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About Canuckistani

  • Birthday 11/02/1974


  • Location
    Toronto, Canada
  • Occupation

Canuckistani's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Ah crap its right there I must be absolutely blind I profusely apologize. Mea Culpa
  2. I see people talking about a "hold fire" option. Is this available in the demo - cuz I can't see it anywhere? I apologize in advance if this is too noobish - but I really have looked a lot. Perhaps it is only in the full version?
  3. Thanks, that is the first thing I tried and the game seems to be set up to do this - but they don't change. I left click drag - and they don't move - must be a bug. Thanks anyway
  4. Ok so I want the guy with the best markmanship to be the gunner - the manual and the tutorial say that i can change up the positions in a tank, halftrak etc... BUT HOW - I click on em and move em and ????? Please help.
  5. The posts in this thread which argue either that the British or the Americans are better occupiers are extremely depressing. Some of these posts seem as if they were written by weird machines incapable of moral judgment. As they work out their banal definitions and "rational" equivalences - they remain immune to meaningful questions. Invading a country for its oil (not to mention blatantly lying about it) is contrary to the supposed principles of our modern democracies. The invasion of Iraq is a warcrime - it doesn't matter if the British or the Americans are better at it, more effecient, or more "professional". The war is unjustifiable and wrong.
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