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Everything posted by woodchuck

  1. got a chance to read over it a bit more...any idea if you'll be able to code it thru excel to do things randomly automated like...and is it even possible to code a mod to create random battle/campaign files?
  2. ahh ya i just opened that up...looks good...to bad theres not a program out there that wraps that all up and creates the nessisary files and what not for you eh =) but very kewl...
  3. is there some kind of software out there that makes random campaigns.?
  4. ya i'll try the demo my self but......
  5. slightly dissapointed... was hoping that DiF was going to look and feel more like CM... =)
  6. anyone.... anyone.... something d - o - o economics... lol, any comments about the air support question ? =)
  7. thanks art =) no if someone could shed some light on my air support thread that'd be great
  8. in an opperation if you give someone entrenchments that show up on the second battle, are they free to place those items in their deployment zones?
  9. in an opperation, if you decide to purchase or are given air support and on the first battle the weather conditions dont provide for a strike...does that support carry over to subsequent battles or is it lost at that point?
  10. you can randomly generate maps using the map editor in the battle/opperation generator...i use it all the time for the opperations that i make...
  11. ok, so their experience then dictates how well they spot, not the actual squad type itself...?
  12. does anyone know if recon squads are actually better at spotting stuff than regular infantry?
  13. what ever they do, i'll buy it...i've played all the games now to some extent weather it was a demo or full version, and i have to say...next to steel panthers or something of the like, they've got my money hands down... keep it comin folks, stay true out...
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