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Posts posted by Ardem

  1. Don't Change

    WEGO system

    PBEM - I know wishful thinking but us Aussies its hard to find people in our timezone.

    Your dedication to realism


    Need a Campaign Experience addition, or even a two verus two campaign experience.

    Operation editor much more involved, which would included reinforcement entry at varying times, more deloyment areas.

    Smoke an AT gun then using area fire on the AT gun which has a fair bit of accuracy to knock it out, this option must be more realistic. Either smoke not as accurate as shells or Area fire not as accurate when firing at smoke.

    Spotting of AT teams a lot harder, at the moment I think it very easy to spot two people, whereas even in brush they could be hiding in a ditch.

    More terrain features, such as Anti Tank Ditches, fortified positions like bunkers that squads can enter, creeks just more and more hahah

  2. Personally i think the current casuality rate is extremely high, not because of the modeling but how we push out troops to absolute oblivion to win the map with no concept of after effects.

    So already with this high value, you could argue that some the causalities are infact deserters or malingers.

    If we reallt considered our troops as real people I don't think we would make some the decision we make in CM to win a match.

  3. Originally posted by JasonC:

    So if I have to advise one thing, it is have a narrower plan, be a bit more patient, focus more on that overall plan and less on the tactics used in each spot. It is a lot easier to pry apart one position with most of your force to call on to do whatever tactical mission needs doing, than three of them side by side with a third as much in each spot.

    From a historical perpective compared to a CM perspective a narrowed attack is that more desireable?

    I see a lot of CM games won via CM tactics which don't always fit with historical tactics, for instance the typical CM tactic to load all your troops on a map edge and sweep up the outside of it then when reaching the rear pressuring the flank.

    NO Map edge in real life, so I am just curious when you narrow the attack in real life how many troops are you able to narrow into a pentrating attack without hindering your own advance?

    BTW Really nice AAR, but do agree a map picture would be helpful.

  4. I to am a fan of expanding the roles of strategy gaming. Perhaps we are getting more greedy as time goes on, although the total war series is not ideal as far as realism. I do believe they are going down the correct path, when they are combining operational and strategy battles together.

    They are giving us a story, a role and experience of a generation of warfare not one off battles.

    People are not just satified in having another good strategy game with new features. Destructable ground or some other new feature they are wanting a story behind it, a feeling of immersion into the game itself.

    If gamers were happy to play strategy games in their pure form we woul dbe just as happen to play SSI Wargame construction set. A great game but no feeling of immersion, when the graphics get real enough as I feel they are getting, then what is next to swing a gamer.

    Total Immmersion in a story line (random not scripted) that create you as the Leader, General, Company Commander and the foot soldier.

    Game designers like total war are heading down that path and as the years progress and their game play become better and thier operational stories become more enhanced, they will be the true winners of strategy gaming.

    People who put pretty graphics and gimmicky features will be like the SSI simulations of the new world of strategy.

    Games are not just interested in the battles they also want the immersion, the story.

  5. Stuka, I heard that joke an age ago and it was just around the other way, I wish you guys were not 4 steps behind us, your like our hilly billy cousins nobody wishes to invite for dinner.

    If you read history correctly we been trying to seperate QLDers from the the rest of Australia forever.

    If you remember rightly, before Queensland was named 'Queensland' it was New South Wales, after sending all the undesireable out of Sydney we decided to create a border to segregate the undesireables to the North.

    If you look at World War 2 we were preparing a stopping line on the edge of New South Wales, to stop the Japs, actually we were trying to give it away.

    New South Wales is God own land and Qld is just our pissing pool.

  6. I got a feeling I will have to change my name for the new version on CMx2 to IwilzOWnzYoos

    Cause the more it shaping up that is the type of people in the 'Silent majority' it going appeal to. No I am not being negative and still got the wait and see approach but so far looking in the post above, people that are asking for rail guns and fast action are people that just stopped off the CS bus.

    As for the 'silent majority' they don't care about CM or the series, they take every game on a game by game basis and reviews online, how glossy the box is in the shelves and friends that are into that style of game.

    I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for some more original CM members saying I got this great game have a look at it.

