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Posts posted by noob

  1. The real question is: Does wind make sound even if no one hears it?

    Thinking about it off the top of my head i would say that wind doesn't make any sound in itself, it's the interaction of the flow of air with objects in the environment which together make the sound, and if thats the case the sound waves created exist independantly of a mind and therefore are logical absolutes so i guess i'm saying "no". wind doesn't make a sound even if no one hears it, but the interaction of wind with an object does even if no one hears it, but i could be wrong :)

  2. If it means that improved positions are invisible they could be red white and blue and i'd be happy, i hated the fact that in CMSF the opposing player could see the trenches i could use, it always made me paranoid about putting men in them as they were pre planned arty magnets in my mind, it was like playing a devilish game of rock, paper, scissors deciding whether to man them at the start or not, and if you got it wrong it was horrible seeing all your guys getting pummeled in great defensive positions at the very start of a game.

  3. You are in the red side, the sides change turns in each phase

    Firstly im not even in anymore because i gave up during the first round because the scenario was deeply flawed, i was the attacker and had a vehicle heavy force that needed to cut its way through a massively built up area with only a small amount of infantry and just 25 turns, the deployment areas were so restricted i had to waste valuable turns just trying to get in a good position to attack this meant that i was forced to move even more quickly than i first thought and therefore it was easy for my opponent to ambush my vehicles, also one of the victory locations was right at the back of the map which was very badly conceived.

    My opponent agreed with me as well about the imbalance.....my tournament name is mash by the way.

    Creating balanced scenarios for SF is a lot harder than in any other version of CM and the first one was badly designed, now i look at the second one and that is just as bad unless there are two games in the round with both sides getting to play Blue as the force balance is none existant.

    It looks like this tournament is going to be decided by luck not skill, this tournament should have been mirrored with both sides playing the same scenario twice, one as Red the other as Blue, then it would be a test of skill not who is lucky enough to get the side with the advantage.

    Just look at the scenario for Round 2, Blue gets more men, more weapons, better weapons, better experience levels and better armor, whats the idea behind that ?

    I appreciate the attempt at doing something like this but if you are going to set up a tournament, especially with such a good prize, it's essential that the battles give each player an equal chance of winning otherwise players will leave with a bitter taste in their mouths and will be wary of getting involved with something like this again.

  4. I just recieved a scenario called Al Huqf Engagement for the next CMSF round of the tourney, im not in it anymore so im not sure why i was sent it, however i would like to know if this CMSF scenario for Round 2 is being played by each player as Red and Blue so one player plays one game as Red and another game as Blue and the scores are added up or one player plays Red and one player plays Blue and the winner goes through to the final ?

  5. Is that a joke? Side scrolling is awful in every respect. You could also switch to BLINK the whole page and the information is still there.

    Could you confirm the problem with the scrollbars, where there horizontal scroll bars on my original site ?......if so i can understand the frustration and i apologise for being unsympathetic, i thought people were complaining about the vertical ones.

  6. Found this page concerning the width problem--


    On a more related note, I am interested in this, however, I want to get my teeth into the game first before playing against other people.

    Thanks for the info.

    No problem, i too wish too get to grips with the new game and i need it to finish off the rules so i dont expect to be announcing the start for a while yet.

    Can i pencil you in as theres a limited amount of places ?

  7. After receiving some comments about the difficulty in reading my website due to the width i have re sized it.

    The reason i had it so wide was because the screenshots were overlapping the text box and that was annoying the hell out of me so i widened it, then it annoyed the hell out of others because i think it created a horizontal scroll bar on other peoples systems which didn't appear on mine, so if that was the case i can see why people were annoyed and i apologise for being unsympathetic as i thought that they were complaining about the vertical one...my bad :)

    Anyay i just found out how to change the sizes of the screenshots so i've resized the site and it should be fine now.

  8. I've changed the sizing of the site now, the reason i had it so wide was because the screenshots were overlapping the text box and that was annoying the hell out of me so i widened it, now im annoying the hell out of others :)

    Anyay i just found out how to change the sizes of the screenshots so i've resized the site so there shouldnt be any problems with reading it now.

  9. Re. side scrolling

    Are you copy&pasting from excel to make the website as the content (looking at the Introduction page) is embedded in (non breaking) tables rather than simple (breaking) paragraphs.

    No im not copying and pasting, im typing text in the spaces provided on the site so that it looks ok to me on my PC which it does, if people cannot read it then thats an issue, if its just the fact that people have to use a scroll bar that isnt as far as im concerned.

