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Everything posted by Gunhawk

  1. Bartbert said: "The answer to your second question is that you are awarded points based on the value of the pilot that you shot down (or damaged). So if a 10-point pilot got shot down by a 5-point pilot, the lower value pilot would receive 10 points. If it were the other way around, the higher value pilot would only receive 5 points." My question: Which points? "Cumulative" or "available". Thanks Gunhawk
  2. Does it matter what level your pilot is? I thought all that mattered was how many "available" experience you have to spend, not how many "Cumulative" experience points you have. For instance, I have a pilot that has 97 "Cumulative" experience points that has half as many "available" experience points as my pilot with 77 "cumulative" experience points. The lower experience level pilot has *many* more options than the higher level pilot. So why is it good to have a pilot who's experience points have reached the cap? Can somebody explain this to me? Thanks Gunhawk
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