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About liberty_shark

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. alright... the solid colors and 1/4 texture size was DEFINITELY a bad idea. are the graphical detail settings adjustable in the full version?
  2. i even turned it down to 640x480, and there's still considerable lag... im considering taking all the terrrain bmps and turning them into solid color images of 1/4 the size.
  3. i took interest in CMBO a while back but never got around to purchasing it, or even playing the demo. Recently i picked up the demo, and now im considering investing in the full version. The only problem is a minor one; the framerate, though generally relatively smooth gets pretty clunkly when i've got say, 3 tanks and 10 infantrymen on the screen. i tried adjusting the number of trees, changed the horizon to 1000, turned off smoke, lowered the squads to 2 men, and all that stuff, but the framerate continues to clunk about given enough units. does the full version of CMBO allow for polygon scaling or reduction in texture quality to improve the framerate? Incidentally, im using a Celeron 633, 192mb ram, ati radeon 7500 64mb pci. (oh, and i already tried that whole z-mask, z-buffer thing, but got no increase). so if anyone has any info on the full version's capabilities, or just some tricks to sqeeze some juice outta my system help me out.
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