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Everything posted by fej425

  1. Just wanted to say that I have also seen long runs of of both Manuvering and IMS cards. Very frustrating when you get on someone's tail in turn 2 and never get a single shooting card the rest of the way it's very frustrating. I love the new way of determining matchups. At first I had some doubts as I was a little outmatched the first couple games, but then I fought some guys weaker than me as well. Just a lot more variety, excellent. I still don't like the idea of AI kills being worth less. I played several games against a human opponent, and it will definately be my preferred method. That having been said, unfortunately most of my games will still be against AI for a couple reasons: 1) I get home from work at 1:30 am ET, not many folks online. 2) When I am on at reasonable hours on my days off, I won't invite someone to a game unless I am absolutely certain I can play it uninterrupted so as not to wreck their experience. This can be tricky with a wife and 2 year old. I love playing 'live' against other people, but it may not always be realistic to do so. I understand wanting to promote player vs player, but I think as a few more people try it out, it will promote itself as it is a blast!
  2. I just got the full version and don't have much time on it but thought I'd ring in with some thoughts on the changes. #1 Change sounds great #2 and #3 I don't know...to me it will be much more fun chasing XP to get a permanent skill, not much fun getting a skill as a one time award. Are you sure the problem isn't that there aren't many players with super pilots yet? Just thinking that as more players reach these upper levels, they will take each other out more often. I'm looking forward to chasing those guys on the same set of rules they used to get where they are. Also, from a role playing aspect, there is much more satisfaction in attaining a permanent skill. #4 Hate it. A kill is a kill, should be the same XP. #5 is an awesome idea, although it will make it harder for us new guys to catch up in XP to the leaders. None the less, it definately makes a ton of sense and is the way it should be, XP shared across the team as victory in battle is a team accomplishment.
  3. This might sound like a silly question but... Is there a way I double check to make sure the auto updates are being installed? I'm just getting started, so the 2 new planes aren't available to my pilots yet so I can't check there. Just want to make sure my firewall isn't blocking the updates or something. I don't get a confirmation window stating update successful or anything like that.
  4. You're not kidding, tornado. I came back after about 10 minutes and still nothing. Just sat there working on other things for awhile, didn't get an exact time on when the install window came up but I know it couldn't have been less than 20 minutes. I've had some take up to 5 minutes, but never longer so that was why I was getting punchy. Glad this thread was here, hopefully other new buyers will find it as well.
  5. Glad I searched here. I am having the same problem right now. Guess I will throw it in and go make some tea and have a smoke and check back. Hopefully that will do the trick. Stupid patience, who needs it anyway.
  6. fej425


    Thanks for the welcome, sixx. I definately can't wait to play some of the other campaigns, from the looks of things new ones come out fairly often at this stage as well, which is great. Most nights I'm not around to play until around midnight mountain time, so I'm sure that's why I haven't run into online games. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing a section where people posted games or something, I've been known to miss the obvious a time or two. BTW, I've already been through your site a few times over the past couple weeks, very nice. The squadron concept seems like a really cool aspect of the game, I'll probably be looking at them when I get some more experience under my belt. Otherwise all the other guys will just make me get them coffee, and with players spread around the country, who can afford the gas.
  7. fej425


    Thanks Strider, that's kind of what I figured. Not a big deal on the campaigns, just curious. I guess it would be a pretty big decision to risk a ladder pilot in a campaign anyhoo.
  8. fej425


    Well, just ordered my full version, hope it comes quick... Couple things I'm wondering about: From playing the demo, it looks like my online pilots were capped at 100 XP when I view them on the game, but when I view them on the website I see higher totals. Will I be able to keep these pilots and if so, will I get the rest of the XP back to buy skills with? Can you ever use your created pilots in a campaign or do you always use default pilots for that campaign? In the demo I always had the same bunch of guys for Dunkirk. Not sure if I was missing something about playing online, couldn't figure out how to play a live opponent. Do you guys generally just post a message in the lobby if you're looking for a game, otherwise assume everyone is playing bots? Thanks in advance, anxiously awaiting the game.
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