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Posts posted by Jester_159th

  1. Kill Lock On development? Are you kidding?

    The expansion is available. A major patch is nearing completion and the next project (Ka-50 attack chopper...as a 1.2 expansion to the original) is well under way. Doesn't seem dead to me.

    I've no experience of F4 (all the bugs etc put me off) but there's an updated version (F4-Allied Force) available. I've no idea how well supported it's been.

    The original point is no less valid, however. Piracy is definately having a major impact on developers, especially the samll independants.

  2. Originally posted by Diesel:

    Whatever. I have the right to know what I am paying for and if I'm not given that chance I'll make myself one.

    Not in a society governed by the rule of law you don't. In your own little fantasy world, maybe.

    If you want those options as I've said twice already: Buy a console.

    Seriously, it's a win-win situation. You get the right to return/ trade games you don't like (or that don't meet your standards); and the PC community loses an advocate of piracy.

  3. There's no flaw in my logic, Badger.

    I'm not the one trying to rationalise committing THEFT.

    It's because of people like you that honest gamers have to put up with things like Starforce.

    As I said earlier. If you aren't prepared to accept the possibility of hardware incompatabilites (bugs), and want to be able to either return or trade a game you don't like; get a console.

    If not stop making excuses for committing a crime...however minor you might feel that crime is.

  4. Diesel. Sorry, but if you really believe that you are very bady misguided.

    That's why you download a demo... or as far as cars go you arrange a test drive with a dealer. Someone that buys anything without doing some sort of research is just plain stupid....And whichever way you try and justify it THEFT is no way to do market research. There is NO excuse for it. Period.

    [ August 08, 2005, 05:40 AM: Message edited by: Jester_159th ]

  5. Originally posted by Badger343rd Fighter Regiment:

    pfft..I think your negelecting the fact that ALOT of us are sick and tired of being beta testers ...and spending money to do it.If you really think people are goin to just sit and take it...your dead wrong.If its crap...people ain't gonna buy it.if its a headache...people ain't gonna buy it.And one of the best ways to find that out, is to try the full meal deal.If it pans out..next time ya see it in the store,ya pick it up and add it to you "well made, no bull****" game collection.Just like many many people I know do.You have cut your own throats by releaseing unfinished and un-properly beta tested product.Who looses?...aint commin outta my pocket........had the developers taken alittle more time to sit back and actually look at what they were releasing,they would have seen the major flaws and coulda headed it off at the pass...and ya wouldn't be in this perdicament.I just pray to the gameing gods that SB2 developers take a good long look at this game and note what NOT to do.

    Like Hoggy said, with the number of different hardware combinations it's possible to put together there is NO WAY that any developer (even one the size of Ubi or EA) can test every single one of them. That's a fact of PC gaming. If you don't like it then go buy yourself a console.

    Secondly, your argument "rationalising" piracy is so twisted and idiotic that it doesn't even bear considering. Seriously...How many jerks that pirate a game will actually then go out and buy it? That's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard. So you think you might like to buy a Mercedes? Not sure? well then by your twisted logic the best thing to do would be go out, steal one and take it for a joyride. Sound stupid doesn't it? Well it's exactly the same as you just stated with regard to pirating PC games.

  6. Could be the crew experience is tied to your position and "score" on the standings page of the diary.

    I just got completely toasted by the T-55's in the arms dealer mission (after slaughtering the T-34's) and found my standing had dropped from 140 to 90, but even though I lost three crewmen mine is still rated as veterans.

  7. That looks very good, Kobra.

    Is that 1c's reworking of Wartime Command (a title they were doing for Codemasters before they were taken over and the project canned)?

    I certainly hope so. Wartime Command looked brilliant. With the extra time the forced delay will have given them to work on it, it could be extremely good.

    The one thing is, being an RTS type game, you won't get the personal control you get with this title. So if you're looking for a sim it might not be exactly what you want.

  8. I'm not apologising for anyone.

    I see your point about the magnification and turret movement with the mouse now. But I still disagree with you to some degree about the extent of it's importance to game overall at this time. You can get smooth turret movement using the keyboard instead of the mouse for example. I must say though, it would be nice to see improved joystick support (perhaps in a patch?).

    I was suprised myself how low the fps were compared to flight sims as well BTW. But IMHO for some reason the lower FPS don't appear as noticable in this sim as they do in a flight sim. And considering what you've said about hardware config comments, I hate to say this, but on my rig (P4 2.4gig CPU, 9800Pro 128MB, 1024MB RAM) I am getting higher FPS than that. I've no idea why that would be....And I won't insult your intelligence by making all the suggestions you've probably thought of yourself already.

    One thing I will suggest though was something I first heard on Lock On's forums: Turn the FPS meter OFF! Have a go at tweaking the settings in the sperate config utility till they look smooth to your eye. It might sound strange but give it a try.

