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Posts posted by Lioneyes

  1. Originally posted by Terif:

    First defence line is Riga-Minsk-Kiev-Odessa (then Riga-Minsk- Kharkov-Sevastopol).

    Cheap corps in the first defence line and some hexes back your armies + tanks (HQ supported !) to close enemy breakthroughs - cheap corps fill the gaps again. If you cant hold a defence line any more retreat to your next line. Avoid building defence lines in open terrain - there your units have no chance to survive and will be destroyed easily.

    Thanks Terif!!

    I think this game was lost when he broke through at Kiev. He used four tank units to roll to the southern coast, isolating my defensive line along the Bulgarian/Romanian border. I had to fall back to the Dnepr line and try to restore the line with the Siberian reinforcements.

    I will try to put corps in the front with some gaps to channel his attack towards the terrain you mention. Then I will have my armies, tanks, and HQ's further back to prevent breakthroughs.

    Does that make any sense?

    Plus it is very hard to build up the US and British forces for an invasion of France in 1942, especially given the low rate of US MPPs. I try and build air first, then infantry and tanks. For HQs, my plan was to have one to remain in England to control the air and another to accompany the invasion forces.

    HQs COST a ton, though, so the time to build is slow.

    I usually do pretty well in Poland by pulling back around Warsaw and NOT attacking, and I can usually delay the fall of France for a reasonable time, but the Russian Front has been my achilles heel so far.

  2. Originally posted by Terif:

    -new vs new:

    no bid necessary (Allies even can be in the advantage here - but when someone has at least read some strategy threads and knows how russian readiness works, a low bid would be appropriate)

    Argh! So I DO suck! Thanks Terif. ;)

    Would it be better in Russia to NOT try and form a continuous line? Maybe better to try and have a two-layer defense with armies up front backed up with corps, even if it leaves some gaps in your front line?

    I have been thinking about this and will give it a try in our rematch, unless you think it would be suicidal.

  3. Originally posted by Sombra:

    Well, if the axis player knows what he does, than a bid 1:5:20 ; 175-200 MP is adequate. I think this is even true for equal players.

    Lioneyes, if you look at opponent finder forum ;) you see that Terif even offered a 8000 MP advantage for Rusia. His own word were: To make the game more interessting

    Thanks Sombra!

    It would appear that given equal abilities, that the Axis has an overall advantage.

    I will take the extra MPPs and see if my worthy opponent will find our next game "more interesting"! :D

  4. Originally posted by kurt88:

    Start with a 150 bid for 1-8 thus giving the UK 150 mpp's and the USSR 1200 mpp's extra from the start of the game. This pretty much a standard bid.

    If the Axis player is really way better than you go with the Captain's suggestion.

    This seems more conservative ;)

    I don't think he's THAT much better than me. I should probably play the Axis one time and then I could probably judge better. But I really prefer to play the Allies.

    I'll try that 150-1200 on our rematch.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

  5. Thanks guys for the reposnses. I am clearly getting my "head-cracked" and am in need of a "miracle" at this point to survive.

    I think I should try and get some bonus MPPs at the start of the game as the Allies. From what I have read, this would be standard in the challenge matches you guys play.

    What would be a fair and equitable allocation of MPPs to give the Allies a chance against a decent Axis player?

  6. Originally posted by Kuniworth:

    I've also lost many wars on the eastern fronts. THing is you've gotta delay axis before the invasions, so barbarossa wont be like trying to stop a steamroller with your bare hands. It also depends on wether you're playing with extra russian MMP which tactic you will use.

    But I suggest you wait until siberian transfer if you are in trouble. Let cheap corps take the brunt and preserve armies and tanks. You canĀ“t afford to exchange them in a ratio 1:1.

    I am starting to realize that this campaign was lost many turns ago, as you point out. I had originally intended to use the Siberian troops to mount a counterattack west of Moscow, but his breakthrough forced me to abandon that plan.

    It's been one turn of front patching after another, with no hope of saving MPPs.

    I could have used some extra Russian MPPs!

  7. Originally posted by Comrade Trapp:

    The Russian Front has never been my strong area, as my opponents will tell you, but I'll try to help you out the best I can.

    The key is to force him to commit his forces to your strongest front. If your weak on the Eastern Front, do something to make him commit forces elsewhere.

    Has the US entered the war yet?

    Yes, but they are currently building up in England and only have small forces

    How are you doing in the Med?

    All quiet on the Med front. No sign of german activity.

    Is the RAF/USAAF capable of taking on the Luftwaffe?

    I have two RAF fighters and one Bomber, plus One US fighter. He has at least two air units in France that I can see.

    Where in Russia is your frontline?

    Has the Siberian Army transferred yet?

    From south of Leningrad to just W of Moscow down to Rostov. Yes I have gotten the Siberians, but had to divert them to the south to counter a breakthrough at Kiev. He has now broken through at the Don R west of Stalingrad and is in position to cut my forces in two.

    What tech advantages does he have?

    What tech advantages do you have?

    Do you have anything invested in tech research?

    He has a 13 tank and air unit I can see. I have level 12 tanks, but only have one left :mad: , plus level 11 air. I invested in air, tanks, and anti-tanks with the initial MPPs, couldn't afford any more since.

