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Erik Nilsson*

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Everything posted by Erik Nilsson*

  1. Hi Rattler, Not to worry, it seemed to be as you say. Although not every BBS do you the favor of placing the "clear" icon beside the identical "send message" icon, rage against the machine is the hallmark of any seasoned W98 user and seen as quite a natural occurence. I chose to post the questionnaire to this forum for a number of reasons, including the following: - It would be easy to bring order to the replies. Essentially they would bring order to themselves, all available at the same page as given by the respondents. - It would be easy to compare replies because of the way they were brought to order. - It woud be easy to refer to the questionnaire. To show the results of the questionnaire to those which gave me the assignment referring to a link would suffice. And instead of just having to sift trough material compiled by me, they could go out "into the wild" and see for themselves. A rich, real life context as compared to a more arid lab report context. Seemed to me this richer context might be more likely to engage and involve any would be evaluator. Think safari vs. zoo, docusoap vs. soap. - Posting the questionnaire to the list would likely have generated a greater number of replies. And greater number of replies means greater responsibility. I don't know that I'm that big on responsibility. Sheesh... it sounds almost like committment, and the key to be able to honor committment is to avoid it like plague you know... - Posting it to the forum offered lower social stakes. This forum has a smaller audience than the list. Not a big difference, but marginally lower stakes than in case of the list. - This is clearly a public forum and it would be obvious to all that everybody could see what everyone wrote. Therefore the need for removal of details from any replies in order to anonymize them would not likely arise. The list to me has a somewhat semi-private feel to it. Greater numbers of replies would I guess make the study more valid, so maybe it would not be very scientific to not post the questionnaire to the list as well. However, inertia and risk speaks against posting the questionnaire to the list. What can I say, countless dangers lurk there, and if you don't see them it's just because you have not spent the necessary countless hours to make them come real. Tough choice, and that's when it's time to decisively decide to wait and see. Regards, Erik Nilsson
  2. Ok, thanks. Then it must be something with my ISP or browser which really doesn't like Battlefront.com
  3. I'll try to be more specific. The index page takes 35-40 seconds to load. Then the forum page takes 35-40 seconds to load. Then the Tacops forum page take 35-40 seconds to load. Then a thread takes 35-40 seconds to load. When downloading a file I see a window which tells me file information is received. This window stays open for some considerable time. Then in an hour or so I'm told it took too long to download the file, and the connection is closed.
  4. Rattler, I'm sorry for your inconvenience. Thanks for your efforts in any event. I would have expected your take on the issues to be informed and well-considered. Would also have suggested a summary of your reply in a few words for each answer, although I suppose that would fall somewhat short of the depth you might have been aiming for. Re: the downsides of forums they do seem to shut down unexpectedly too often. I'd second redwolf's proposal on using an editor and pasting the text. I copy and paste whenever I can remember and also keep a copy saved on the harddrive. Not being a proliferous poster, I like being able to keep some tabs on what I've said. Regards, Erik Nilsson
  5. The last day or so I've been unable to download files from Battlefront.com, although I seem to be able to download files from other locations. Anyone else experiencing this or knows what might be the problem ? The whole site actually has felt pretty slow for some time now. Regards, Erik Nilsson
  6. Hi all ! Due to a low-level school assignment on usability, I'd like to introduce a small questionnaire on the topic of TacOps to you. The details of the assignment are available at http://www.ida.his.se/~a02erini/MDIassignment.html . You probably don't want to know them, but for the sake of transparency they are included. The questionnaire is a private effort and in no way connected to Major Holdridge or Battlefront.com. Except in the sense that had Major Holdridge not created TacOps, there would not have been any questionnaire. Any attempts at statistics or conclusions from any answers to this questionnaire included in the assignment report will be posted at the bottom of this thread whenever the report is finished. Thank you for your attention ! The questionnaire: 1 Which feature would you instantly add to TacOps given the opportunity ? 2 What aspect of TacOps do you find the most rewarding ? 3 What aspect of TacOps do you find the most problematic ? 4 What area of TacOps do you feel future efforts should be aimed at improving ? 5 In what way does playing TacOps improve your life ? Any other question you feel this questionnaire should have asked ? Please share it, and give us your answer to it. The default TacOps version for this questionnaire is TacOps 4. If your answers relates to another version of TacOps than v 4, please state which version: Again, thanks for your time ! Best regards, Erik Nilsson
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