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Posts posted by HomerDog

  1. Moving a ground unit into hex bordered by multiple enemy units is supposed to cost two movement points instead of one. However, in the case where two enemy units border a hex and there is a third unit nearby--yet hidden by the fog of war--the game counts that hex as a single movement point. See the attached screenshot for an example (if I have done it correctly).

    This seems like an error not just because it lets the unit move farther than it should, but also because it tips the player off that there is another enemy unit nearby.


  2. Midway through a turn, I tried to move a battleship, which was somewhere in the middle of the map. I held down the control key, moved the mouse to the left edge of the screen to scroll to the western edge of the scenario map, clicked a hex, and then moved the mouse to the top of the screen to scroll north (still holding the control key). When the screen started to scroll north, I got this message.

    Header: draw_unit_controlled_path_to_buffer*

    Body: DIRECTX FAILED: dderr_invalidrect

    I reloaded the game and repeated the same behaviour twice, and both times got the same error. Screenshot is attached (if I did it right).



  3. Looking for a Spanish Civil War PBEM opponent for SC WaW 1.06. I want to play the Republican side against an opponent of moderate or better strength, preferably someone with some experience with this mod. I am good for about four turns per week. Anyone interested?

  4. Thanks for bearing with me N0kn0k. OK, I checked out the scripts, and I can guess how they work: on August 31, 1945, and May 7th, 1947, the script runs, and if a particular option is turned on, then it checks for that condition. If it is met, the victory is instantly awarded.


    1. Am I right so far?

    2. If any turned-on condition is met BEFORE the specified date, it has no impact, right?

    3. The manual states:

    "Axis Major Victory – A victory event. Axis wins a major victory after September 3,1939, if Axis controls Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London and Moscow."

    I don't see an event on the list that matches this with the 1939 date--defaulted or not. Is the manual out of date?

    Thanks again for your patience!

  5. Thanks guys. I just finished bidding for my second game (vs. Hansstory). Before the bidding, I had decided to stop at 150, but he took me right to 150 and then HE stopped (so I have the Axis and he has 150x1:5:20). I guess this will be a test of whether I am still in the beginner stage.

  6. I just finished my first SCPBEM ladder game, before which my opponent and I settled on a bid of 104 using the 1:5:20 system. We used blind bidding: my opponent sent me a password-protected zip file with his bid, and only after I sent him my bid did he tell me the zip file password.

    Is this standard? Or are there normally multiple bids, where the bidding stops only when one player decides not to go any higher?


  7. 1. Is an air attack vs an army or corps in a city a soft attack or a strategic attack? In other words, does a fighter or a bomber better do better damage?

    2. I like to get a bomber as the Axis to hit Allied naval units and reduce entrenchment in the east. My Axis opponents never get bombers--am I making a mistake to get one per game?


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