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beginner's luck

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Posts posted by beginner's luck

  1. Not discrediting anyone. Discrediting would mean I said EDWIN 's info was inaccurate.Which I did not!

    My point was of all the examples of:

    Originally posted by EDWIN :

    Importance of good terrain and good strategy
    Edwin used the one that was just on TV the day before.I figured Edwin would use a WW2 battle to prove his point.Since from the posts I have seen from EDWIN he has an unique grasp of what did happen and the "what ifs" of WW2.I thought it a bit funny is all. And as JJ said himself ,some times TV isnt as accurate since they need to make it more for entertainment of the people than be totally honest.

    I know KUNIWORTH wants to stir up trouble but if me not believing in EVERY thing I see on TV is discrediting it and worth the scorn of KUNI than I will just have to live with that.

    BTW Have you guys noticed the increase in "junior members" and people with less than 100-200 posts ,posting lately. And having good things to add.I love!!!!! :D:D

    [ January 03, 2006, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: beginner's luck ]

  2. Awesome research of the facts of Iran and Finland. Thats one part of this forum I really like.

    But as far as SC goes, dont you think that an Axis player would use option #2 as a way to get around the "rules",as gamey as it would be.

    I know if I could attack russia without being worried about bringing the full russia war machine to strenght,I would do it. Maybe the beta testers of SC2 see it from another presceptive but I see it make Germany's job real easy.

  3. I think your option 2 might not be so good.

    1. Declare War on Russia (Finland joins Axis while Germany is drawn into an early war with Russia)

    2. Send Aid to Finland (Finland does not join Axis but can reinforce and purchase units at a cost in German MPPs)

    3. Ignore the attack on Finland (Finland does not join Axis and Germany can continue to prepare for war with Russia)

    IMO, all it would do is allow German player to purchase troops(in the name of finland) and start attacking Russia without giving the USSR the increase in MPP's(like they would have if German attacked them out right.). It would be to much of an advantage for the Germans.

    But I do like USSR being able to attack Finland per-german fight.Atleast that would be historical.

    [ December 29, 2005, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: beginner's luck ]

  4. Time and a couple of thousand posts right,Trapp?!! :rolleyes:

    JJ ,

    But weren't those "newbies" days special? Atleast one member knows what I'm talking about.

    So since the date of the release of SC2 is off limits to talk about.What does it mean to be part of the elite SC community? Knowing that MADMATT is the moderator(oh wait that is listed under his name and has nothing to do with how he spells it, just in case Comrade Trapp didnt see it)? Or is it just being on the forum for a while?

    [ December 28, 2005, 06:48 PM: Message edited by: beginner's luck ]

  5. Rambo,(sorry JJ I will keep your name out of it)

    This is bigger than who has the right answer now.It bigger than you ,me and even Kuniworth himself.Noone cares about the "right" answer now.

    They want the right "question" now!!!! They want to know why you are so excited about Kuniworth! What really is the deal? Is it an "I love the Allies" complex? I hear you set your mods so the Allies win every time. Did you give Kuniworth the answer so the "allies" could win here? The forum wants to know.

    opps almost forgot to add a :confused: :D;) to the post so JJR doesnt lose his sense of humor too.

  6. Glad to see Kuniworth come to his senses and enjoy himself some.

    But honestly folks, I sure you dont care but if you look back at this forum, any time a " newbie" even post anything half the " OLD Guard" jump on his case. Now some of the post are indeed crazy(Kaptain's)but so are aLOT of everyone elses.

    Giving the newbies(I dont consider myself one now I have 5 post under my belt) ;) **** is fun and all but remember everyone of you were there once.Comrade Trapp ,you have posted that picture before so please come up with new material.

    SC2 is a new game and unless you want to only play with each other than maybe welcome a few "newbies" to your ranks. If the only judge you are using is the number of post to define a person than you might be missing out on some good games.(not with me cause I suck thats why I need my post total to keep raising ;) )

    Enough world peace talk. Again glad Kuniworth can have some fun now. My job here is done. tongue.gif

    What do you want to talk about next!!????

  7. Sorry Kuniworth if you took a personal offense to my post. They were all in fun. I didnt know that you didnt have a lttle sense of humor in you. I mean when someone puts a tongue.gif or :D in his post,its suppose to be taken as a joke.

    I also want to say sorry to the whole Community for destroying your comradeship.Again my bad.

    Kuniworth, I didnt swear or call you names. All I said was you and JJ might be same person. Now you are right that I dont know JJ every well. But how is that a "Vicious attack"? Obviously you two arent the same person. So I thought it was as obvious that I was joking.

    Anyway, I thought JJ posted this thread to have a little fun before the release of SC2 and I was just going with it.

    Since every issue about SC2 has been discussed in great detailed(and yes I have read every post in the last 2 months to get up to speed)and I didnt want to come on here posting how long it was taking,ect. - so I joined in this little thread to pass the time.

    I guess I could have posted a possible change to SC2(before it even comes out) like Edwin.Thought this might be a "better" way to join this forum as an active member.

    So both JJ and Kuniworth please forgive me and maybe I will let you destory me in SC2 one day. tongue.gif:D:D (you see these Kuniworth-they mean i was joking and playing around)So relax some please.

    [ December 28, 2005, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: beginner's luck ]

  8. Either way Kuniworth reasoning/answer is incorrect.So given this new development JJ/KUNI what do you have to say.

    BTW So I am a " patethic chump " cause I dont agree with your answer Kuniworth. :eek: Or is it that I found out the connection between you and JJ Rambo? :confused:

    Amazingly others have stated a different solution or disagree with yours but they aren't chumps! So that leaves me to concluded that the real reason is the KUNI-JJ thing. Please dont get to upset about being found out. I'm sure it was going to come out anyway when SC2 came out. When JJ would lose to Kuniworth just so KUNI "looked" like he was a master.

    Sadly I have seen this many man times before when a new game came out. It makes my heart heavy knowing the stress of waiting for SC2 has driven someone to this extreme. Lets all try to help this poor soul and bring peace to his chaotic world. :Dtongue.gif

  9. I think this question was rigged so Kuniworth would win! :eek: How can he have the right answer? No where in the statement did it say he only traveled for one hour. So if Kuniworth would have assumed(you know what assuming makes both parties-_sses, ;) )a different time say 1.5 hours than he would have come up with a different answer totally.

    This is all just double talk(no offense Kuniworth)--

    "A(soldiers rate or speed) divided with A+1(+1 for the columns rate/hour)


    Meanwhile his distance will be 2*A/A+1

    so that means we have the following;

    1(1 hour) + square out of 2(back and forth) = 2.4142135623 etc etc"

    Cause how can you come up with this ****-

    A =Messegers rate(rate is defined correctly as Kuniworth stated - rate=distance/time ie 60 miles per hour is the rate of a car traveling.

    A +1 = columns rate(doesnt make sense that he figured there rate as "A+1" {distance/time/time}.That would be like saying 60 miles per hour per hour. Uhh doesnt work buddy.

    Then he states some great forumla- 2*A/A+1 to solve the distance(which was the question) but tries to solve for A but squaring 2,which he early said A was the rate of the soldier.

    So it is obvious that JJ rambo just posted this as a way to make Kuniworth "look" smarter than he really is. Do you guys even know if these two guys are the same person? :confused: tongue.gif Sounds like it to me. ;)

    ------Man, I NEED!!! SC2 to come out quick!!! So I dont have so much time to write in this forum!! :D ----------

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