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Posts posted by GasMask

  1. "But what point are you trying to make? That the US soldiers involved would be justified in retaliating against the kids, who might have been complicit in the sniping?"

    No no no. The kids have nothing to do with it. Usually the kids love us over there. That's why the insurgents piss me off so bad. They know that the kids love us and want to talk to us, and as soon as they get close, they shoot us, and the kids run away terrified, it's very upsetting. You should never take your anger out on kids or civilians unless they are clearly shooting at you. If you watch that video, the kids are happy to see the Marine/Soldier. It's very disturbing; and I hope some how this thing can end soon. But of course we've got to complete the mission first.

  2. Once again Nidan1, you have misunderstood me. I never talked of killing everyone. If you actually read my post, I say that war is wrong and brutle; but if the out come is freedom, or helping an enslaved people then it is justified. I also said that the "good guys" usually go into a war thinking that instead of killing everyone, they want to do good and end it as fast as possible; however, the enemy has different plans and thus, that is why we have brutle conflics and innocents dying.

    "War is fun as a video game, but as real life, it should be the last option always because innocent lives always get lost, and that's a tragedy."

    This is what I said in my other post. Does this sound like a guy who wants death and war? No man, I'm speaking against war, however at the same time I'm saying war can be justified if the out come is for good.

    However, durring that war no inocent lives should be harmed on purpose, only the people who are fighting against you. If a kid picks up an ak and points it at you, then you must kill him, but if you go into a village that might be housing terrorist, you can't destroy that village on a hunch; that is wrong.

    My views are this. I hate war, you should only fight as a last resort.

    However, if the out come is good then war can be for good (such as WWII, and we tried to keep North Vietnam from invading South Vietnam; same thing in Korea, but in Korea we succeeded).

    And durring war, only fight the enemey, do not harm those who are not fighting you.

    Ok, I've laid it out there, so don't make me sound like a "macho, kill'em all and let god sort'em out" guy, cause I'm not, and how does my views on war seem inmature? I think it's very mature.

    As I said earlier though, I was a Marine, and would fight to the gates of hell if that was my mission, so don't think I'm protesting anything.

  3. I know that, but you can't ignore it, especially if you are going to play war games, and come on this website acting like you know all about the military; because death, mayhem, and war is what's always on a fighting man's mind. Sorry, if my head is full of gloom, I try my best to keep my mind off it, but in todays world it can be difficult. As I said before I don't wish to argue with you, but if you'd like to discuss then I'm all for that.

  4. I'm not talking about that stuff man. Even though that stuff is reality, I'm talking about the war footage it has. By watching the insurgents film thier attacks you can see how they think, and act, and thus what they will do in the future. I don't go there all the time, and when I do it's not for enjoyment.

    If you go to search, it also has footage of WWII vietnam, and many other wars. Maybe this is the only way you can actually get a feel for the real world because you sound like you are still drinking from the nipple, and are oblivious to reality.

  5. I don't see why that web site will get me banned. It shows history in the making. I guess videos and images of REAL war upsets you, well why don't you try actually being there like me; then maybe you'd get half the stuff I talk about.

    And please, stop saying I'm someone else. I've never been banned and this is my first account here. If you want proof why don't you ask the Administrators of the website for my IP, then compare my IP with the IP of the person you think I am. I can tell you now they are differnt because I'm new to this site. So I'm asking you nicely and man to man; stay off my back and stop calling me a lyer. These boards arn't for harrassment, so either discuss the topic or be quiet. I'm beginning to think you are some school kid; please don't embarrass your self more.

  6. I don't understand why you say I'm not comprehending discipline. That has nothing to do with what I wrote.

    I said that war is hell, and there is nothing good about it. Sometimes you must fight for what is right, or for freedom, or to stop an evil enemy. The United States has done that quite a few times, but it doesn't change the fact that war, is war, and it's not fun, and it's not good, and it's men dying, and it's little kids dying.

