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Everything posted by hgy

  1. Hello, first of all, I need a program to edit the gun penetration values of the game. I have been playing this CM series since the CMBO. However, I always had to stop playing them because of the bad arranged gun penetration values. and finally after I got and tried playing the CMAK two times, I decided to write this topic in the forums. I request a editor to change the gun penetration values. With these ridiculous values the game becomes "lets get the americans and kill some tigers".... I also read a lot in the forums and suprised that almost no one complain about these values. If those values had some reality I do not think that americans or UKs had to developpe more powerful tanks after sherman... Or if those values had some reality again, the Tiger or Panther tanks would never become so fearsome among american or english army soldiers. What are the sources(references) are used in the game? Did the makers examine the german sources as well? The allied side seemed extremely favored to me in every CM game. For exemple, that american 37mm gun, it is able to penetrate 88mm of armor in 100 meters.... this can not be and the german 50mmL60 gun is able to penetrate 106(maybe 108, I do not remember now) at 100 meters in the game. a 37mm gun's ammo is as long as a man's hand, but a 50 mm gun's ammo is as long as a man's arm in reality. So do you believe that a 37mm can compte with a 50mm gun in armor penetration case... I think it can not. But in CMAK, it does. And also the tungsten core ammos of every gun are made extremely powerful. that 50L60 gun has a 164mm penetration value at 100 meters with tungsten ammo!! So, if that gun's penetration values were so powerful with both normal and tungsten ammos, why germans abandon producing Pz3s? They might be a cheap match to Shermans with 89mm front armor. What are your thoughts?? I want a much more realistic game... the CM is one of the greatest games I have ever seen, but just because of this ridiculous armor penetrations, I could not play it, I could not stand playing unrealistic games. even you aggree or disaggree my thoughts, I still request a program to edit those values in order to make the game as I want, and again able to play it as I can like.
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