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The Green Rascal

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Posts posted by The Green Rascal

  1. Managed to get another QB in this morning, and was facing mixed Panzer IIIs with Crusader IIIs in Oct 1941 in flat open terrain. I was very suprised to see my 'puny' 2 pdrs killing Panzers frontally at long range and so set up a quick test scenario.

    It seems that a 2pdr in CMAK is quite capable of killing a PZIII frontally at 1000m, I haven't tested further ranges yet. I recently read Barrie Pitts Crucible Of War (hardback version) and had recalled his description of a classic 2pdr v's Panzer III action during Battleaxe. In Vol 1 P304-305 there is a very good description of the problems the British faced, and he states that 2 pdrs could do nothing but trivial damage against PzIIIs beyond 500m. Other battle descriptions in that volume and volume 2 repeat this scenario.

    Can anyone advise if Pitt is wrong? My library is very limited so I haven't got much to quote against him. Could there be an error in CMAK either with 2pdrs or Panzer armour (burn the heretic :D ). Finally will BFC ever consider releasing the code for us to play with if they have done with the engine?

    I don't play Axis usually, so I'm not whinging about losing percieved uber-tanks, but I felt that it was fairly unsatisfying in not to be more challenged facing down the Panzers. Please feel free to shatter my and Mr Pitts preconcieved ideas smile.gif

  2. The frequency of the fog isn't really the issue, just something I've noticed. However if it really was supposed to be a sandstorm then from what I've read no-one will be moving let alone fighting smile.gif

    I still can't think of any reason why we should be able to see dust clouds through whatever kind of fog it is supposed to be. Am I missing something obvious?

  3. Still loving the game, but have been playing QBs and have noticed:

    A) Fog is very common on random weather settings in the desert, I'm guessing that the only settings it can randomise from are fog and clear. It means you will see a lot of fog in the desert with the random weather option.

    B) I have just finished a fog bound game where visibility from my defending units was restricted to 200m. However I could see dust clouds being raised from approaching enemy AFVs way beyond the limit of fog induced visibility, sometimes 1000m and right to the opposite map edge when there was enemy movement.

    I was just messing about against the AI and wasn't inclined take advantage with by shelling it or repositioning, but if I was attacking in fog against another player then I would be at a major disadvantage if I thought that I was sneakily moving up while staying cloaked by the fog.

    Just a cautionairy tale, it is probably best to avoid fog settings unless a patch can resolve it.

  4. I just thought of another reason why you need the CDV version now. Sheltering behind the 2 page CMAK manual tongue.gif:D is a totally free 22 page CDV advertising brochure. Not only do you get those lovely adverts for 10 quality - cough - games free, you will also be amongst the first to know of a startling technological breakthrough in the computer age.

    Yes! Quickly turn to the double spread (he-he) feature on page 15 and feast your eyes because - LULA IS BACK! And.....wait for it.....now available in 3D using the brand newly developed Bouncing Boobs Technology. On goes the advert to highlight the busty delights which await, the new sexy outfits including cowgirl bikini, transparent fashions, and rubber-slut look. We even have Readers Wives style black boxes placed over strategic and definitely enhanced female bodyparts.

    You couldn't make this stuff up, and it shows what a quality - double cough - organisation CDV are. I've placed my order anyway redface.gif

    [ December 03, 2003, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: The Green Rascal ]

  5. Phil - GAME have it in stock if there is a branch near you, my local branch had it in stock on Monday. However, don't confuse the simple souls in there by asking for CMAK like I did - it's Combat Mission 3 to them.

    AFAIK the only difference is the Waffenhamster thing, which I can certainly live with especially as they weren't in the desert anyway.

  6. The Queen Of The Desert in action.


    M13s are easy prey so far. Had a funny moment watching one get killed by a drive-by HMG blaze through it's side from a speeding MKVIB. The Portees can handle them at long distance as well, in fact I've seen M13s run away from Portees, presumably because their machine gun is out of range :D

    One tweak seems new. The 2" mortars are back, and the tac-AI will automatically paste enemy tanks in view with 2" smoke ammo if they have it. I think I like it, but it can be a pain if you have other things targetting the tank. It makes sense from the mortar teams viewpoint though.

    [ December 02, 2003, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: The Green Rascal ]

  7. Portee & MkVIB...


    (Image size is restricted on this infernal free hoster).

    Oh, and I'm pretty certain that Mr Hortlund is in fact droooooling over page 15 of the CDV insert ;) Will post more if anyone is interested.

    [ December 02, 2003, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: The Green Rascal ]

  8. Hehe - just picked it up from GAME this afternoon, playing first QB in East Africa as the Brits now. Will stick some screenies up but I don't know how long my Free Pic Hoster will keep them up for if there is heavy traffic.

    First impression - love the new sounds, the units are very well done indeed, and Fog is still very bizarre (it's blowing a gale and I also have a 800m view in the stuff). Playing very smoothly on my 750 mhz machine.

    Here's a 25pdr to be going on with...


