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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by BlAin

  1. Originally posted by Diesel:

    It doesn't if combat ranges are 2km> and combat occurs at night. However if average engagement ranges are 500-1000 meters and it's daytime the odds are pretty equal.

    If you go read on one of Crazy House's page, they explain very well the western misconceptions behind the T-72.[/qb]

    I hope you're not referring to this

    article. Because if you are : :rolleyes: . That article is so full of inaccuracies and general ignorance of the author that it's almost funny. I rather believe my own experiences as T-72M1 gunner and the official US Army combat reports from the Gulf War than that piece of fairy tales.

  2. Originally posted by Don_Rostov:

    I preordered it, got it,and have tried to like it. Everything is turned way-down on the graphics, and still get really bad performance.

    Other games like Il-2 run just fine on my system. I think I've followed all the advice, but I think the game (not even remotely close to being a sim) is very flawed. Its even more frustrating when I'm running the recommended hardware. And yes developers, I do look at that before making a game purchase.

    Still no answer on the joystick axis issue, the map interface offers nothing, no better than 8 FPS on a barren map.Too many flaws to name, really. My game looks like SB1, but SB1 actually runs smooth.

    I want this title to succeed long-term, and that will only happen if its playable to most casual gamers with medium-end machines.

    My advice-don't buy until developers put out a good first patch.

    In the same reasoning as described by Don_Rostov, I looked at the pictures and screenshots posted for SB2 and I must say that I am not very impressed by the graphics; just the trees look better than those of T72: BOF. So, if this game is a "real" simulation, than they forgot a crucial aspect, you need a great graphic engine to be fully immersed in a tank sim, you can't rely on bland texturing and 3D design to feel like in a simulation like the old days of sub sims (or not so far away, even though it is still acceptable for modern warfare subsims like Dangerous Waters).

    So, expect the 2006/2007 release of the Israelo-Syrian war tank sim as a game that will surpass its peer (being T-72:BOF) and its competitors with its improved graphics, action, realism and immersiveness by a far margin, I have no doubt about it.

  3. Don't forget guys that Moon says what is best for the company he works for. A WWII tank sim is expected (amd believed) to earn better sales profit overall (especially as they do not have to care about the box) than a tank sim set in a remote region of the world with a discutable (at least for some of us, myself not included) array of tanks.

    However, this time around, I disagree with the tangent or Battlefront's line of thought regarding this particular market. Out of the numerous WWII simulations/games, a tank simulation would be drowned and eclipsed as so few have the time and money to play games of a same type simultaneously, we either buy and stick to one for some time rather than buy all the games of that type, e.g. WWII type. Furthermore, if I buy Silent Hunter III, I might now have the willingness to put my hands on another WWII simulation, why? because I need like many other gamers: variety. One would say, well one game is at sea and the other one is on/in land/air. It does not matter as in the end I am stuck with scenarios so repeatedly heard that my head hurts, aspects of tank/other vehicules warfare that has been so much decorticated that you know that you can't do anything if you come across a German Tiger with your poor Sherman. I want new stuff, ohhh, people say a T-72 does not stand a chance against a Merkava/ M1 Abrams... let's see it. If you go read on one of Crazy House's page, they explain very well the western misconceptions behind the T-72. Anyhow, my point was that Battlefront could put on the market an unique tank simulation experience that would please anyone in search of new thematics rather than have yet another WWII product dilluted by the presence of a great many WWII themes (and still incoming) out there.

  4. vskalex,

    I got the same thing from Gamershell, weird indeed. So I went to Filefront, downloaded it and tried installing it... and... right in the middle of the installation error message and computer frozen??? Rebooted, hoping it would work this time, same thing again, and rebooted once more. Did I tell you that my computer froze the three times that I tried to install it from Gamershell's file? And that a reboot ensued after. God, in one hour I rebooted 5 times with the reset button!

    I really need help... Thanks...

  5. Ouf, I was reading back my post and I made a lot of grammatical mistakes and typos, almost ugly.

    Anyhow, sorry, I said picture, but in fact I mislead myself with the picture on their website as they mentioned it previously that the M1 Abrams would be available in-game. I do not know in what form it will make its appearance though, so I would rather not speculate too much about it. I know for a fact though that the Israelis had air superiority and they must have made Syrian tank commanders sweat like never before under the sun with their aircraft arsenal. It must have been really hard in the urban warfare too for the T-72, their turret being clearly visible rubble/no rubble for enemy infantry/armor. The 2 pictures/ screenshots on Crazy House's website look darn sharp and keen; I GOT to BUY THAT GAME!

    As a side not, from the screenshots I saw from Balkans on Fire, I am a bit "disappointed" about the trees featured, they look stiff and their foliage is weird-looking, like if they were almost-toundra trees. I wonder if something will be done in the upcoming patch, because in my humble opinion trees are one of the most important aspect of tank warfare in that region, of course, only when you got some nearby. During Kosovo operations, Serbian tanks and artillery got less than 5% (if not 5%, less than 10% assured) of their losses due to air power (tomahawk, fighters, and helicopters alike), no wonder S. Hussein sent military advisors in Serbia to learn from they have done back there to be so "invisible" even with the latest technology fielded by the United States and NATO in Kosovo. So, unless ex-Yugoslavia only have pine trees looking like those in the game, I can't see how it is possible if you cross-concluded with what I have mentioned above about the tanks being hard to detect in bushes/forests.

  6. I thoroughly read about the ex-Yugoslavian capabilities (mainly those of Serbia) in the aircraft/helicopter "department" (pertinently from 1990 and 1995) and they had SA-341H Gazelle in a fair number, as well as "Partisan" helicopters (haven't yet been able to nail down a picture of the latter though) which are transport helicopters built in the region, hence being domestic as per say, so I wondered if those could be put in the game in your add-on/patch as no planes will make their appearance. Oddly, Yugoslavia had 400+ airplanes/fighters, maybe they did not want to use them, I really can't tell.

    My question is about the upcoming game based on the same graphic engine as T-72 but now set in Syria between 1980-1982. I went on their website and I saw a picture of a M1 Abrams, which is weird considering that the Abrams was build in 1980. I went on numerous websites trying to determine when did the Abrams made is first appearance onto the field, and none of them indicated that Abrams were fielded in Syria in the sirian conflict. Unless Israel received prototypes, but that would be speculations.

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