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Posts posted by Freya

  1. Originally posted by gunnersman:

    Yea 2 mins is very very VERY unrealistic but it sucks when you are out of the fight too. Its a game! There has to be some give and take. At least they made the repair time adjustable.

    Exactly! And while I do value realism, I think there really is a limit. Going beyond that and a game just gets boring.
  2. Wobble, to answer your questions:

    1. It is possible to control the driver from the gunner position via keys. You can tell him to move forward, turn left or right or to stop. Usually this works pretty well for me.

    2. In the campaign, you have to content with malfuctioning equipment on default, but I think you can change that in the realism setting, so that you will always have everything working perfectly.

    3. In the full game, there doesn't seems to be any such missions as the Leo mission in the demo.

    4. I guess you just have to live with that. IMO it's not a showstopper.

  3. When I first played the demo I wasn't too impressed either. But playing the demo again and again I got sucked into the game because many things e.g. *feel* in BoF are just about right imo.

    As to the slow pace and scripted campaign, the original PE was just the same and I can remember that the pace of PE was perhaps even slower than BoF.

  4. On a scale of 0 - 100%, I would rate this game at 80%.

    It does indeed run a bit heavy fps-wise, but with some setting tweaking it runs okay with an acceptable level of eye-candy.

    This game certainly has some rough edges, but calling it an unfinished product or blaiming the developers to be lacking talent isn't exactly what I would call constructive critism (though I do symphatize with those who have technical problems like CTD's or lock-ups).

    Since it looks like this game will be getting good support(add-on and sequel already announced), I for once am optimistic that this game will get better over time.

    Just think about the Close Combat series(though not a tank sim): how lame the first game was and what a blast the second one turend out to be.

    T-72 certainly has the potential to be turned into a real great game(like better control system for friendly units, dynamic campaign, more epic battles etc.). With a sim market looking rather bleak, I really appreciate the efforts done by both the developers and Battlefront.com to step forward and taking the risk by offering us simmers something to play with.

    Just my two cents. smile.gif

  5. Never had that problem with that particular mission, because I always got blasted by one of the tanks. :D

    But seriously, I had the same experience with another *defensive* mission. It seems that one defensive missions, the enemy is not allowed to enter the perimeter of that postion (a village, base or just a simple "victory location"). Once they do and no defenders are left inside, possession changes to the attacker, resulting in a "Mission failed".

    May be the mission designer did put the victory location outside the village, as you said you were in the middle of the village.

  6. Hi guys,

    I have been playing this game since about a week. :cool: I have also started with the campaign but here's where my problem is: I have played through the first five missions, but except the very first mission I got clobbered every time. redface.gif It doesn't matter what I try, changing the route of approach, playing as the driver, gunner or TC, approach at a slow and cautious pace or try to rush through to surprise the enemy (doesn't seems to work) the result is always the same. This is becoming a bit frustrating. :( I wish the in-game briefing and manual would offer more information on this.

    What are your tacticts to win these missions?

    Otherwise T72 is a great game! Well done Battlefront.com! smile.gif

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