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Everything posted by Bcnu

  1. Successful update: Returned Ti4200 to Gainward under warranty (3 years). Card came back yesterday and operates flawlessly in CM.
  2. My final word on the subject: http://www.amdforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=166031
  3. Let's call that *had* Ti4200 cards. The scrambled video is occurring now on all 3d applications and even occasionally on the desktop. My Gainward card is toast. I remember when the Gainward Ti4200s first came out many people had to RMA theirs due to graphic corruption caused by bad capacitors. Looks like even the 'good' ones die off (wife's died inside of Newegg's 1-year warranty; this one is 16 months old and I'll be calling Gainward). CMBO works fine with my spare box's GF4MX card albeit slowly, as one would expect with a card of that caliber; and very well with my wife's replacement Ti4200, which is from ASUS. Lastly it's 'bcnu' as in 'be seeing you' not 'bncu' which is incomprehensible.
  4. Thanks for the advice, but the Gigabyte 7VAX-A doesn't have that setting available for me to change. CMBO works fine on my wife's machine, which has an NForce2 chipset. Sounds better on hers, too, very crisp.
  5. This is exactly the same trouble I've been having with CMBO (first the demo and now the full version) as well as CMBB demo. The whole screen turns to odd whitish crud and locks up. Athlon 1900+ Gigabyte 7VAX-A motherboard (KT400 chip) Gainward Ti4200 64Mb Onboard AC97 sound. BIOS and sound/video/motherboard drivers are current or almost current (haven't tried 52.16 NVidia yet). 30.82 NVidia drivers didn't help. Problem occurs with sound on or off and at all resolutions and refresh rates. Nothing is overclocked, no AA, no AF on the video. Fiddling with hardware acceleration doesn't help. There does seem to be a correlation between the time the PC has been doing 3d graphics and the crashes. However the problem only occurs in CMBO/CMBB and Grand Prix Legends (and only then in D3D mode, OpenGL is fine). However of all odd things the graphics kludge hasn't reoccurred since 10/25 (I know, only two days) when I updated the LAN driver. Hopefully it's gone... I'm guessing a PCI latency issue. My BIOS doesn't have a setting for PCI latency. If yours does, try adjusting it?
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