    Difference with the Total War series and CM is over the years the little fights have been about features added, the total war series has only ever increased the scope not decreased. Just look at the campaign stuff for Rome Total War compared to Shogun, leaps and bounds more enhancements.

    CS has got its kids to entertain, Total War has it kids to entertain, with the CM product it always a totally different age group on average (maybe not on the forums) if you aim more for the kids and try and make it glossy with enough scope for kids that who will purchase it, you aim it for adults with depth and medium scope they will get it.

    In the end we are already the winners if we don't like the scope we still have CMx1 and probably still be playing it for another 5 years until someone does it.

    CMx2 will probably be treated like all the other games out there by other makers that haven't swayed the CMx1 community from going there, perhaps CMx1 is the perfect mix that not even BFC can even match in a new style of game.

    BFC is taking the gamble that it will sway its own loyal fans and the silent majority to a totally new expereince good luck to them cause I think its not going to be easy.

    Talking with the gaming group of guys that play CMBB and CMAK who don't post on BFC have exactly the same concerns that is being posted above, with a mixture of apprehesion and cross ones fingers. The Silent Majority steve talks about is all the people that haven't got CMx1 cause he just has to go to the different CM forums and he would notice several links to this exact thread, this is his customer base.

    [ June 08, 2005, 05:11 PM: Message edited by: Ardem ]

  7. I got a feeling I will have to change my name for the new version on CMx2 to IwilzOWnzYoos

    Cause the more it shaping up that is the type of people in the 'Silent majority' it going appeal to. No I am not being negative and still got the wait and see approach but so far looking in the post above, people that are asking for rail guns and fast action are people that just stopped off the CS bus.

    As for the 'silent majority' they don't care about CM or the series, they take every game on a game by game basis and reviews online, how glossy the box is in the shelves and friends that are into that style of game.

    I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for some more original CM members saying I got this great game have a look at it.

    Difference with the Total War series and CM is over the years the little fights have been about features added, the total war series has only ever increased the scope not decreased. Just look at the campaign stuff for Rome Total War compared to Shogun, leaps and bounds more enhancements.

    CS has got its kids to entertain, Total War has it kids to entertain, with the CM product it always a totally different age group on average (maybe not on the forums) if you aim more for the kids and try and make it glossy with enough scope for kids that who will purchase it, you aim it for adults with depth and medium scope they will get it.

    In the end we are already the winners if we don't like the scope we still have CMx1 and probably still be playing it for another 5 years until someone does it.

    CMx2 will probably be treated like all the other games out there by other makers that haven't swayed the CMx1 community from going there, perhaps CMx1 is the perfect mix that not even BFC can even match in a new style of game.

    BFC is taking the gamble that it will sway its own loyal fans and the silent majority to a totally new expereince good luck to them cause I think its not going to be easy.

    Talking with the gaming group of guys that play CMBB and CMAK who don't post on BFC have exactly the same concerns that is being posted above, with a mixture of apprehesion and cross ones fingers. The Silent Majority steve talks about is all the people that haven't got CMx1 cause he just has to go to the different CM forums and he would notice several links to this exact thread, this is his customer base.

    [ June 08, 2005, 05:11 PM: Message edited by: Ardem ]

  8. Hate to break it to you but the Papua New Guinea part of the war was a much bigger contest then the solomon islands part.

    But I think the biggest land battles were in the Phillipines. So I would assume being a American focus company it start off with the phillipines.

    But my bet is on D-Day, showing off landing craft, cliffs and paratrooper drops.

  9. I can see the scenario developers subtext of CMx2 now.

    Montys Revenge

    Monty successfully takes Arnhem bridge heads straight for the head of Germany, unfortunately so are the ruskies.

    You will need CMx2:Normandy Invasion with modules CMx2:Battle of Bulge, CMx2:German Rare and Finest, CMx2:Commonwealth 1944-45, CMx2:Soviets on the Rampage and finally CMx2:The Reich Experiment Lobsters Reborned to play this scenario.

    If you don't have all modules I am sorry please choose another scenario or buy the missing modules. Its a good laugh and well worth downloading.

  10. I can see the scenario developers subtext of CMx2 now.

    Montys Revenge

    Monty successfully takes Arnhem bridge heads straight for the head of Germany, unfortunately so are the ruskies.

