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Everything posted by cj95

  1. Greetings and Salutations. I am especially enjoying CM almost to the exclusion of all my old Wargames, and want to thank the producers for this awesome product. I have only a general question that I wonder if you experts out there can help me with. I am wondering exactly how much area, or 'frontage' one would typically assign a given unit size. ie. How long a line of advance should I assign a Battalion, or a Company? How about Defence? How much front-line would you string a Battalion or Company along? How about a Division? Now I do realize that the above answer will vary greatly depending on terrain and situation, but Im just looking for some general figures to help me picture thing better in my mind. For example when I read in my history books that " The Germans advanced with the 3rd Division" or that "The Russians strung out the 5th Battalion in a defenceive line" What does that look like? What does a Division on the move look like? Thanks again to all for the great game. cj
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