    I joined the Marine Corps to help people and to do a service to my country, so I'm not saying going to war is wrong, I'm just saying that it's war and when a man is fighting in it, he's not thinking, oh this is honorable, or this is chivelress; he's thinking, I hope I can survive this and complete the mission at hand to the best of my abilities.

    So don't go saying that I don't understand discipline, and please don't try to shove any more words down my throat.

    Basically I'm just saying that the outcome or the justification for a war can be honorable, however it doesn't change the fact that a war is brutle and it's about death and distruction. Just because you try to do your best to preserve life doesn't mean there will be no life lost, because the other guy isn't going to want to play nice, and that is why we have wars.

    Do you think the United States went into WWII saying, we're going to kill everyone? No, they went in thinking of the best way to end it and as fast as possible, but the Germens didn't want to be conquered so you thus have death. Honor and Chivelry are just words to suger coat the horrors of war, and reading a book doesn't put you on the front lines. And I'm sure thatSydney Jary doesn't like war either; just because you are serving, or doing your duty or you have strong discipline and do what your told, doesn't mean you love war, no man should love war. Yeah, I'm sure Patton did, but he was a General; and with all do respect, I love the man, but he's not in the trenches. It's easy to love war when you're directing it and not fighting it.

    War is fun as a video game, but as real life, it should be the last option always because innocent lives always get lost, and that's a tragedy.

    You know what? I'll put a link on here to a web site that shows videos of attacks in Iraq. Click on the video called IRAQI SNIPER DEDICATES 9 BULLETS TO BUSH. It shows 9 US troops being sniped in the head as they talk to kids in Iraq. Sure they went in there to be nice and talk to kids and make peace, but this sniper asshole shoots them, if that's not HELL, then you tell me what it is. I'm sick of people acting like war is a passtime to watch on the news and discuss at work.


  7. Any way you slice it, war is hell, and honor and chivelry only comes after the war when stories are told. Durring the conflict, it's survival and the mission at hand. If that's recueing an inslaved people then fine, that's chivalress, but war is still war until it's over, then you can call it other things.

    (yes my spelling is bad)

  8. You make it sound like an 8 year old with a stretegic mind is a bad thing. I've always had one. Some of my fondest child hood memories are of playing the orriginal Sim City. I was addicted to that game, and all though I was a child, it tought me money management, planning, and pretty much how a real city works. Same thing for war games.

    I never said put it in Toys R Us though. I don't think kids should be playing ultra violent titles, but I don't think CM qualifies as really violent, it's very abstract. Add in some cries of agony and some blood and blown off body parts and then 8 year olds playing CM would be a bad thing.

  9. This seems very far fetched at the least. Japan was trying to develop a "death ray" back durring WWII, but was not successful.

    The ammount of energy to it would take to run such a weapon would require something very large, plus you'd need a large head or something to focus it through; it would get torn up fast. I don't think we have the technology do have weaponry that fast, but I havn't read much on it.

  10. Hmmm. Strange. I heard of some testing on these microwave weapons. The non lethal I believe is just suppose to make you so hot you are unconfortable. I highly doubt the U.S. or any force in the U.N. would ever use microwave technology as a weapon because that would be very inhumane. The idea of melting one's organs from the inside out is a bit harsh.

    Also, I don't think a non lethal micro wave version would be affective in Iraq, because when I was there I saw Iraqis wearing coats in 80 degree weather, and it ranges from 120 to 145 degrees in the hot season. I was roasting, but the Iraqis are used to it, so I think if you make them hotter they'll just put on some lotion and laugh.

  11. I was wandering if there are plans to bring this franchise over to the next generation of consoles. I just bought an Xbox 360 and the power of it is amazing; plus I prefer playing games from my couch. smile.gif

    Also, my first experience with turn based tactical simulations was on a console. I played Conflict on the old NES and enjoyed Panzer General on the Playstation. I realize that more "non-gamers/non-hardcore gamers" are getting into gaming, but hard core gamers are still out there and I think bringing this franchise to the 360 would be an awsome step in showing the great fun there is to be had from strategy war gaming. Thoughts?

