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Posts posted by snakeeyes

  1. Hey! The manual is wrong for the T-34 gunsight!

    Will someone PLEASE tell me how to engage targets with the sight??? The picture in the manual is wrong. In the game there are three columns of scales for different types of ammunition... in the manual there are only two and they are on the other side of the sight.

    [ July 11, 2005, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: snakeeyes ]

  2. Whoa! :eek:

    Serious video problems in one of the single missions! :eek:

    Meeting engagement mission frame rate maxes for me at 1.0! This is not good. :mad: I can’t get 4 minutes into it since time slows down so much. Are there too many objects in it?

    Here is my system.

    Pentium 4

    1 GIG RAM

    GeForce 5700 128sdram

    Soundblaster Audigy

    2x250 HD

    Win XP SP2, all updated

    1024x768x32@75 Desktop and games

    I SHOULD NOT be having this problem.


  3. Whoa! :eek:

    Serious video problems in one of the single missions! :eek:

    Meeting engagement mission frame rate maxes for me at 1.0! This is not good. :mad: I can’t get 4 minutes into it since time slows down so much. Are there too many objects in it?

    Here is my system.

    Pentium 4

    1 GIG RAM

    GeForce 5700 128sdram

    Soundblaster Audigy

    2x250 HD

    Win XP SP2, all updated

    1024x768x32@75 Desktop and games

    I SHOULD NOT be having this problem.


  4. I’m still tweaking my graphics options to get the best frame-rates balanced with good graphics quality. The best test for me is to see how high I can get the frame-rate when zoomed in to the max in the gunners site. I usually hold around 6.9 when zoomed in.

    I’m looking for players who find that perfect balance and what settings you use in the configurator.

    horizon set to 2000 meters

    grass shown at 70 meters

    advanced grass turned on

    extra dust turned off

    high quality trees turned on

    Pentium 4

    1 GIG RAM

    GeForce 5700 128sdram

    Soundblaster Audigy

    2x250 HD

    Win XP SP2, all updated

    1024x768x32@75 Desktop and games

  5. I completed the gunnery training!!

    I feel like such a badass now!

    The hardest part is nailing an Mi-8 with the Svir missile. Whew! Close call! As soon as you shoot the dust cloud really obscures the target. You gotta go on faith a bit.

    My frame rates are low. Often when zoomed in on a target I am around 7.5. I wish there was a way to speed it up a bit when in zoomed in mode. The other framerates are ok but the problem is that I often spend much of my time in the gunner's seat zoomed in. I need to keep tweeking it. See my separate post.

    The after action review is great and easy to do. The 3D panning and markers with vectors are awesome!


  6. GREAT!

    About the grass... I checked that the setting you mentioned was not set to zero as it would make sense... I had weird black splotches on the main menu too. No matter... after the reinstall all is well! I think another program in windows screwed up my graphics.

    I'll try your joystick tab as soon as I get my work done.

    You're one heck of a tech support!! Thanks for responding so fast!!!

    I'm bracing for a hurricane to strike the Atlanta area late tomorrow and early Monday... hoping to stay inside where its dry and blow stuff up.



  7. I have completed an initial "drivers course" mission so far. Graphics are great but you need to jocky around with your individual settings to get the frame rate the way you like it. Don't worry... they guys let you adjust EVERY graphics option of the game to asure good performance on your system.

    I have bad joystick problems right now. Read my latest topic post. I don't know how to fix the problems. I don't understand why my stick worked fine when I initially played the game then come back and its as if the game does not recognize it.

    Gunz... you'll love it! I have not fired a shot yet but its pretty damn realistic!

    The manual is short, sweet, and to the point. You can control more realistic functions than I ever thought you could.

    More to come shortly.

  8. hey guys.

    Installed the game... started her up no problem.

    I was amazed that my logictech wingman extreme joystick worked perfectly! I started doing the driver lesson mission.

    I exited and started fooling around with graphics settings. Needless to say.. I screwed something up because I got back into the game and there was no longer any grass in the world. No kidding... the ground was all black.

    Sooooo..... I uninstalled amd reinstalled.

    Got grass back.

    To my horror... the joystick did not work anymore. I exited and then did a full diagnostic on my joystick through windows and it was connected and being recognized fine.

    Started the game up again... still no joystick use.

    I uninstalled and reinstalled the game again. No joystick.

    I KNOW THAT IT WORKS with the game!! What did I do the first time when it DID work?!!! Help me out Moon!

  9. Originally posted by GunzAbeam:

    When you come out in the open, balls get busted ..that's the way it is. Apologizing is a sign of weakness ..no apologies.

    Chi town is a little crowded for me but would like to come up sometime to see that new u-boat display they just opened.



    Lower your steroid dose gunz.
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