk with some respect and with some maturity. You can't call me a Tool over my opinions and then tell me to grow up. You should take your own advice. As you can see, I didn't call any names. If you don't like what I say, then fine, to each his own, but don't come in here acting like that. Call me a Tool to my face, then I'll actually respect that, but name calling behind a computer is cowardice.

    I would like to end this conversation, actually, it's becoming an argument, and that's not what I intended to happen. So do you think we can chill out and respect each other as military men? And if you arn't in the military, I don't think you have any bussiness telling any of us what's right or wrong. Again. All branches are needed, please forgive my statement about the "occupying force," surely I do realize the army has the capacity for being an aggressive force.

    Fusilier9, thank you for being respectful, but I still feel your comments in the beginning were to personal, but hey, water under the bridge. No hard feelings.

  6. Hey, if I seem a little arrogant then oh well. That's not my intent. I love my Corps. Like I said above however is that all branches are needed in their own way.

    I feel that some of the Armies tactics arn't great, but that's my opinion. It's not like I hate the army or anything; because my dad served as a Tanker for 24 years and was in Vietnam a while. Even he however, tells me that the Army just isn't like it used to be. He tells me it's gone soft. I don't know if it's true, but from what I've experienced, maybe it has, I don't know; but that's not the point. The point is I was just talking about how cool the Corps would be in this game and then someone came in here saying that we exaggerate and have an inferiority complex, but apparently no one calls his comments arrogent or upsetting, but mine are? Hmmm, well, excuse me.

    And about those soldiers wearing the black uniforms who died and didn't get to return to Germany. I take it you are talking about the German troops?

    Well, you do realize that the only reason the regular army made it back alive was because they surrendered right? And the others died in great numbers because they were fighting to the last man, and for their homeland. So, you're saying that it's better to surrender then to fight? You're comparrison isn't very good. I mean, you're kind of saying that if Washington DC was being attacked such as Berlin was, that the Army would have given up and the Marines would have defended it to the last man, because that's what happend in World War II.

    But I get what you are saying, kind of. If you have great training and no fire power, you loose. But what about viet nam, we had great fire power, and training and the Vietnese had not much. See, I do realize that victory is a combination of things, politics, tactics, firepower, and that individual Soldier/Marine who's on the ground. But what I was getting at is the mind set of a Marine is to not except defeat and to be thinking that he is a killer and the agressor not the other way around. If you don't feel confident in your abilities then you don't perform well.

    All the jets, tanks, and ships can make a great force, but you still gotta have boots on the ground, and they damn well better be confident.

  7. Wow, I'm a little taken back by your lack of tact and inmaturity. (sp) How can you just come right out from left field calling Marines exaggeraters and saying we have inferiority complexes? Why turn a perfectly good discussion into crap?

    How would you know we exaggerate if you're not a Marine? Why must you instantly feel that we are lying? Maybe you're the one with the inferiority complex and are jelious. The only reason soldiers don't join the Marine Corps is because they are scared of what it's like, because if you want to be the best fighting man in the world, that's just what you do, join the Marine Corps, and if you want to be a SEAL, you join the Navy, that's that. There is a reason the army is called "regular." Now I don't know if you are in the military, but usually that's the kind of crap I hear from Army dogs, and I don't want to hear any more attacks like that. Can't I feel my Corps is the best with out a lot of complaining? If you don't believe you're the best, you die.

    Any how, the Marine Corps played important roles in both those wars. If you pull up a map of the invasion of Iraq, there is on MEU invading from the east... a whole MEU, and to say that that is nothing shows how much you really know. Now it's late, and I'm tired, so I don't want to ramble on but it's been my experience that much of the army does things pretty laxed and messed up durring combat. Such as having about a few miles of feul trucks in a convoy protected by a small handful of gun trucks and then you guys wannder why you get ambushed so bad. Sure, the army has some good weaponry, but your tactics suck, and no one can bring it on harder then the Corps with our close air support, arty, tanks, amphibious vehicles, snipers, and most importantly the Marine. Cause when it all comes down to it, if that Marine isn't thinking like a Marine, and hard charging, none of the above matters.

    Anyways, please, if you don't agree with what Marines say, keep to your self, or say it to our faces, don't ambush us on a fricken website, that's cowardly, and if you read my post that you replied to, I made no attacks on the army or any other branch, I believe they are all needed in there own way, and like I said, the army is mainly an occupying force (nothing wrong with that) and the Marines are the shock troops. The only reason Marines are in Iraq now is because the Army couldn't hold Iraq by them selves, just like in Vietnam. NUF SAID.

  8. Oh yeah? I heard that deployment sucked big time. I joined 2/2 three months before we left for Iraq, which was March 2004 and all I heard for those 3 months was, "all man, I just spent 9 months there an now I gotta go back after only 9 months home." I felt bad for everybody there lol.

    By the way, you HET are guys are pretty cool, I always wandered if you guys interigated the Iraqis like Ace Ventura interigated that guy about the bat on part 2. "Vwhere... is... zee bat!?"

  9. Hey all, I'm new to the sight and actually new to the Combat Mission game franchize. I always heard it was a damn good war sim but never could find it. Well, I just bought Afrika Corps and it rocks.

    Anyways, I just got out of the Corps in July and spent most of 2004 in Iraq with 2D Bn 2D Marines in the Suni Triangle (sp). Ever since I've been back I have noticed a lot of TV shows and games trying to make money on the Iraq war and usually they just make some cheesy crap, kind of like Wind Talkers was cheesy for WWII, or Heart Brake Ridge was cheesy for that era. Anyways, I'm very glad to see that you guys are developing a game based on the middle east and on Modern Warfare. By seeing the dedication you put into your other games, I am sure that this will be the most comprehensive and accurate middle east combat sim. I'm sure that I won't be embarrassed to play it like some other games.

    I'm also very happy to read that you will have Marines in the game, because let's just face it, the Army is in Iraq to stabalize it, while the Corps is in Iraq to hunt down terrorists, and who wouldn't want to play a game where you're using some hard core Marines to take out a few terrorists.

    I never new how many military guys played this thing till I was reading on these boards. WOW. Anyways, I'm looking for someone to play online with or via e-mail, so if you guys are up for it, send me an e-mail.

    Semper Fidelis

    And keep up the great work. Out.

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