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About Radmeister

  • Birthday 02/01/1969

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  1. I agree with Sgt. The reason that germany made such early advances was in large part due to their modern equipment matched with modern tactics. Similar to why they succeded in the west. A lot of times Hitlers "hold" orders sucedded not due to brilliant strategy but due to the fact that the Panther tank for example could not be destroyed from the front by any available weapons to the russians. Later as the technological edge of germany eroded and when modern weapons like the T-34 (in large numbers)and not trench tanks became avilable the tide shifted. As for the number advantage and the mass of russian equipment used it can be argued that it was the correct strategy to counter the nearly impregnable armor of the german heavy weapons. Mass artillery and Katusha rocket attacks as well as numerical superiority is what slowly turned the tide on the front, but I don't think is was coincidence. This WAS a smart strategy by the russian commanders. I think people forget that. So, the briliance of commanders had an effect in my mind but on a strategic level blood, steel and politics were the deciding factor. Just an opinion. :cool:
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