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Posts posted by Bugged

  1. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bugged:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    ...I warned against it at the time of course, my duties to the MBT demanded no less. But unfortunately I was overrulled and we were then saddled with the lesser lights of the likes of Abbot, Michael Emyrs and Grog Dorosh.

    And look what's happened ...

    My judgement in these matters has been proven correct time and again. Remember, a group that will take anybody is full of nobodies.


    It's sweet, though, that you think enough of Abbott, Michael Emrys and God Dorosh to mention them in your post here. That must make them worthy of something, no? </font>
  2. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    ...I warned against it at the time of course, my duties to the MBT demanded no less. But unfortunately I was overrulled and we were then saddled with the lesser lights of the likes of Abbot, Michael Emyrs and Grog Dorosh.

    And look what's happened ...

    My judgement in these matters has been proven correct time and again. Remember, a group that will take anybody is full of nobodies.


    It's sweet, though, that you think enough of Abbott, Michael Emrys and God Dorosh to mention them in your post here. That must make them worthy of something, no?
  3. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    And you hope that someday, before you die, you can bring everyone you love, or like, or even hope to redeem, to this place.

    Mmm-hmm. And what about those for whom you feel hatred or mere indifference?

    What music would you want to hear, there, on the granite shore of a dark lake, pines all around, and the wind kicking up?
    Totally sounds like a Pink Floyd night to me.
  4. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bugged:

    I'm pretty sure my oldest cat contemplates these things as he lies on my chest while I slowly wake on a Sunday morning. Then he swats my face for no apparent reason and jumps down before I can return the favour.

    Fair's fair. The next time I wake up lying on your chest on a Sunday morning... </font>
  5. Originally posted by Seanachai:


    I return. Now, did you miss me? Go ahead, lie and tell me 'No'.

    I don't know...what posture should I take with you all tonight? After 5 fecking years of posting here, I sometimes worry that I'm beginning to repeat myself. Have you come to know Seanachai? Has every spiky bit of my personality been trotted out for you to enjoy? Has every unswept corner of my soul been laid bare for you to mock? Have I become surplus to current requirements?

    Have I been made redundant?

    Frankly, I think that I am.

    Do I fade away? Do I disappear? I rather favour the 'That's it, I'm out of here, you're not going to have Seanachai to kick around any more' final posting that we've seen again and again over the years as long time posters close the door on their participation, if only because it's so droll.

    Its all so tangled, of course, because there's the simple participation of myself, Seanachai, as one of the long-standing 'jokes' of the Peng Challenge Thread; the pompous, pointless, hubristic and long-winded gnome, mocked by all, appreciated by no one.

    But there remains 'The Seanachai'; the satirical, embittered, angry Embracer of Hatred with a quasi-mythic quality.

    Well...six of one...

    Tonight, shall I address you paternalistically? Shall I simply ramble on and on in my incarnation as 'long winded gnome'? Shall I manifest as one of the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread? Shall I caper? Shall I brood? Is there any expectation I should fulfill, or disappoint? Aging roue? Arrogant progenitor? Maudlin old man? Bard? Zeus? Pan? Fool? Hairy Thunderer?

    I think...

    That you lot of fetid dingoes kidneys should be damn glad to have, as one of your ongoing mentor/sponsors, a miserable bastard who can take on any or all of those roles with almost lightening rapidity. And without batting an eye.

    You're lucky to have me...{snip}

    I'm pretty sure my oldest cat contemplates these things as he lies on my chest while I slowly wake on a Sunday morning. Then he swats my face for no apparent reason and jumps down before I can return the favour.

    Oh yeah, I know your type, Seanachai. Meow.

  6. Originally posted by Mace:

    Never best to irritate Berli, unless you want extended (ie eternal) free bed and board down where he manages.

    *points down to the ground*

    He does offer mate's rates however, and the torment and suffering is second to none.

    *looks down at the ground Mace is pointing at*

    A place of torment and suffering, eh? How long has Berli been managing Australia?

  7. Originally posted by juan_gigante:

    Well, I suppose that, as a loyal squire, I should finally take a shot at one of my squirely quests - one of which, you maybe remember, was to irritate Berli. I decided that nitpickery would be fairly irritating, so I decided to pick some nits. One nit, in particular. I loaded up a quick game of Beril's Stalingrad Pack level My City Of Ruins, the version from the Scenario Depot 1 dump. Germans, natch. In the briefing, I was told I would have "a platoon of early Panzer IVGs", whereas in game, I actually got (gasp!) two Panzer IV Fs and two Panzer IV F2s! The briefing either lied about the player's own starting force, or was in error. I humbly request an explanation.

    Or perhaps the misspelling of a simple name will be sufficient enough to irritate him.
  8. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    Speaking of cats, is it true that if you drop one off a ten story building it will still land on its feet? Anyone test that one out yet?


    Yes, it's true. Yes, it has been "tested".

    The poor things usually end up landing not only on their feet but also on their faces and bellies. Broken bones can be found everywhere in the body from their back feet right up to their faces. It's a sad sight.

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