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Everything posted by meter1

  1. thanks guys..By the looks of it I think I will just reinstall the game and go from there... Thanks for helping out a newbie.
  2. I installed a bunch of mods and I now have "grids" on my maps..How do I get rid of ? Can I override this? I of course did not back up any original BMP files... Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks
  3. I bought CMBO when it came out and I own CMBB also, but the funny thing is I probably played both a total of 10 hours. I just could never grasp the interface, etc...After putting the effort into reading the CMBB manual and running through the tutorial I think I finally get it and I am hooked!!! It took me 5 years to get the Battle front Flu but I got it and just cant shake it.... The CMBB version I have is the CDV german version I bought about well over a year ago and recently spent about 5 hours downloading the patches and have actually just got into playing it after sitting on my hard drive for ever...Long story short I have to reinstall the game and I dont wont to go through the pain of downloading these patches again, not to mention I dont know where the hell I found them and of course I did not save them... My wife is gone until later this weekend (took the baby also) and time is of the essence, I dont want to go through the hassles of redownloading all the pathces and not to mention all the mods I found.... I dont prefer the Eastern Front over the West and to be honest I have not played either enough to like one game over the other....Now, I found that both CMBB and CMBO retail editions are at my local drug dealer,err I mean software store. I am not rich but I am willing to charge the CMBB retail edition so I can just sit down and enjoy some peace and quiet and play one of these great games and not have to spend a whole night downloading pathces and Mods for them..So, should I buy the CMBB retail edition ? Or, play CMBO ? Or is it worth buying the CMBO retial edition? Help me!!!! I will come back and read after work tommorow. Then head out to my favorite software store and pick up CMBB or just stick with CMBO based on what you guys suggest. Thanks!
  4. Bought the game about a year ago and just getting into after I realized no other war game comes close.... What are the best mods enhancment mods for the game "fresh out of the box"? Sorry if this has been posted before, but I did a search and looked in the FAQ and could not find anything . Thanks
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