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Posts posted by RawRecruit

  1. There's a web site dedicated to Brecourt Manor that gives a pretty good account of what happened.


    As for BoB CMx scenarios, the only one I have come across is one that came with the CMETO pack. It tries to recreate Episode 4 (I think) where Easy Company are in the Netherlands during Operation Market-Garden.

  2. It's quite interesting that Kursk seems to keep cropping up in these threads. I was under the impression that this battle was the first that the Red air force actually managed to prevent the Luftwaffe gaining any kind of air superiority over the field. So it's really not surprising that Kursk doesn't throw up many reports of successful air attacks.

    I was also under the impression that right up until at least Kursk a large part of the Soviet tank armies were still at the lighter end of the scale (T60/T70), so it's not safe to assume that every tank fired at was a Stalin or even a T34. Hell, it's not even safe to assume that it was a tank at all. And if it was a light tank, I think the chances of a 37mm round ending it's shelf life are very high indeed.

    How difficult it was to actually hit a target in a Stuka I'll never know, as I have never flown one in combat conditions. I strongly suspect that noone on these boards has. The only people that know are the Rudel's and the Neumann's, so I'm inclined to take what they say, but with a healthy pinch of salt.

    Anyway, I'm happy with CMs take on aircraft. Ok, they may more damage than they really should when they show up, but we don't complain that we see 3 men where there are actually 10. Is it so hard to imagine that, whether it is intended or not, 1 Stuka is actually a flight of 3 or 4?

  3. Click on the card title in the 'purchase skills' window and read the text at the bottom. This will tell you whether the card is lost after being used or discarded. If it doesn't say this then it is permanent.

  4. I am amazed! Somehow this game represnets real life dogfights, yet it's a card game! Almost all games i've played, esp. 2v2, start out at high/medium and end up at low/very low, exactly how it usually happened. Bring on the full version! Well done in the design, Dan!

  5. I played for a few hours last night and enjoyed it thoroughly. I also would support most of the minor tweaks mentioned above, though, esp. the running dialog. I played the campaign a couple of times which was quite good fun, too. Overall, I'll probabyl buy this when it's released.

    Oh, one wee suggestion...can you make the AI a bit easier cos I started to get a bit fed up with Me109s going through my Spitfires like a dose of salts!!!! :mad: smile.gif

  6. Originally posted by David Chapuis:

    I just discoverd that CMAK has a 'follow vehicle' command, but that it only works on enemy vehicles. If they would add an invisiblity power-pack we might be able to use to drive a convey down a road.

    Hmmm...IIRC CMBB has this too. Surely the coding for a 'follow the leader' command can't be that divorced from the current follow order?
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