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Posts posted by CobaltTiger

  1. As a followup, I just tried again moving 40m with strong winds. I only had time to run the one trial at the moment, but I ended up with one PSW 221 and one tiger giving a contact in both groups. So it would seem that even at the "borderline" point being hidden doesn't influence sound contacts much.

    kenfedoroff: Good question. If I get a chance tonight I might try and set up something like that.

    Fredrock1957: That's an interesting setup you tried out. I hadn't thought of using a city.

  2. Well, I tried a quick test, but the results weren't that encouraging.

    I set up two groups of 3 tigers and 3 PSW 221s in scattered trees with about 500m between the groups and each individual vehicle being about 250m from its neighbor (in other words, two lines of six vehicles each). Next to the scattered trees the vehicles were in I put a swath of forest to break LOS, with the vehicle as close to the forest as possible while still being in the scattered trees. I then put Rifle 44 squads in the forest, with one squad per vehicle placed 100m away. The HQ units I stuck in a map corner out of the way. Conditions were clear, mid day, breeze.

    One vehicle group was hidden while the other was not. I then had the infantry move 50m towards the vehicles. Almost as soon as the infranty squads stopped moving I received sound contacts on all vehicles. Repeating the test a few times, there seemed to be a tendancy for the hidden vehicles to take a few seconds longer to give a sound contact, sometimes up to 5 or 6 seconds. But it wasn't a rule -- occasionally one of the hidden vehicles would be the first to register. There also did not seem to be any distinction in how fast the two different types of vehicle appeared.

    Repeating the test with strong winds acheived an identical result (I had thought the winds would affect sound, but apparently not). I also varied the distance the infranty moved. 35m gave no sound contacts, 45m gave contacts for all vehicles. I should probably have tried 40m, but I was getting tired of all that clicking. smile.gif

    I also tried seeing if hiding affected actual spotting distance, using move to contact, although this setup wasn't the best for testing that for a variety of reasons (particularly because the vehicles were all in profile to the infranty, hehe). Again, there were no differences. Ranges tended to be between 14m and 24m for both types of vehicles, hidden or not.

    So, I'm not sure hiding a vehicle makes much of a difference at all. I ran this test perhaps a dozen times total, and only once had a vehicle not give a sound contact: one of the PSW 221s when the infranty moved 50m in strong winds. So perhaps hide vehicles just in case, but don't count on it. ;)

  3. Nice link dalem, fascinating reading. I managed to find one of the listings you mentioned after a bit of searching:


    Rank and organization: Technical Sergeant, U.S. Army, 381st Infantry, 96th Infantry Division. Place and date: Okinawa, 13 April 1945. Entered service at: Soldiers Grove, Wis. Birth: Eagle, Wis. G.O. No.: 63, 27 June 1946. Citation: He displayed conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty. When a powerfully conducted predawn Japanese counterattack struck his unit's flank, he ordered his men to take cover in an old tomb, and then, armed only with a carbine, faced the onslaught alone. After emptying 1 magazine at pointblank range into the screaming attackers, he seized an enemy mortar dud and threw it back among the charging Japs, killing several as it burst. Securing a box of mortar shells, he extracted the safety pins, banged the bases upon a rock to arm them and proceeded alternately to hurl shells and fire his piece among the fanatical foe, finally forcing them to withdraw. Despite the protests of his comrades, and bleeding profusely from a severe shrapnel wound, he made his way to his company commander to report the action. T/Sgt. Anderson's intrepid conduct in the face of overwhelming odds accounted for 25 enemy killed and several machineguns and knee mortars destroyed, thus single-handedly removing a serious threat to the company's flank.

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