    Lastly, I'm glad to hear you're sticking around. There's nothing better for any sim community than having people involved that have real world experience of the situation or field of expertise being modelled. Here's hoping that all your issues are resolved.

  9. Sorry, but I disagree with you on so many levels here.

    Firstly. The drivers.... Ok. Maybe they're old (I haven't checked) but they're probably the ones they used to test the software. So providing them isn't a particularly bad idea. No-one says you HAVE to install them.

    Secondly...Controlling the turret/tank etc. You're not so clear about what your problem is with the controls. Is it that joystick support isn't built in?

    If so why should the developers ASSUME that everyone who buys it will own a joystick or other type of controller? It's fair to assume with a flight sim that most people who buy it will own that type of equipment...afterall they're flight sim fans. But this is a tank sim. Everyone buying it will definately have a mouse and keyboard, but may not like flight sims (and so won't have that type of equipment). And how will using a different type of controller make it more "real?" You're sitting in front of a PC, it's never going to be "real".

    Thirdly.. I think that Steve's comment about unrealistic performance expectations on lower spec PC's was more than fair. It's also very true I've seen it in every forum of every sim I've ever bought. This shouldn't be an issue for you with your system specs though. Don't understand why this one's got you so riled.

    There are certainly things that need improving, but "workarounds are BS?" Don't think so. Workarounds are quick fixes that let folks use the software they've bought until a patch is released to fix what needs fixing.

    Also...The gunners reticule. Those that have magnification are adjustable via the keyboard or mouse-wheel. Not all of them have a magnification function...and as someone else pointed out in another thread, in some of the campaign missions certain features are deliberately "faulty." I don't know if the same applies to the single missions.

  10. As much as I'd like to help anyone with a Pink Floyd quote in their sig....I'm afraid that, IMHO, you are not going to be able to increase the graphics quality and get good frame rates with that graphics card.

    I'm running a P4 2.4 gig CPU, ATI 9800Pro and 1024MB RAM and have still had to turn some graphics settings down to get smooth graphics.

    I would suggest two things though. Firstly: Turn off the FPS counter! Tweak the graphics setting till they look smooth to your eye instead of trying to reach a certain figure.

    Secondly, I used to have an FX5600XT and was having terrible performance issues with it in Lock On. Eventually I tried some performance drivers by a guy called Omega. These helped a lot (even though I still had to overclock my card to get close to the performance I was looking for).

    If you want to try his drivers, here's a link to his web page

  11. Just out of interest, what's the speed of your CPU? Just saying P4 doesn't tell us much.

    As far as the frame rates go, I certainly get playable framerates, I have reduced a couple of settings slightly, but certainly not to minimum settings (P4 2.4gig CPU, ATI 9800Pro, 1024MB RAM, AC97 on board sound chip). It strikes me that if your framerates are that bad, you've got something wrong with your system configuration.

    I do agree with some of your other points. Giving orders to AI units via the map interface is very difficult for example, and yes the vehicle list could have been longer, but to be fair, what's the difference between blowing away a BMP-1 and blowing away an MTLB? Not much really. And I agree that a tank interior would have been "nice," but after playing the game for a few days, I'm not missing it as much as I thought I would.

    The one bad point I'm suprised you missed is the very poor driver AI. I mean, it can't even follow a roadway....

    On the good side. Personally I like the graphics. I just finished the 2nd campaign mission that takes place at sunset (or sunrise...whichever) and the lighting and shadows were as good or better than any other sim I've seen. The enemy AI generally seems pretty good. Certainly better than I expected.

    There are definately things that need tweaking in the gameplay, and a couple of issues (such as the freezing) that need fixing ASAP. But C- is IMHO a bit on the harsh side. As it stands I think it's a lot better than that, and has vast ammounts of potential to get better still.

  12. Originally posted by Gian:

    Mmm. somehow I really don;t think that those small extras would make such a big difference to frame rates at all

    Quite true, at current detail levels the couple of small items you mentioned specifically would make no difference at all.

    I was refering to your comment about 3D models in a tank sim not being as accurate as an aircraft in a flight sim.

  13. One thing you've got to remember about flight sims: Even the best looking flight sims have terrain that is VASTLY simplified compared to the terrain in any ground based sim.

    The more accurate you make the terrain, the less polys you can put into the models themselves. When you consider the number of polys used to make models such as the MiG-29 or Su-25 varants in LO-MAC, to use the same number of polys in a tank would mean your terrain would have to hardly more than a green surface over a basic mesh. From the air LO-MAC (IMHO) is the best looking flight sim out at present. But, if you have a copy of it, get down low and ask yourself if you would be prepared to accept that terrain in a ground based sim. I wouldn't.

    The bottom line is it's a trade off that's necessary due to the limitations of PC hardware.

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