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Everything posted by Ninj

  1. I'm certain we'll be arriving at these forums soon enough. As it is, I believe that the "Better Late than Never" scenario is reaching an impasse for the moment. And I am very certain that when we reach "Breakout Now!" Stele will be very eager to avenge his crushing defeat at Waldam beach. That victory had to be one of the most staggering victories in our wargaming history thus far. And looking at the scenario list, it now appears I merely need to deny the Allies a complete series of triumphs. So I just need to keep up the pressure and prevent the Allies from a crucial victory, then the battle for the Continent will be decided in favor of the Axis. This would be a triumph long in coming. Yes, although I get my blows in, my counterpart is very good at what he does. Mainly because he has so much patience that I read books while he does his turns. I keep thinking that he just drags it out to make me rattled and make me want to throttle him. But that's okay. "Hell on Waldam Beach" is only the first series of blows to the Allied war machine. By the time this is over, Stele, his patience, and his men will be back in the sea... where it belongs! Seriously though, good scenarios. About the only weakpoint I can see is that I keep losing the battles in which paratroopers feature. But that's okay. I just need to win the big battles, and the paratroopers will surrender or die after the main forces are kicked off the Continent...
  2. My sincere compliments on a well played game, Stele. Believe me, you did have me biting my fingers for a quite a bit, especially when you knocked out the 88mm pillbox. And I will be doing my best to push you Allied dogs back into the sea! At the very least, my defeat with dealing with the 82nd have been avenged. Certainly I think what tipped the balance was your goof in having the artillery fall as HE instead of smoke. As the briefing for some other scenario says... The German 47th Infantry Division has done the Fatherland proud! And to the staff and creators of Sie Kommen!, I can only offer awed compliments on such a beautiful product that you people have put together. The Field Orders was especially a nice touch. I am certain that we will all enjoy your product as much as I am certain you people have enjoyed making them. -Ninj [ November 14, 2005, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: Ninj ]
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