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Posts posted by Gimble

  1. Hello everybody, it's been a while. I wish i had time to get into this game but i can allways consider and dream about having :) Sorry for not reading all 1000 messages and therefore i might asking stupid question here.

    If i remember correctly Shock Force was real let down because of RTS and it's poor online implementation? Do i remember correctly that there even wasn't option for online play using turn based (WeGo) system on release. I had no problems with modern era, but RTS was just too much. I don't think i belongs to this series. I think that there are other games for that, for example SupCom etc. for those who want it.

    Anyways, one question: On release version of Battle for Normandy, will it be possible to play online 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 using turn based WeGo system?

  2. Originally posted by metalbrew:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sirocco:

    I couldn't get the AT teams to use their last Javelin's against the bunkers in the training campaign.

    I had the same thing happen. The ATGM teams quickly engaged the T54s without orders. The I manually targeted both bunkers. One bunker was fired at, the other wasn't. I couldn't compel my ATGM teams to fire on the second bunker. The M249 had no problems targeting the same bunker and there was a red icon above the bunker (unlike the dead first bunker and dead T54s). </font>
  3. I feel your pain, maybe in your situation i would just return the copy and claim full refund. After that just purchase the Battlefront version from their website. (That version doesn't have any buggy protection software if i understood correctly)

    I don't know if that will work in Canana for you, but at least in here in Finland we have a "customer protection" law that comes really handy in these kind of situations. Seller is allways responsible that product will work properly, and if if doesn't you can change the thing or get full refund.

    If thatone won't work for you, then maybe you could try to contact Battlefront people and make a really nice and good explanation about the situation (with pics of game etc.)

    They must be reasonable people, maybe they would let you download the Battlefront version for free?

    I hope you get it somehow solved, i got my copy yesterday and the game seems awesome. Maybe i should consider myself lucky because it is a Paradox version as well...and it works. *Knock on wood*

  4. Originally posted by Mord:

    You're welcome.

    We shall see soon...hopefully!


    Ok, so i assume it hasn't been released yet. Right?

    One more thing, where is the mod editor actually released? Is there some page i should follow or something? Or is the info here on these boards when it's released?

    I got the full version of game today and i'm a happy about it :D

    Of course really eager to play A LOT of it...but i can't...like i predicted the compass is a major problem to plasma TV:s. Just like Midways compass...

    After a played some demo and got hooked for few hours, there were HUGE shadow image of compass on the screen and it took many days to disappear...some of it is still is there :/

    I really hope there is something i could do about this or this is a total disaster, i will probably get really bad withdrawal symptoms of not playing the game :(

  5. Originally posted by Molloy:

    Currently there is no option for WEGO (turn based) multiplayer. It has been discussed much recently, a search would be beneficial if you want the details.

    I have used a lots of search and been reading threads, but still doesn't have any clue if turn based TCP/IP will be implemented later or not? And if yes, when? And if no, WHY!?

    It could be that i just suck at seaching ;) But could someone kindly help me to learn about this situation, i think turn based TCP/IP multiplayer is probably the most intresting part of CM games.

  6. Originally posted by Mord:

    He's right about the demo. Any BMP placed behind any building before the first turn starts, gets spotted and wasted in about 10 seconds. It's most likely a 1.02 thing. I haven't seen this yet playing 1.03...

    However, he's wrong about CMX1 simulating this perfectly because it had the same issue for a different reason...I can't count how many times I thought I had safety behind a building and was taken out...


    Yep, about CM1 i ment "very often" but forgot to write the often word...sometimes one word can make huge difference. I know stuff hapeen there as well...

    But the point here was the very negative "out of the box -feeling" when my FIRST EVER placed vehicle gets spotted and wasted really unrealistic way thru building.

    But if it's just a 1.02 issue, then maybe this is enought about that topic. I just hope that my full copy arrives soon smile.gif

  7. Originally posted by birdstrike:

    Could be alot of things going on here. Could be related to the LOS bug, could also be that the BMP was spotted by another unit which transmitted its position to another unit, or there could have been a unit inside the building you haven't seen which took a shot at you. The BMP has very limited FOV so it's easy there was someone nearby you didn't notice.

    The shot going through the building doesn't seem like a bug. AP rounds can easily penetrate buildings or other vehicles, and still kill you.

    Only explanation is that it was a huge bug or one of my men were an American Spy and he transmitted the cordinates somehow :D

    I mean, BMP:s were wasted immediately from american starting point, first one during first 5 seconds of turn 1 (turn based) And the otherone right after that.

