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Posts posted by Rodingo

  1. Yeh I think the RPGs are a little to accurate, at least when fighting against REDFOR. I skimmed over the one of the previous posters post and the article. The training of RPG gunners with a standing army is one thing, but having your standard Joe Hadji who is given a 10-40 year old weapon from his mother's sister's cousin's roommate is not going to be a crackshot. Much less using 10-40 year old ordance that has most likely been stored under less than favorable conditions. There is bound to be a high rate of duds and just flat out crazy flight paths resulting from that alone. Plus dont forget it's a true Soviet era weapon designed with quantity, not quality in mind.

  2. I agree that a REPLAY function for real-time would be great (after the battle is over). I have seen it done in other games. When it's done to where the whole battle is recorded, it's nice to sit back and watch the whole thing unfold without those pauses that you used to fine tune your units. And like someone else pointed out, so much happens, this will give the opportunity to see it all. Plus it serves as a good training tool so you can review on what works and what doesn't or if the battle was so rememberable you would like to watch it again later.

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