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Posts posted by Efraim

  1. I want a Buratino modeled!

    I want a Buratino modeled! And I want to be able to mod it.

    I want a Buratino modeled!

    I want a Buratino modeled!

    Buratino: http://warfare.ru/0702ey70/update/june1999/Toc200.jpg

    I want a Buratino modeled!

    I want a Buratino modeled! And I want to be able to play as red!

    I want a Buratino modeled!

    did I say it?

    I want a Buratino modeled! And I want to be able to mod it and play as red.

    Maybe -if theer's a buratino- I'll buy this crap CM-SF (Science fiction) after all :)

  2. Ok, for what's worth, here is the best and more useful book (imho) in order to understand what's happening in (Israel|Syria|Iraq|Egypt... add your middle east place):

    David Fromkin

    A peace to end all peaces

    The fall of the ottoman empire and the creation of the modern middle east

    Phoenix 1989 and later.

    No kidding, incerdibly accurate: There's no way to understand middle east developments unless you understand what the allies did after the first world war, and this refreshing book throws some CLEAR light on those matters :)

    This said, again, for me CM:SF means nothing else that "Combat mission science fiction", alas. (No PBEM? They must be joking)

    This said I wish battlefront all the best.

    As a personal advice, for what it is worth (prolly not much) I would add that Steve deserves MUCH MORE well-intentioned critics and -frankly- doesn't deserve at all the many useless postings from useless fanboys, trying unsuccessfully to stop the negative general appreciation.

    After all if we like someone, we usually tell the truth. Lies have very short legs :-(

  3. >>hey, someone might wonder if you really are the kind of quality leadership the US Army expects to see at the tip of the tip of the spear<<

    Dear Steve,

    while I wish you all the best with your project, and hope you'll reap as much as possible, and I think you deserve it because of your beautiful CMBB game, I fail to see how the hell -to put it mildly- you can actually believe that many could care about what the "US-army expects" to see "at the tip of the spear". I don't know about the many friends here, and it isn't nothing political, but since a -long- while I personally have a hard time identifyng myself with the US-army.

    In fact this very thread should make -or have made- quite clear that many would -if ever- rather care about what the syrian army expects to see "at the tip of the defence" :)

    So give us

    1) WWII simulations -better than this SF-crap

    2) possibilities to build our own not americano-centric scenaios or americano-centric, I mean, let a thousand flowers blossom...

    3) the capacity to CHANGE the simplistic rules you would like to impose and to improve a game tradition -battlefront quality- that you are throwing down the cliff.

    Still wishing you all the best whatever you do, because of your past quality delivery.


  4. quote (flamingknives)


    You are aware of how the whole module concept works, aren't you?

    In the case that you decided not to read all the info that's been posted before mouthing off, perhaps you'd like to investigate this thread. If you don't care for that, I'll cover it briefly.

    Combat Mission: Shock Force and the WW2 title are titles these are the core game engines for each period and approximate location. Once these titles have been released, a number of modules for each will follow. Each module will add new forces to the theatre covered in the title.


    Wrong. I did read before posting.

    I had -and still have- your post notwithstanding, the clear impression that BFC went -and will further go- for a US-centric game.

    This is something many europeans here -I'm not alone- probably dislike most: maybe there's not much interest anymore in "pretending to be US" in computer games?

    Add to this the fictional choice (gosh: why did'nt they choose at least the israeli/arab wars? I could have swallowed that without problems) and I think you'll also come to the conclusion (or maybe matter of fact) that this Syria project is just a -poor- excuse to present an US/iraq war in a 'politically correct' light. Therefore you'll understand why so many ADMIRERS of battlefront games (and I am one) won't probably buy this game.

    I still wish BFC all the best, they did produce CMBB after all. They deserve a LOT of credit, even if they now throw themselves down the cliff.

