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Posts posted by edge14

  1. You are about to attack with an army/corp. You click on your unit and you put the cursor over the target, and some numbers appear on the upper taskbar of the game. It's something like Attacker:0 Defender:1. What does this means?

    Heh, I have played about 5 times and didn't even notice that was up there! Didn't remember reading that in the manual either. Must have missed it.
  2. Well, that makes sense, but there are times when your units are either waiting for action or too weak to attack with. Another example is the fighters in England. Usually during BOF and during BOB, your British figthers get knocked down to 4's and 5's. But they have experience bars. So I wondered if leaving them at 7 or 8 with those experience bars makes them just as strong as a 10 without the bars?

    So bottom line is this:

    Is a unit with an 8 strength and 1-2 experience bars equal to a 10 with no experience? And is they some type of table to relate this?

  3. How much difference is there in experienced units versus a full strength unit? For example, I have a Corp with 1 bar of experience and an 5 strength. If I reinforce past 7 I lose the experience bar. Should I go to the 10 strength and lose the experience bar or keep it at 7 with the one bar? Are there any tables or rules of thumb?

  4. Welcome to the forum, hope you decide to stay around for awhile.

    I've only seen bidding used for Fall Weiss 1939 campaign, which is really the standard campaign when playing against a human opponent.

    Thanks for the welcome. Another question (I'm new remember?)When does the Fall Weiss 1939 campaign end? Or maybe I am confusing this. Is the 1939 campaign the FULL 1939-1945 campaign?

    [ May 21, 2004, 04:21 PM: Message edited by: edge14 ]

  5. Bidding:

    In Human vs Human games it is common practice to use bonus mpps for Allies("bid") to decide who plays which side in the Fall Weiss campaign. The one with the highest bid plays Axis. With some experience Axis has a huge advantage, therefore Allies need extra mpps to even out this advantage.

    The first system was a 1:1:1 system (=mpps x bid for UK,USA,Russia), i.e. if someone bids e.g. 150, then UK gets 150mpp, USA 150mpp and Russia 150mpp. This is an old (obsolete)system, but can still be used by new players.

    In the meantime the most common systems are 1:8 (1xUK, 8xRussia), 1:10 (1xUK, 10xRussia) and the newest system: 1:5:20 (1xUK, 5x USA, 20x Russia).

    E.g. a bid of 200 means in the 1:5:20 system: 200 mpp for UK, 1000 USA, 4000 Russia (in 1:10=200UK, 2000Russia).

    The host adds the bonus mpp in the scenario editor to the fall weiss scenario, saves it under a new name and then can load it for the game.

    The size of the bid highly depends on the experience of both players since axis only has an advantage when the axis player knows how to play his side and the advantage increases with the experience. Here some average values (March 2004):

    -new vs new:

    no bid necessary (Allies even can be in the advantage here)

    -intermediate vs intermediate:

    bid 200 system 1:8 or 1:10 (or ~100 in 1:5:20)

    -veteran vs veteran:

    bid 200 system 1:5:20

    Ahh, this. Thanks. Ok, I didn't realize that the game was set up so the Axis side was so powerful. Is this bidding for the entire 1939-1945 campaign or only for certain scenarios?
  6. Greetings:

    How's everyone doing today? Been reading all the forum topics past 2 days and linking to all the help sites. I have played the game a couple of times and enjoy it.

    Couple of questions:

    1-Play by mail:

    How does play by e-mail actually work?


    What's with the bidding? Why does the Allied side get extra MRP's? Is the Axis side that much more powerful in the game?

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