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Posts posted by Amizaur

  1. About the "detailed armor hits" feature: would be nice, if hits from small arms were shown in white text, and hits from AT weapons shown with red text - or something like that.

    Sometimes a tank takes multiple hits from many weapons firing at it, every one is shown (for example hits from MG) and it's somewhat difficult to notice the more dangerous hits from heavier weapons.

  2. I would ask for arty spotters being able to target something they don't have a direct LOS to - if they DO have a LOS to a place near by. For example, I see a village, I would like to call a fire mission to the center of the village but I can't... a small building or a single tree blocks the spotter's LOS !! I would like to call a fire mission on the center of tree group, unfortunately I can only target the edge of it :(

    He could also just call a fire mission on a target point he DOES SEE. Then, after observing the first rounds and correcting the fire, there should be no problem to ADJUST the fire misssion 200m in any direction to new target point even if he DOES NOT see it, right ? So let me choose a fire mission to the place I have LOS to. Then let me ADJUST the fire mission for at least a 100-200m - it should not matter then, while adjusting, if I have or not the LOS to the new target point - I only ask the battery to shift the fire xxx meters east or north - I imagine the fire should be still quite accurate... Much more accurate than non-corrected fire.

    I think that if a real spotter had a LOS to some point of terrain, he WOULD BE able to see/localise arty rounds falling 30-50m from the point he does see. I mean explosions/smoke/flying dirt can be still observed/felt even if they happen behind a building or behind some trees, or just behind top of the hill.

    Spotting rounds should be considered as "observed" by spotter if they fall not more than some distance (50m?) from a point he is able to see (has LOS to).

    Come on, he does not have to see DIRECTLY the same 1 m^2 of the _dirt_ that the spotting round hits.

    What if the spotting round falls behing a wall, a fence ? Is it counted as "observed" or "not observed" currently in the game ?

    And about non-observed fire missions. Why can't I call an arty strike just on map coordinates, to the place I can't see ? In CMx1 those missions were possible, just much less accurate.

    What I understand is that the spotter has a map. He localises the needed real target point on the map and then calls a mission on that coordinates, right ? So why can't he call a fire mission based purely on map coordinates, when he doesn't see the target ?

    I want HE mission 200m just east of that village, that's all. It would be less accurate, than spotted fire, but should be possible...

    Hm, to summarise it:

    Let me to call fire missions to the place the spotter can see (like now), but if the fire is observed and accurate, then let me to ADJUST the mission even to a places the spotter does NOT see - if they are in proximity, let's say adjust anywhere in 100-200m radius.

    Or even only inside 50m radius ! Let me at least put a fire BEHIND a building, not only in front of it !! :(


    Just LET me call a fire mission to a point that the spotter can't see, if the place is not more than (for example) 50m from a point he CAN see. So calling arty mission possible for target points inside 50m radius circle from another observed point (with a LOS).


    Spotting rounds should be considered as "observed" when they fall in a proximity (50m?) from a point the spotter has LOS to.

  3. Expected Movement Path Information

    It's kind of frustrating to plot a movement only to discover that the actual path the unit takes is silly or worse suicidal. Even worse for the WEGO player, being unable to do anything about it for 60 seconds except scream "STOP!" at the monitor.

    I second that. It's very frustrating in WEGO games.

    The code that analyses the path and modifies it is already in the game - vehicles DO chose their own path if they can't cross something. But they do it in the action phase, when I can't do anything to correct them.

    Just make the same code to execute just after the path has been laid - BEFORE me hitting the GO! button...

    Let it analyse and modify the path and let me to see how the vehicle will go - just after I plotted. I can then check and choose another path.

    I'm absolutely ok to wait even few seconds for the path to be analysed. I believe I wouldn't even notice any delay for most simple paths, only maybe for those long and complicated ones - but this is worth it !!!

  4. The perfect synchronisation as is it now, should be possible only for Elite units, each step down from Elite should be less perfect in all actions - like target detection, time delay between target detection and target engage (now the turret starts to rotate at max speed the same milisecond as the commander detects the target, tanks act like terminators...), time spend on aiming ect...

  5. It's "Tigers day" scenario. Just for fun :).

    The Tiger is powerfull, but it's quite easy to get a critical gun or track damage after few hits from 75mm Shermans. Usually, playing WEGO and usually after entering the open fight (trying to get them 1:1) I can kill on average about 5 Shermans before Tiger is killed or useless. But it can happen after one Sherman just as well, sometimes ;) Once my Tiger was eliminated (gun damage) before it managed to make a single shot :). The gunner of the first Sherman was a little faster...

    I guess playing RT I would get better results, because I could micromanage the fight, maneuver, just emulate an "elite" crew ;) but in RT I can watch only one place at a time and can't rewind and see what happened elsewhere... So I would play RT (at least with humans, it would be fair then) IF i could still pause and review the action from the last minute. Well, I guess than if "rewind" was available in RT mode, we could all collect much more amazing screenshots, moments that are usually lost before you manage to hit the PAUSE in RT games :).

  6. A Marder hit from the front in Lower rear hull...



    And this was the killer (it's located on the other side of the map, way in front of the Marder, so it war really a front shot that hit rear lower armour)



    Some suprising night encounter, US squad and German armoured car bumps into each other at a boccage corner...



    And tank internals:



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