    You will need CMx2:Normandy Invasion with modules CMx2:Battle of Bulge, CMx2:German Rare and Finest, CMx2:Commonwealth 1944-45, CMx2:Soviets on the Rampage and finally CMx2:The Reich Experiment Lobsters Reborned to play this scenario.

    If you don't have all modules I am sorry please choose another scenario or buy the missing modules. Its a good laugh and well worth downloading.

  11. Well just looking at the unoffical top 5 it looks like I may get one or two, and they will probably be worse selling then a Italian module.

    Ancient why both the Total War series has got a monopoly, and Rome Total War while wasn't fantastic but was still very good.

    Dragonshard made by D@D with the account there will revolutionise Fantasy gaming

    Space stuff, Zero interest of future battles.

    Space SciFi RTS/strategy have not done well with the exception of starcraft.

    US Civil war, quite frankly not being american, and am tired of american only strategies and the civil war would have only a majority appeal to only americans.

    Coming from a personal view point I think each of these games maybe a risky business decision regardless of quality of gameplay.

    I think your only real seller will be the World War 2 CMx2. Hope I am wrong for your sakes.

  12. hahaha more CD drives to install.

    Problem is steve the people on this forum are teh Hardcore, if your looking for the non hardcore better start posting on Age of Empires website heheheh.

    If you think we whine you should take a look at those forums, I would be grateful if I were you hahahhaa.

    Well it time to sit back wait and see I reckon, then when it come out trying what we can use and abuse what we can for meta-gaming. I wonder if any of the BFC guys ever played any meta-campaigns

  13. I lose when I play players who know all the game limitations, know if place the HMG 19m metres in woods he can't be spotted, if you run two tanks around together at the hip your likely to get more damage. If you smoke a person, you can then use area fire to finish them off. Borg spotting

    Players that only pick units that will win, Paratrooper infantry supported by Stugs not based on the typical battlefied makeup.

    Or use of the limitations of maps, edges, flag runs and other CM tactics.

    I been beaten on players that have out thought me as well in where I thought they would head but didn't, but majority I get trounced by CM game players, not tacticians.

  14. My only issue with smoke it is too vertical in the game, it doesn't create a cloud it creates a vertical stream of smoke and allows the attack then to supress right next to where they layed the smoke, and doesn't allow the defender to do anything except pray they don't get hit.

    It really is just a game engine exploit and not a realistic model for smoke behaviour.

    A smoke cloud should stop area fire atleast 10 metres away from the inital point of impact. Or if they fire it behind the target allow a sliding scale of visibility out of the smoke higher then the scale into the smoke. This is realistic. Best example I can give you on smoke grenades is in the new CSS smoke grenades, a person in the cloud on the edge has a far better chance spotting people outside the cloud looking in.

  15. hahaha you only need 5 vehicles to play CMAK anyway 1 M10, 1 Firefly, 1 Stug and 1 Panther, 1 Tiger, that cover 90% of quick battles.


    Bring back the PIV in it glory!!!!!

    hahah thanks for all that steve, I now can get some nice dreams in before CMx2.

    I would happily pay a subscription that would give me two - four new models a month. Reminds me a bit like Neverwinter Nights and the add ons (expansion packs) with each new addon you were given new units and terrain features that you could combine all together in you scenario editing.

  16. Steve did mention the scenario editing will be increase, but scenario editing can be very different from a map editor.

    You may only get a selection of maps as far as terrain but features, but you might get to put overlays on it buildings and hedges and fences.

    Many 3D games have gone down this path, I am hoping CMx2 come with a true terrain editor.

    I am extremely happy if they model only 50 units of a particular operation with greater amounts of terrain details, as I said I can fill in the imagination part, but can't live without a map/terrain editor hahahah.

    I would calm down on some of the ultimatium above (or appear like ultimatiums), we should give BFC the respect it deserves, I think to voice and express concerns or ideas what we would like is valid, but then judge when the game comes out, whether it be a suitable purchase for you needs.

    PS The aussie voice sound like a QLDers ( not australians different country) with a peg on his nose. I knew they were aussie voices but serious does anyone of us talk like that.

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