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Posts posted by Askovdk

  1. I too was having problems with the computer appearently drawing way to many cards as discussed in:

    Extra Card discussion

    So I took screen shots of the dogfight preview page to compare with the action log.



    So each have 2 draw extra cards.

    Later in this fight I wanted to check their skills again, and found this:


    ! So it seems, that the server changes the preview screen, so any multiplyer is lost!

    At this time both enemies had used 2 Draw extra cards, so it is not an update on the current useable skills either.

    So my conclusion is, that you currently can't trust the preview screen, but that the computer doesn't cheat.

    Happy dogfight everyone

  2. Among other qualities I really like the level of management. The NOT 1-1 representation of soldiers but the abstract squads removes a lot of micro management. This gives a way of playing as good as possible without spending hours moving individuals to the best possible positions.

    (Others might disagree, - please don't hijack this thread.) smile.gif

  3. (Wicky)

    Apart from blowing the buildings to rubble, the answer is no

    Yes, and remember that you can't move from heavy building rubbles to a heavy building. I lost a cityfight partly because of this, so to check the rules I just ran a little test.


    (Preparing the test site)


    Move orders through the rubbles.



    You can move from rubbles to rubbles without problems, but you can't move from building rubbles to a heavy building. In CMBB I have often moved from rubbles to buildings, but then the rubbles must have been 'real' rubbles from the map editor, and not collapsed buildings.

    When needed you can always check a boundary by placing a move order on it, - as shown in the example.

  4. I did a little testing for a PBEM game.

    I wanted to check the possibilities for detonating Daisy chain mines, so 20 volunteers were selected for the following setup:


    Ten were given FAST, the other 10 were given MOVE across 5 layers of Daisy Chain.

    The results:


    ~80% with FAST were hit, ~100% with HUNT were hit, but only ~20% with MOVE were hit.

    I retried the setup with hidden 'real' AT-mines:


    I this case all tanks were hit regardless of orders.


    (Another strange thing is, that mines seems to count as casulties even after my 'surrender', the 1200 points are exactly the price for 100 ATmines)

    I wont test this any deeper, but is SEEMS, that if forces to cross Daisy Chains you have a quite good change with the MOVE command.

    (The tests were made in CMBB.)

  5. Hi all

    This is my pet battle based on the unserious boardgame JUNTA by West End Games.

    I would like somebody to test it in two player mode. It is quite large but should be funny to play, as it contain an ahistorical mix of units.

    For those that don't know the boardgame it is about a military coup in a Latin American Republic.

    'Viva la revouletione' JUNTA

    (If the link doesn't work you can drop me an email)

    Anders Skov

  6. I have had the luck to follow the discussions in this forum as most tactics, strengths and flaws has been discussed. For the newbies (yes, they seem to keep comming) the amount of information to aquire must seem impossible, so how about organizing a tutor-corps?

    I nowhere near a perfect player myself, but I know most of the thoery of the game today (and what happen to theory when it is hit by reality), and I wouldn't mind helping newcommers across the first problems.

    So what I have in mind is two ideas:

    1) The newbie starts a game vs the computer and plot orders, saves the game and email it to his/hers tutor. The tutor can then comment and/or chance orders, saves the game and mails it back to the newbie. The newbie can now decide what to keep and change, executes the turn, plots new orders and mail it back to the tutor etc.

    2) The same as above, but happening in a forum (MZO would be my choice) with screenshots and ideas from third parties, but where the official tutor has the obligation to answer fast. This way the newbie exposes 'beginners errors', and that way help the experienced players to focus on those.

    I know that you can learn a lot by doing PBEM against friendly players, but I could be worth a try to play on the same side against the computer.

    There might be a problem with the inability for the tutor to watch the turns, but this could still be interesting to try.

    I volunteer for being tutor; - but only for one 'apprentice' since I'm playing 3 PBEM already.

  7. The first couple of month I had the same feeling of frustration, but because this game seemed (and is) excellent but very difficult at first. Loving Games Workshop Tabletop wargaming CM was just what I wanted, but compared to other computer games, this game is not made to make the player feel good and entertained, but to test your 100% from the beginning.

    Yes, I admit. 2 years ago I couldn't beat the AI unless I was defending at 'cementary hill', but then I started reading posts at these Forums. Today I have ~500 mB saved treads on my hard disk (like an offline 'Anthology of Useful Posts II' from the 'Tips and Tricks' forum.) and I can fully enjoy the complexity of this game.

    So read and study as much as possible (I can also recommend MZO), this game is worth it.

    Hm; - you just gave me an idea of 'tutoring' CM, that I'll post in the 'Tips and Tricks'.

  8. From the FAQ

    Q: Will CMC have a "replay" feature?

    A: Yes it will. You will be able to review what happened for all past turns at any time.This gives each commander the ability to review the historical progress of the game, including an ever improving operational view of 'what really happened'.

    I almost don't dare asking if my greatest wish is comming true, but anyway:

    Does this 'all past turns' reflect the operational turns between battles at a CMC level, or does it include the long wanted replay of the tactical battle turns! :eek: smile.gif

  9. 1: Does anyone have good leads on how to use the platoons under own command? I just finished the 'Cementary' mission in the campaign yesterday, but really didn't use the platoon.

    After having taking out the enemy soldiers my self, I ordered the platoon to hold the cementary while I went for the spotters, - but this isn't really combined arms.

    Anyway, - on my way back I found an enemy tank upside down. It was properly meant as an ambush, and I'm afraid, that its sorry condition was more due to poor AI driving skills than my foot soldiers. :)

    2: AP or HEAT. When I play the gunner I start with AP, and when the enemy have stopped I switch to HEAT to kill the enemy, - this seems to work fine. Any comments?

    3: In the demo I was quite surprised how effective AP-rounds was against the helicopter. At first I found this unrealistic, but then again, if the target computer can hit a moving tank from two reference points, why not a slow moving helicopter? Is it actually realistic?

    (And no, these questions are not JUST to get a discussion going here at the T72-forum. :)

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