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Everything posted by Greyrider

  1. Howdy Ya'll, Just purchased CMAK and have lost sleep for about a week. Wife is threatening to leave! I must say that this is by far THE BEST computer game that I've ever owned!! I'M HOOKED; ADDICTED; OBSESSED! Anyway, I'm not even sure that this is the right place for the purpose of this topic but I thought I would try it first, maybe someone can point me in the correct place to ask this question. This is more for the Battlefront guys than anyone else. For those of us who are of the Jarhead persuasion I'm just curious if you have considered making a combat mission for the Pacific theater of WWII? I get light-headed thinking of what I could do with a scenario editor in subjects like Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima, and the Grand Daddy of them all, Okinawa. Spotters for naval artillery, close air support, night time Banzai attacks, AMTRAKs caught on a coral reef being blasted by Japanese artillery, and instead of thick forrests and buildings: Mountains, caves, and bamboo bunkers. I would appreciate any SKINNY that you may have on this subject or as to how to ask the guys at CM if this has been contemplated. Thanks.
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