  12. No ones running away, but none of you would want to fist fight me, you'd rather attack with words, and like women you'll always win because I'm not that great with words. You know, you guys bitch and complain more then my wife.

    I'm not running away, because there is nothing to run away from, just a bunch of morons and non-military types telling me I'm not a Marine, why don't you look at the accusations before you speak you jerk off. Wouldn't you be upset if someone kept telling everyone that your service to this nation wasn't real?

    I'm leaving this topic and I hope that the next subject I try to discuss doesn't become so hostile like this.

    This has nothing to do with anyone saying I'm wrong. I admitted I was wrong a while ago but this has to do with the accusations that I'm not a Marine. Like I said, before you speak, know what you are talking about.

  13. I'm going to play some video games and then spend time with my kids. I might not reply and if you don't like it, tough.

    Oh, and when did I ever try to make you guys impressed? If anything, I've humbled my self.

    I think I'm going to pull out of this topic because apparently all you guys want to do is down play my service to this nation and destroy my reputation, and to think that this was my first post... you guys are malicious cowards. I can only hope you find some way to deal with your short comings in life one day so that you won't be attacking strangers anymore. Good day.

  14. sigh...

    So because I miss spell here means I didn't do a very good job in the Corps? Let me tell you something, when it matters I put my life into something man. I checked, double checked, and chcked my work again to make sure it was accurate. I'm just saying that it's a forum and not a job interview or a job. So I correct the type-os and the spelling errors when I see them but I'm not proof reading a whole lot, yeah I do proof read before I post and I even edit, but if something gets through, it's not like it matters.

    If this was really a civil discussion then you wouldn't be picking out my errors would you, you'd concentrate on the topic at hand.

    So your "I'm better then you cause I spell well" attitude doesn't impress and certainly doesn't sound like the attitude of a life forged in NOT being an asshole.

  15. I think you just try to do this to new guys on the forums, but if you don't stop I will report you for being malicious. I'm a very laid back guy, but hiding behind a computer and talking down to me tics me off after while.

    As I explained earlier, I type well during the day but I misspell a lot at nigth because I am sleepy and I just don't care.

    I'm serious, if you can't just be adult like about this and allow me to chat with people without accusations then I'll see about having the guys at the web site to tell you to shut up.

    Sure I've said some things but I didn't start this and I will show that many times I have asked for an ending to this.

    As you can see in my profile, one of my loves is comedy, and I've been trying to be funny about this to difuse the situation, but that's just not working, so now I have to get serious about it. It's very unfortunate.

  16. I thought it was pretty funny, but anyways. Why don't you describe the simularities between me and others? Do you mean, that we both use keyboards to type or that we both captilize our letters at the beginning of each sentance... maybe the fact that we use puncuation might stir your suspicion. Oh your're good, you're really good. You should become a detective instead of working with telicomunications.

    Damn, you must read Nancy Drew all day. I'm scared now, you might figure me out, then I'll have to hide in shame of being the "Typing Doppleganger." That is what the papers will call me right?

    You need to get a life buddy, stop watching Murder She Wrote with a box of tissues and baby oil and take your conspiracy theories some where else. You are very wrong here and I don't think I deserve this treatment.

  17. "and in the field I usually get tasked as a storesman but often get other duties, such as driver or signaller or on rare occasions rifleman."

    Same thing here. When I went to the field before the war they would just make me a rifle men, then someone decided I needed more fire power and they issued me a SAW... a fricken SAW! lol

  18. "I insulted no one, an insult can only be taken."

    I feel insulted, but hey, it's cool, I understand. My mother beat me as a child too but I have learned to deal with it. All though my experience was not sexual, yours might have been and for that I am sorry and I offer you my friendship so that we may walk this path to recovery together.

  19. So you are in the Canadian Army? That's cool, how simular are you guys to the U.S. forces?

    Anyways, it is strange that you have no programs. Do you mean you do everything by hand? MIMMS was invented in the 70s and I'm suprised you guys don't have something like it.

    So do you guys have to look up NSNs in a huge book? Usually we just have to type it in and our computers find it. But that is a supply program and I not a MIMMS type thing.

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