  9. However if you want to try you can always send me a setup - your futility will reap some reward, and I have a couple of empty slots in my TNT chucking schedule!!
    You got one incoming Mr Organ, and I look forward to whacking your keyboard with 155mm shellbursts until your pipes squeak. It's a CMBB 1250 pt Random QB, and my supposed futility will further highlight your amoebic intelligence when you surrender on turn 4.

    Meanwhile, do any other of you snivelling pus monkeys care to be publicly exhibited as the waste of good oxygen which you so obviously are? I'm so angry this week that I need to scar some new nancy-boy personalities for life a.s.a.p. :mad: :mad: :mad:

    [ November 29, 2003, 07:50 PM: Message edited by: The Green Rascal ]

  10. Hey cool. A thread full of swearing and angry faces. Ugh, on second thoughts it reminds me of TV medical dramas :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Hmmm, perhaps the dickwipes in here should apply as extras. They always need maggots for special wound cleaning duties, and your first role could be on Filthy Old Josiah's festering arse boils if you are lucky.

    At least I'm trying to think of a use for these idiots :mad:

  11. If you want an alternative method here's another one. I recently put 10 76mm Russian guns on a hill and in trenches with a superb commander. The map was wide open, visibility excellent. When the enemy were all in sight I opened up with everything at once.


    Hilarious (for me anyway) carnage ensues. 22 enemy tanks/afv's destroyed in under two minutes. No return casualties were suffered at all.


    An extreme example, but I'm basically saying that you need to use mass and numbers of guns together, or use the keyhole method if you only have very few guns. They are lethal if used right. BTW you can probably only use the above method against a PBEM opponent once, but it'll be worth it for the impact and comedy value smile.gif

    [Edit] No-one has mentioned leaders. A really vital component to a good AT gun defense is having a big morale bonus leader in command, as the crews will stay longer at their guns and not get pinned under counter fire. A good morale bonus leader and trenches will usually mean that the enemy needs a direct hit.

    After morale bonuses, look for combat (helps you hit) and stealth (staying hidden, useful on some maps) in that order. Seperate him from his existing command if you have to, in order to get him in charge of the guns.

    [ November 28, 2003, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: The Green Rascal ]

  12. 200311231105328286504415.jpg

    Well, that didn't work then tongue.gif

    I honestly can't believe people here don't know of the excellent backblast feature in CMBB and CMBO. Anyway another screenie showing it happening from a heavy building this time. I won't post any more, because doubtless someone will want to see them wearing frilly tutus next.

    It takes 30 seconds to look for yourself, fire up a CMBB/BO defence in a town and put your anti-tank rocket of choice of any quality in any kind of house, area fire, and you'll see it happen.

    Continuing to post seems a bit pointless as BFC don't seem to be interested, so if you get any type of housing to defend in CMAK, get those 'schrecks at the purchase screen!

    Edit - BTW the backblast effect isn't reduced - it's completely missing!

    [ November 23, 2003, 09:44 PM: Message edited by: The Green Rascal ]

  13. LOL! A couple of fanboyz need to spend a little more time playing CM and a little less time crawling around this forum tongue.gif Seriously though, you have played CMBO/BB before right?

    This bug/feature exists, is 100% provable, and I already regret trying to help BFC. Anyway, I have a cunning plan :D .....

    [ November 22, 2003, 10:23 PM: Message edited by: The Green Rascal ]

  14. Hehe. No it's not a special team in asbestos suits, and on my machine at least, it is 100% repeatable with all 'shreck teams in the demo scanario. If you want to check they will quite happily launch all their rockets by doing area fire, and no supression, casualties, or fires will happen.

    I agree that the backblast in confined spaces feature was excellent, and can't see why BFC would leave it out of CMAK. It would certainly make AT teams far more deadly on some maps.

    Hopefully an official will be along soon to confirm if it is already known, deliberate, or has slipped through testing...














    Playing the Line Of Defense scenario, I was suprised to receive a full volley of Panzershreck rockets from one of the houses at the front of the village, five rockets in one turn against a Sherman.

    In previous CM incarnations firing anti-tank rockets from inside a house would quickly lead to suppression, casualties and fires. So I tried as the Germans in that scenario, firing area fire volleys from 'shrecks at the ground, and all teams fire all their rockets consecutively and no ill effects happen.

    Just thought I'd note this in case it has made it into the full release, or are BFC aware already?

    [ November 23, 2003, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: The Green Rascal ]

  16. I'm still following this thread and again want to thank the contributers, you really know your ammo.

    ISTM that there are so many factors involved that it would be impossible for everyone to agree on one single number as a 'blast value'. However most people seem content with the way it is in CMBB, but obviously a couple aren't.

    It's a dead issue in as much as it would never be patched anyway, but I hope this thread continues as I'm still 'on the fence' and learning all the time.

  17. Thanks for the replies so far. Very informative and only slightly confusing ;)

    In my naivety I had figured a shell of 2/3rds the size of another should be doing around 2/3rds of the damage redface.gif

    After lots of CMBB'ing I couldn't figure an apparent large disparity of shell lethality for a seemingly modest disparity of caliber, and was (probably ignorantly) wondering if the 50mm HE at blast value 14 could be undermodelled. However I had no idea that ammo effectiveness varied depending on time period as well, that's great detail.

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