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  1. http://files.crazyhouse.ru/patches.php?mode=show&param=12 *cough* *cough*´ Click on the top right on "en".
  2. www.simw.com I bought it from there too. Here is a direct link: http://www.simw.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=dsp_product_details&pid=1482
  3. My question about the Coop Map problem isn't answered yet, I'm still waiting for an answer guys!
  4. The demo sucks, that's true. But when you play the full game, you have a completely other game feeling. And if my Coop Maps will work probably it will just make more fun...
  5. Any information about when? </font>
  6. Moon, I have read all two files in the doc folder. I have then, made my own map but when I want try it out in coop, my map won't load? Where's the problem? The .ca and .pd files are in the correct folders. The .cd file is also in the correct main folder in sub folder called "coop01". :confused: The game loads always the coop mission "capture".
  7. http://www.hamachi.cc It's very easy... :cool: You only need to know which server name and or password, then you can connect to the user made hamachi server. Write his hamachi ip on a piece of paper, start your game, connect to the game with his hamachi ip and bingo, you can play with him via internet... [ August 06, 2005, 08:03 PM: Message edited by: Pvt.X ]
  8. I was host and the first play with my brother was real fun. I hadn't any stuttering. Only my brother had it a bit in the external view. In cockpit mode it was all okay he said. Testing will be going on. My created little server of hamachi is down at the moment (i must sleep) but tomorrow it will be online again. With my brother, I had four "joiners". :eek: But §$$!"$ :mad: my coop maps won't load...the game starts only the standard crap. :confused: [ August 06, 2005, 07:58 PM: Message edited by: Pvt.X ]
  9. Try this here: http://www.hamachi.cc With this program you can create a virtual LAN over the internet that allows to play with other players over the internet. I haven't use it yet. But an addon will come that allows internet play. I have started a test server (only for testing connectivity) Name: T-72 BoF Test Server Password: ready [ August 06, 2005, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: Pvt.X ]
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