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Arthur Krupp

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Posts posted by Arthur Krupp

  1. ...figurativly speaking about the shops.


    Well I wouldn't discount reviews entirely and yes playing the demo will also be a good idea. ATM I'm ranking this as either a small time cult classic or a face down flop...only time will tell, though here's to having something decent to play between meals....

  2. hmm, I'm not all that keen on these old card games though I do like em when computers take out all the old boring parts of it....still, I'm waiting on a WW2 Harpoon....

    Also we don't see much in the way of forum interest or details on this game (like for instance with SC2)...more details & designer input round here and maybe I'll get excited.

  3. Ok I've been wanting a CMAK campaign for a while now and figure I might as well try and get one going myself. I'm an administrator and can usually organise things like the best of logistitions but before I go busting my ass off for no good reason I'll need a few things from you lot-

    1. Someone with the skills to set up and run a site that can handle a large campaign

    2. Probably an assistant who I can use to help with the reams of boring old paperwork

    3. You lot! Without general interest, no campaign.....

    This would be a "story driven" campaign complete with operational map, game masters and detailed rules-give me time and I'll figure out time periods and so forth....

    Anyone who's interested in working on it should email me arthurkrupp@hotmail.com and anyone who would be interested in playing post here.

    I'll probably be using The Blitz as a base of operations but other than that it'll be indipendant.

  4. One of the great assests of the German army was its officer core though-for instance in Africa rommel could leave HQ for days on end to be at the front and the staff officers could run the whole show and on more than one occassion took serious decisions-this versus other armies which use their staffers as mere pen pushers and the people who choose the next nice chateou for the HQ...on the whole I'd say they balanced out with the allies possesing superior political leadership and the germans superior command leadership.

  5. One thing I will always remember from SC1 was laying siege to places like Moscow and having to spend turn after turn wearing the defences down-sometimes you'd get 3 armies in and destroying the first two would be fair straightforward but then the last army in the city just kept on getting replenished turn after turn and you had to move up your whole airforce and any rocket units you had....

    I think if a unit is cut off then it should be penalised in order to simulate lack of supplies-on the other hand you could also give air units the oppertuinity to supply troops from the air as well-it may not have worked in Stalingrad but there was one German unit that held out for something like 70 days from air drops. Certainly encirclements should be looked at more closely.

  6. Congrats to the aussie DoD, they just figured out a good way to gain valuable experience for their officers without the heart rendering hurdle of having to convince an officer to get off his ass and do something....(I joke, I joke....)

    Now, two questions: 1. Will we get to see any of this moulan in a patch or is CM set for its first ever expansion pack? And 2. Does this move into the military market hint at more modern style CM's in future to pander to both markets?

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