  10. Side-scrolling is when the page is too wide, not too long.

    In your overlay.css you've got:

    #sites-chrome-page-wrapper {

    width: 1600px !important;



    #sites-chrome-everything {

    min-width: 1600px !important;


    Take that out and replace them with a relative declarations (90% perhaps) and see how you get on.

    I havent got a clue what you are talking about, im using google sites and i just set it up so it looks ok on my PC, i dont know anything technical about site construction so if you are going to give me advice you better talk me through it step by step.

  11. The bad thing with sidescrolling is that you have to do something (scroll/move your fingers/...) to be able to read a single line. And then you scroll back again to be able to read the beginning of the first line.



    If you give your text a percentage of screen width instead of fixed pixel width you don't have scrolling (if the percentages don't add up to more than 100% obviously). Should be an option in the program you use for designing.

    Well to be honest i've never had a problem with scoll bars or been bothered about using them or my fingers so i guess my website will filter out the people that don't like having to do something with their fingers, i think i might be able to live with that.

    Thanks for the other comments about the site, very usefull.

  12. Even if the mousewheel worked like that in every browser (it doesn't for me in Firefox for your page) it means that you have to move the page back and forth to just read a paragraph.

    And many people keep their browser width moderate, because text is easier to read on lines that are not too wide.

    So what you are saying is that you have to put your mouse pointer on the scroll bar and pull it down to read the whole page ?

  13. Is that a joke? Side scrolling is awful in every respect. You could also switch to BLINK the whole page and the information is still there.

    Im fascinated to know why side scrolling is such an issue, its the first time its been brought up and im bewildered, whats so bad about having to move your mouse wheel backwards and forwards ?

  14. This might be the wrong place to discuss s&l but here we go: in s&l AFAIK nothing happens when you land in the same field as an opponent. And landing on a ladder leads to what in your game? Sorry - that picture does not work out.

    I agree and i have dropped the analogy, i have re written that section if you want to look at it again.

    You write 'their forces' - which forces? One counter, a batallion?

    Its in the newly written section entitled Game System.

    Is that a joke? Side scrolling is awful in every respect. You could also switch to BLINK the whole page and the information is still there.

    This is my first time at constructing a website so you will have to forgive my ignorance of such matters, what is BLINK ? and how do i activate it ?

  15. I'm interested, too. The rules confuse me however.

    Wheres the connection to snakes & ladders? What force do I play? Who controls these forces? Is there a supreme commander on each side?

    Oh, and please: websites shouldn't be side scrolling...:)

    The connection to snakes and ladders is that if you lose a CMBN battle you are bounced back to the rear or top edge of the operational map depending on which side you belong to, so like in snakes and ladders if you land on a snake you slide backwards :)

    You choose the side you want, as for the forces and control of them please read the section entitled "Playing Method" and "Engagement Rules".

    Also about side scrolling, if you can access all the information in the site what does it matter if some parts are side scrolling ?

  16. Sounds really interesting, keep us posted!


    Thanks for the reply Mike, i will announce it officially once i've finished the paperwork, i need to get my hands on CMBN to finalise the system but i have it pre ordered so i'm not going to be too far away from starting it.

    I will put you on the list of players who have so far shown an interest, i need 12 and i have 5 plus yourself, any side preference ?

  17. Noob

    I was reading the new rules.

    What happends if the attacker wants to combat but the defender wants to retreat.

    Im assuming a tactical battle were the defender has an exit and maybe points for removing units from the battle ?



    Good point but i had to decide whether i was going to let both sides have a movement phase before a combat phase or just one side and i opted for one side because it rewards aggression as its harder to escape from a combat situation using that method than if both sides can move before a combat phase, and as the point of this is to play CMBN in an operational context i am going to favor any system that encourages more CM battles.

    So to answer your question if the side that moves second wants to retreat it will have to fight a defensive battle and win it to retreat when its their sides turn to move.

  18. Man I just wish BF would make an add-on for CMBN like a CMC. There has to be demand for something like this?? I would take this before some or even any of the other add-on modules planned for CMBN. A basic operational system with an excellent tactical platform would indeed be revolutionar.... like CMBO was in its day.

    Even the click fest like TOTAL War does something similiar.....mind you their tactical system is nothing like BF's.

    Checkout the link to my website and tell me what you think, i'm still seven players short at the moment so if you fancy giving it a spin i'll sign you up.

  19. Probably true enough but that does not preclude the notion of starting with a smaller group in the "off season" to get the system up and running for the main event.

    Heres what you were talking about, still game ?

    I've totally changed the game system and reduced the scale massively after the discussions on this forum so checkout the link on my footer and tell me what you think.



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