    These are all questions that you have to take into consideration.

    Also, is he making his breakthroughs in one particular area or at different spots along your front line?

    His first major breakthrough came at Kiev. He was able to sweep to the Kerch Peninsula and isolate a bunch of my guys defending from Odessa north. I have had to divert all reinforcements and MPPs to restoring the southern front.

    Is this a single player game or multiplayer?

    Hot seat with a buddy. Don't have internet at home.

    Thanks for your help Comrade Trapp. I had thought about invading France with the British and US troops already in England, but it seems suicidal as I need a US HQ to accompany the American troops.

    I keep thinking that my strategy of holding the line with a solid front could be my problem. It requires too many troops and seems to leave nothing to back-up the line in case of breakthrough.

  8. Well here we go again. The fascist hordes have once again poked a hole in my front and slammed four panzer groups into the gap causing me to once again pull back and try to reform my line.

    I am spending all my MPPs on corps to plug the gaps, leaving nothing to build a counterattacking force. Like a counterattack would help as every time I attack him his air fleets kill me.

    I must be doing something wrong.

    I set up in a solid front with corps intermingled with armies. He always attacks my corps and he always gets it eliminated, usually with air attacks alone. Then he blows through the hole with his armor and begins rolling up the two flanks on either side of the breakthrough.

    I cannot afford to exchange air fleets with him, and I cannot afford to build up a reserve.

    Is there a better way to set up a defensive line? I'm wondering if I should leave gaps in the front line in order to have a back-up line to slow his breakthrough.

    Any advice from the "Old Guard"?

  9. Can you transfer ownership of captured resources and cities between two countries? Can I have Germany control Odessa for a turn, get it's MMP and then have an Italian unit take over the garrison on the next turn (which changes the color of the hex) and then Italy will get the MMP's?

  10. Originally posted by Slappy:

    You really can't plot all of this at once. Troops will only mount or dismount a stationary vehicle. Sometimes you can get away with a pause command that will allow the infantry half a turn to load up and then have the vehicle move out, but the risk is pretty high that the vehicle will leave without the troops. Better to just sit there for the turn. You really shouldn't be loading and unloading under fire anyway.

    Thanks for the answer. I was afraid of that. I am in a scenario where I do not have enough carriers initially to move all my weapons forward, so I have been moving them up into position (not under enemy fire) then returning to pick up the next load.

    I've tried a number of things, including the pause as you suggested, only to see the exact thing you describe happen, mainly the carrier takes off without loading.

    Thanks again.

  11. Game explanation please?

    I am having trouble with the embark/disembark order. Is there a way to move your carrier to a point and then have the passenger disembark, then have the carrier continue on to another location?

    So far all I can do is plot the loaded carrier to a location in one turn. Disembark the troops on the next turn, then plot a move for the carrier on the next turn.

    What would be the sequence of orders to have a carrier move to a location, pick up a unit, move to another location, unload the unit, then continue to a new location?

    Is it possible to do this, or do you need to issue new orders every turn?

    Thanks for any help.

  12. I have read Carrell's "Invasion, They're Coming" and I would agree his analysis of "why" the Germans were losing was questionable, but I feel comfortable that his intimate stories of various small unit experiences are accurate.

    I cannot recall specifically the chapter, I think it was "Cherry, this is Lemon" about a platoon of tanks entrenched in the hedgerows and fighting defensively. It certainly seemed believable.

    Perhaps he was relating the stories honestly, but slanting the "reasons" for them happening.

  13. Originally posted by v42below:

    I send a turn with a set up (turn played) - 1.

    I get one back with a set up - 2

    I make my moves and send a turn (turn played) - 3

    I get one back with moves made, the computer processes the results and I send the video back (turn not played, only sent) - 4

    My oponnent watches the playback and sends it back to me - 5

    I watch the play back and make my moves (turn played) - 6

    Thus, I am now playing the even turns, until the circle completes again.

    Well that is certainly a lot simpler to keep track of.

    Clearly this thread is for the Mensa types, so I will heed the advice of the good Mr. Vodka and sod off.

    Oh and good job on the edit there CMplayer. I wouldn't want Mr Vodka to think you were calling him a stoner!

    Too much!!!

    [ November 11, 2003, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: Mrrshan ]

  14. Originally posted by CMplayer:

    You'd have to be stoned to think something like that, with a 3 file turn sequence.

    I need to learn that one!

    Usually I send a turn (example: #1), and then I get a turn back (example: #2).

    Then I send a turn (example: #3), and I get a turn back (example: #4).

    Then I send a turn (example: #5), and then I get a turn back (example: #6)

    Can you see a trend here?

  15. Originally posted by Elvis:

    Dear Buzzard,

    The numbering or non-numbering of turns has nothing to do with whether an email was received or not. If we had been numbering turns and I hadn't received the email how would numbering have helped me determine that you had sent it and I hadn't received it? It is flawed logic like yours that reinforces my stance that onlt dimwitted knuckleheads need to number files...and most of the time they don't even know why they are doing it (other than the "everyone else is doing it so I guess I should too" reason).



    because a lot of people play the game stoned and it's easier to remember to send the odd turn and play the even turn.

    or sumfink.

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