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  1. The safe mode install worked like a charm. Thanks for your help!
  2. Can anyone assist? I recently picked up a copy of CMAK and when I try and install I get 'Error to execute file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted. Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified' I have tried copying the files to the hard drive and installing from there but no luck. Any assistance would be appreciated! Thanks.
  3. Hello all. I've been playing CMBB for a few months and thoroughly enjoying it. However, in the last month I've been getting an Unhandled Exception: c0000005 at addresses 0055dd0c, 0055dd00 and 0055b147. It generally occurs after playing 10 or 15 minutes of a scenario and occurs in all scenarios. When the error occurs CMBB ceases responding and the error message is displayed. The game must be shut down and rebooted. I've been through the forums and the troubleshooting section. I've reinstalled DirectX, video, audio, mouse, keyboard and monitor drivers. Updated the motherboard bios, checked temperatures and reinstalled CMBB. All with no luck. I'm getting desperate. I don't have any difficulties with any other games (3-d or otherwise) on this system, just CMBB. Does anyone have another suggestions?
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