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Posts posted by NefariousKoel

  1. Thanks for the replies everyone. Still doesn't work for me so I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed a future driver release will resolve my problems.

    Supposedly the next big iteration of Nvidia drivers provides better OpenGL support. Which may or may not alleviate this issue.

    I can say one thing: Having a widescreen monitor and using the latest "official" Nvidia beta has allowed me to keep the resolution scaling the same as the game settings which is something I haven't seen in years. No more 3D stretch, woot! I hope they stick with it.

  2. You have to have the disc in the drive? Let me guess, Paradox version? I have the BFC version so I can't answer your question. Probably you are stuck with the need for the CD in the drive, if I was to hazard a guess. Sorry.

    I'd rather have the disk in the drive as a requirement than have to phone home to activate my software.

    I mean.. what happens when I can't magically teleport some activation confirmation to my new gittup? The doagies would be sad I bought something so useless at that point.

  3. btw

    Why did you set a target arc? Unless I missed a memo it does not increase the likelihood that you'll spot a target in the 'Target Arc-ed' area. Well, no bonus aside from that it'll make the turret point that way, which obviously helps.

    Yes... "less acquisition time" for targeted arc. I'd only consider it while moving and aiming for an enemy I knew would be visible during the move. Good way to keep the turret aimed near the unseen target while moving, anyway.

    And, yes, I've rarely had problems with my M1s spotting enemy MBTs and taking them out in short order until this incident. I guess that's my big complaint. This certain one seemed invisible to them.

    An unfortunate mix of moon cycles, timing, and location?

  4. Yes, I understand the old contacts situation.

    I was still confused by my units actually taking fire from a '?' or even multiple ones while they sit there or self-retreat instead of firing back. I realize the AI won't area fire on it's own but they do seem more responsive in returning fire on Veteran since enemies are identified faster.

    One example would be a static, hull down T-54 that was firing on my M1A1s. I would set a narrow fire arc for it, set my platoon of M1s on Hunt for a short distance into view, tried both buttoned and unbuttoned, and they would proceed to get fired on from the T-54 and hit often enough without ever returning fire. Obviously there was LOS from it to the M1s but they would never see it. The only reason I knew what it was is because I had it under observation from an HQ unit further back and even that would switch from ID'd to question mark and back quite often. I lost an M1, another immobilized, and a third had it's FC system knocked out due to all the fire I was taking from it. That was after 3 attempts to move up as a platoon & get a shot. They did manage to knock out a mobile T-55 that was much further away right off the bat, but the closer static tank was just hammering away the whole time.

    Anyway, thanks for the reply. It just baffles me and I wanted to see what others thought.

  5. So.. I ventured into Elite skill level after playing a few scenarios on Veteran.

    I only have one problem with it. The friendly AI doesn't seem to shoot at anything that isn't fully identified. My units tend to just sit there while taking fire from a question mark. Is this normal? Am I making too much of a small thing?

    What setting do you use?

  6. Dark blue wouldn't be a bad idea since it'd be darker than the neon green and likely wouldn't clash with the terrain so much.

    Larger, however, would be going in the opposite direction I'd prefer. I think I could get by with just a ring around the base as previously mentioned. Those big bright circles under everything really detracts from the immersiveness.

  7. Luckily I'm dual-booting my newest machine so still got XP to run this bad boy.

    However, I have 2 problems.

    First, I'm using a 22" widescreen monitor. The combat window defaults to the biggest which doesn't give me enough space top-to-bottom, though I can manage if I move it around a bit. More of an annoyance than anything but I'd like to be able to force a lower resolution and there doesn't seem to be an option or a preferences file I can change to do this.

    Secondly, the Brit Buffalo's graphic isn't showing. I get the generic grey 109 for a buffalo. I don't have the expansion and someone with the expansion says it's fine. FYI.

    Thanks for any suggestions you may have.

  8. Also, I was wondering...

    Are expansion pack users on a different setup? Hopefully I'm not missing out on head-to-head due to not having the latest.

    Gimme details on the xpac and how I can play vs./with someone with a newer version than myself.

    I don't wanna buy an expansion if nobody's on. :(

  9. This is why I don't like the new Heavy Cannon rule. I thought 1 IMS2:Destroyed per deck should be the limit.

    Having bonus damage is great and should be fine for the heavy cannons too without all these extra insta-kill cards coming out, even if it's only (in an ideal world) supposed to happen an extra 7 or 8 percent of the time, it'll vary quite a bit as in the examples above.

    If not rescinding just the heavy cannon rules, at least make the draw for an IMS 3:4 or something?

  10. Actually, I have a couple:

    1) Have a ready button for each player to click into the game on the preview screen when they're ready to start. Don't start the timer until everyone has readied up.

    It would give you time to look at people's skills before the game, and also save the first person a couple seconds to get oriented.

    2) Add the point value for pilots in the manage pilots screen, like the point value displayed when starting a game.

    Pretty simple - I can't use the chat when I'm in the create game screen comparing pilot values with other players for a game. I can, however, chat while having the manage pilots screen up.

    3) Ditch the heavy cannon IMS:D stuff and the -1 burst ratings. I think you've heard this before so I won't ramble on. I still like the new updates overall but I think we could do without those two just fine.



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