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Posts posted by Dennis50

  1. Moon,

    In the single missions and campaigns does the AI always start with 100% scout ability, 100% gunner ability ..if it does, wouldn't it be better if it were a random thing. It seems like the AI enemy is always expert everything and the human player is not. Maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way ..just seems that's the way it goes.



  2. So give it a focking break man ...give em some time to work out what everybody is disappointed about and get a plan of attack together and make it better ..ok ? What in the fock is you people's focking problem ..did your focking world collapse over a focking game ????

    Jesus focking christ ..get a life already.

    My Bestest Regards,

    Gunz :D

  3. Originally posted by Starlight:

    I am right in thinking that once you have hit "enter" and locked onto a unit for viewing, you cannot then free view pan/tilt from that unit as it moves - as you can in CM?

    Yes you can ..click and hold middle button and pan around ..hit enter again and your free from that unit.

    Something else I don't recall anyone mentioning is that while your looking out over the battlefield and you see an enemy tank or gun or soldier pop into view ..just double click on the little red icon and your camera zooms across the battfield and your up close to check him out. What has me baffled is that you can not double click and jump over to one your guys. Don't know if that is an oversight or what but it sure would be nifty to be able to jump around on your own guys by double clicking. :confused:



  4. Originally posted by pwncake:

    Nice reading tnx but i dont get tip 10

    I cant seem to move any soldiers or tanks during setup how can i place them as you said???

    or can i but pls tell me how didnt find it in the manual.

    arguing on the internet is like winning the paralympics: no matter if you win, you are still a retard

    If I understand what your asking ..you click on and hold with left mouse button and drag to a location.



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