    Is this kind of stuff likely to happen often also in full version? (1.03) The demo i'm playing is 1.02.

    And about that house beig shot...shooting thru building can happen, but i would expect some indication on that building that is was just shot. Even AP shell would probably mess up things, especially when we are talking about houses made of "mud" or whatever (****)

    I once got a card from my friend who was as an UN peace keeper in Kosovo. The card had pic of houses on it and he wrote that they were made of ****...i don't know if it was true or not? ;) Maybe it was? Sorry offtopic...

    [ September 12, 2007, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: Gimble ]

  8. Thanks for reply. I don't know about the action-spot concept, but i do know that the old concept worked perfectly and not very often had stuff like this happening.

    I hope this is not some "sacriface" because of RTS mode?

    But the short version must be that the game is buggy as hell. I hope you get it fixed soon? :(

    As a testing engineer i'm kind of suprised that this is at stored shelves with price tag then :confused:

  9. Forgive if this a noob question, i have not yet printed manual because i don't know if the full version (european) includes a printed one and it has not yet arrived smile.gif

    Anyway, i was playing demo again yesterday and this time with Syrians, i placed couple of my BMPs behind structures so that they wouldn't be spotted immediately....

    Well...they were spotted immediately and also shot immediately thru the structure? redface.gif

    I bet they were also identified too? How is this possible? The structures remained ok, which is another question? I didn't notice structures taking a hit at all. I haven't seen this kind of stuff happening in previous CM games :/ What is going on?

  10. I played the demo yesterday and i had to order full version immediately. I'm really glad thisone wasn't ruined with RTS mode like TOW was.

    But to the topic, like known plasma TVs don't like static image too much, especially reallyreally white stuff. New plasma TVs are usually fine with most games and will not care of some static images….at least if they are not totally white. I have a Samsung C96 50" Plasma and I've been playing with it fine for few months allready. It has 1360x768 resolution and games look awesome on it smile.gif But sometimes after long sessions you get some "shadow images" but those will allways disappear after wathing some TV after game session.

    The worst thing so far was the "compass" in Battlestation Midway game, it is as white as it can be. I played the las reallyreally nasty challenge mission on it and got really hooked. I couldn't stop ;) I finally got thru it but after session I noticed huge Shadow image of compass :( The shadow image stayed visible for as long as week and I really got concerned that time that will it disappear at all? Well it did…but i wouldn't mind to avoid that situation in future?

    And now…this game, we have the exactly same type of really white compass and it's doing the same thing and is raping my TV :( And I don't even need it while playing. The question is, that can I disable the compass somehow? Or change it's colour?

    Shadow images are not the same thing as screen burning, but it is kind of pre-stage of burning. If screen get burned it can't be fixed and TV is raped.

    PS. Does anybody know if the european version of game include a printed manual or will I have to print it from PDF?

  11. Hello all! I finally did something i was supposed to do for years, bought CM2.

    Now that i finally have this masterpiece i bumbed to problems with my both widescreen displays. At first it looked like some video display incompality issue, but then i figured it out with help of some support guy i mailed.

    So seems like the game is not supporting widescreen resolutions at all. Whatever wide resotuion your using on desktop, it will not offer that for use. (btw it actually offer the resolution with the same width) For exaple my projector native resolution is 1280x720 and i have that on use on desktiop. But when CM2 is started without pref file all i get is black screen. (it only offers 1280x960 etc and those can't be seen with my displays)

    Workaround for this situation to change the desktop resolution to for example 1024x768. I did that to get the game configure the and running. However, because of downscaling (768->720) it's not looking very good, and i loose major area of the display to black bars :(

    The queston is: Could this be changed? I think it should be at least considered?

    I'm sure ppl would like to enjoy this amazing game with their widescreen displays, projectors and LCD-TVs. Those are prety popular allready and majority of laptops today has a widescreen display.

    More and more ppl will switch to widescreen every day and CM-games will probably be played years from now. This amazing game would be even better if it would take all adventake of these new display types and would display pixel perfect on LCD-displays.

    This would not only be 'nice to have' feature. Actually this is a quite big problem for unexperienced users having wide display.

    With many displays all you can see now is the black screen...and you have figure out that you need to change desktop resolution from 16:9 -> 4:3 before you can see a thing. This is not mentioned anywhere on the manual or so. What do you think? I understand if it would be a major change to games engine and therefore impossible, but i thought this should be at leas discussed about. Tell me what you think! smile.gif Who else would like widescreen resolutions?

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