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Everything posted by BudtheCanuck

  1. cool. thanks for the armor clearification oh...re: TDs. My understanding is that the M10 has the 3" gun and the Wolverine has the 17pdr. CMAK show the Wolverine with the 3" gun? [ July 02, 2004, 05:46 PM: Message edited by: BudtheCanuck ]
  2. I don’t want to get into a pissing match regarding which author is "good" or "bad". But I'll take the information (above) under advisement... Quote (Re: Armor): _________________________________________________ This is all in the game already - what are you referring to? _________________________________________________ I'm referring to M4 Sherman’s and M10s being available in the game as Canadian armor? Currently this is not the case. Quote: ________________________________________________ But did they play a significant role in company and battalion level attacks? I'd suggest not. CM portrays, as the manual says, that time after the reconnaissance and preliminary barrage have gone in. The scouts and snipers probably didn't have a lot to do at that point; their losses were so high just doing the normal recce tasks that they probably didn't want to lose these skilled specialists in full blown battalion assaults. _________________________________________________ oh, I was led to believe that snipers accounted for a (relatively) lot of casualties/suppression in Italy? If this is the case snipers seem under-modeled. But from just playing a CMAK game perspective, I need to use scouts and snipers for recon. in all the games I play (not having the benefit of an Intel. report at turn 1 in most games). They are a necessity - not an option...So it would be nice if they were integrated into a battalion. Quote: _________________________________________________ The mortar platoon is represented by a 3-inch spotter; for design your own, you can replace this with onboard mortars, which are already included. _________________________________________________ Ok. But 1 X 3" spotter is nowhere near as useful as 6 X 3" on-board mortars Also, I play a lot of QBs and the way BFC has it set up you pay a large point penalty in buying "ad hoc" units from the "support menu". Further, in buying "ad hoc" gear you quickly run out of HQ units to support the ad hoc units (so a mortar platoon (with an integrated HQ) would be nice already the a battalion structure). This (HQ shortage) is especially a problem in mid-to-larger games. For example, when defending, you are forced to either: bunch up your heavy weapons (MGs, Guns etc.) with infantry platoons and share a HQ...or leave some heavy weaps. without HQs units. As an aside - it would be nice to be able to buy a HQ unit "ad hoc". [ June 29, 2004, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: BudtheCanuck ]
  3. I'm reading a 3 book historical series on the Italian campaign by author and military historian Mark Zuehlke. The author does a great job detailing the Canadian action during the campaign from both the strategic and first-person perspective. It is a thoroughly researched and interesting read. Zuehlke has included in the books a detailed OOB and equipment description which differs in a number of areas from CMAK. Specifically: 1. Canadian armored units used exclusively U.S. Armor in Italy (the Canadian units initially had Brit. armor but left it all in England when they redeployed to Italy). They did take with them to Italy the Brit. light armor, guns, etc. 2. A Canadian Regiment (battalion) differed from CMAK in that each included the addition of: a) A Mortar platoon consisting of 6 X 3" on-board mortars. A Scout platoon consisting of 6 snipers, and mix of between 6-8 Bren LMG, and Thompson SMG. The Scout platoon total compliment of men rarely exceeded 18 men. The Scout platoon usually operated independently within the regiment. Sniper action (from both sides) played a significant role in the combat in Italy. 3. Canadian infantry platoons used the Thompson SMG. The Canadians were initially issued with Sten guns. However, they were "ditched" because of reliability and safety issues (the Sten trigger "safety" often failed). If a new patch of CMAK is planned it would be nice to see these changes, as it would give the Canadians some unique characteristics.
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