  5. I wont buy this game.

    I could have understood (and probably enjoyed) a israeli/arab setting (two o'clock war, yom kippur, golan), but hypothetical settings make me vomit. Besides I have played US-forces in CMAK and CMBO occasionally, and I have nothing against it, occasionally, but to be COMPELLED to play US forces (against rag-tag syrians?) is something I cannot really enjoy. Especially in the current geopolitical climate.

    I fear that instead of giving players more options, Battlefront is -apparently- now LIMITING options.

    I'll wait for the WWII version, but I still wont buy it if I'm compelled to play only U.S. military.

  6. OK, add me to the disappointed side...

    Fictional 2007?

    Fictional scenarios are boring.

    US versus Syria?

    This is ludicrous. But maybe battlefront is right and young kids in the states will buy it. I won't.

    No PBEM?


    Sorry. I'm not impressed. I'm quite disappointed. I'm actually sad.

    Will wait for a WWII simulation (and hope it will be the east front again, with T35 :)

    I hope battlefront gets some serious money out of this : they wold deserve it -for CMAK and CMBB- but I fear they wont.

    A lost opportunity?

    We will see.

  7. For what it is worth, and after having carefully read this thread, I would like to publicly thank BigDuke6, that tried to open the eyes of some young table-warriors à la Abbot to realities that everyone that has field experiences knows by heart.

    In Israel we have VERY good weapons, and yet we would never dream to call the AK47 "inferior quality", nor would anyone with even little experience dismiss the AK47 often enough proved superiority (yes superiority, Abbot clown) as 'urban myth'. Geesh, that Militia rabble has very good and reliable weapons. And cheap. (Not "cheap and reliable": "reliable AND cheap", the other way round, Abbot kid).

    Clearly some here do not seem know what they are speaking about.

    Geesh. As if "modern" and "frills" would be more important than concrete substance...

    No wonder you'r losing the Iraq war.

    Sorry for this rant, but I have really read the whole thread and I have the impression that some here pose as experts without knowing **** from shinola, like Abbot, and that younger ones may be impressed by them without sound reasons.

    Intersting thread nevertheless.



  8. Maybe you'r right.

    Yet the rest of my post stays.

    And I really wonder if you are right... it seems to me that this forum is quite lively (you must take account of the fact that many that just bought the new game will post in CMAK, whereas only those that actively play CMBB will post here)

    See, you say it yourself: coupla month: 20.000, one year (the others are archived as far as I can judge) 5 times as much.

    Yet if you look, all posts are only, if ever *twice* as big on CMAK board PER DAY, not three, not four, not five times.

    Does this mean something?

    Maybe not.

    Yet I think it does.

    And I think battlefront would be veryv careless to ignore this.


    Once you play CMAK, youe'll go quickly back to CMBB


    (to paraphrase somebody's other sig :)

  9. There is something i do not understand: CMBB makes 76475 posts.

    CMAK (that I have too, yet frankly find less interesting than CMBB from both a strategical and tactical point of view) makes only 25554 posts, more or less on the order of "tech support"

    So --my naïve conclusion- there must be some other people out there, like me, that love CMBB and would gladly improve/ crack/ modify/ perfectione it / get a patch.

    Why should not battlefront react to this and realize that MOST afecionados would like a further, substantial CMBB patch?

    Of course we would buy CMx2 nevertheless, as soon as it comes out, maybe, if nothing else better in the mean time comes out (concurrents have noticed the value of this huge niche), but now is now. And now you have CMBB three times any other CM-series.

    If I were a serious software house I would definitely NOT ignore it, and I would improve CMBB till the cows come home.

    Somebody's observations about useless updating of old games are futile.

    Check http://www.abandonwarering.com/ to understand how many people play old games, or just look at all the people playing pacman, snake, tron --or worse-- on their GSMs...

    And in this case, as I said before, CMBB, far from being an "old" game, is --by far--- the best of the whole series.

    So, please, yes. Give us a T-35.

    Or concentrate, at least on a CMx2 on the russian front :)

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