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Martin G Conde

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Everything posted by Martin G Conde

  1. RE: Overwhelming OPFOR ADA. The best way to defend the OFFOR ADA is to use a combined arms teams, FO's & Apache/Cobra's & Artillery. In the early stages of the meeting engagement, one of your first priority's will be to locate and destroy OPFOR ADA & Artillery. 1). The ZSU 24-4 ADA & SAM units can be suppressed or destroyed in the following manner: They are going to fire on Allied Aircraft, once they do reveal their location, pay attention to the SPOT report(s)for grid location of the firing ADA. Assign 2 Apache's or Cobra's Helo's(at the maximum effective range as possible)too priority target these units in combination with utilizing 2-3 155mm/105mm Direct Support Artillery (with both HE/ICM's Ammo) to target these units until they suppressed or destroyed...Paying attention to your SPOT reports is critical.
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