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Posts posted by Lioneyes

  1. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    No internet at home,


    no E-mail listed,

    Ergo, eh?

    no location listed...

    DUH! I'm right here.

    sigh... Oh, Simonize, Simonize, you're battin' a thousand.

    Simonize a floor wax and a desert topping!

    Not to worry, I shall bid you all adieu, as the footsteps of an approaching Justicarrot have driven me MAD WITH FEAR!!!!

    *welcome sound of door slamming behind me*

    PS-No it didn't hit me in the #$$, so sorry.

  2. Originally posted by Snarker:

    Amazon.com should change their name to Morons.com. :mad: :mad:

    I placed an order over the weekend. My account had my old email address, no biggy. Until the order form said a confirmation email was sent to the old address and it wasn't forwarded to my new one. So I went in and edited my account to reflect the email change. Now AmazingIdjits.com account status states I have no orders. Apparently, the account name is your email address - something that is as stable as a hollywood marriage, timeless as the ebb and flow of the tides.

    So I writes to them, I does, asking about the precccious, and explain I changed my email addy just after the order was placed. They write back that they have no record of an order under my new email address. "Yes", I reply, "I mentioned that in the original message. Would you kindly check under my old email address to make sure te order is indeed placed?"

    "Oh, please reply to this with your old address in the 'From' line and we'll get back to you."

    "Um, I DID mention my old address recently stopped forwarding mail, didn't I?"

    Why, yes, I did. :mad: :mad:


    They're just trying to protect you from internet fraud.

    Where's the compassion? :confused:

  3. Originally posted by Dave H:

    I tried it. Seemed to me like "Clash of Steel Part Deux". It also reminded me of "Empire". Units are way too generic, and ultimately just not very interesting to me. The Big Picture, as you call it, ends up becoming a very very limited picture. You really don't have all that many choices for spending. I much prefer "Civilization II" or "Master of Orion II" or "Alpha Centauri" for supreme dictator/warlord games. :D:D:D

    Well, if you're gonna be civil about it, then just forget the whole thing! ;)

    PS-Masters of Orion 2 rocks! :D

  4. Originally posted by Dave H:

    I tried it. Seemed to me like "Clash of Steel Part Deux". It also reminded me of "Empire". Units are way too generic, and ultimately just not very interesting to me. The Big Picture, as you call it, ends up becoming a very very limited picture. You really don't have all that many choices for spending. I much prefer "Civilization II" or "Master of Orion II" or "Alpha Centauri" for supreme dictator/warlord games. :D:D:D

    Well, if you're gonna be civil about it, then just forget the whole thing! ;)

    PS-Masters of Orion 2 rocks! :D

  5. Originally posted by Axe2121:


    Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated!! :mad: :mad:

    I 'rassled that bear to the ground and ended up eating him!! :mad: :mad:

    And for my wife's display of....sorrow....extra turns for all for the next several days!! :mad: :mad:

    Unless I drop dead from West Nile Virus. :mad:

    You were gone?

    That would explain the increase in coherent posting in this Thread.

    Is Paula B your wife? I was thinking the B stood for Beneficiary.

  6. Originally posted by Axe2121:


    Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated!! :mad: :mad:

    I 'rassled that bear to the ground and ended up eating him!! :mad: :mad:

    And for my wife's display of....sorrow....extra turns for all for the next several days!! :mad: :mad:

    Unless I drop dead from West Nile Virus. :mad:

    You were gone?

    That would explain the increase in coherent posting in this Thread.

    Is Paula B your wife? I was thinking the B stood for Beneficiary.

  7. Originally posted by Richie:

    Or should that read 'bored' games...

    Man... I used to play ASL religiously. I haven't played in years.

    CM is just SO MUCH EASIER. Perhaps a bit more fun too. I can war against my mates and kill them every day...

    The best bit is it's Alt-S and it's saved!

    Ooh, and the rules. Either you can do it or you can't!


    Am I the only one?

    Nah, I can't do it either.
  8. Thanks Comrade!

    I gotta figure a way to get internet at home. This game is so addictive and I don't think I have even cracked the surface.

    Reading about the LC Gambit or the early attack on Rome or the carriers in port. WOW!! You guys have really pushed this game to the limit.

  9. Originally posted by Comrade Trapp:

    Terif is the Yoda of SC.

    Well, I'll be. I have posted on other boards and usually the top players love to flame and criticize newbies.

    You guys have a pretty unique Board here if the top players are willing to give advice to newbies without trying to humiliate them.

    My compliments to Yoda-Terif and the SC Board.

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