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Todd Treadway

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Posts posted by Todd Treadway

  1. One of the features of Gary Grigsby's World at War that I really liked was the supply model. The consumption of supplies and having to plan ahead for their use is really simple in that game, but adds a lot to the experience in that game (playing Axis & Allies might even be my preference if the supply simulation wasn't in that game). By forcing a power to expend resources when it is taking actions, it can effectively limit the forces and employment in a fun way (possibly even preventing some gamey activity).

    Any thoughts from anyone on whether such a supply system might work with SC?

  2. I'm not an expert like some of you at SC1, but it seemed that there was no mechanism to simulate the French rolling over like they did. This resulted in long, drawn out affairs with much higher casualties than historically occurred. (Granted, like I said I may have been doing something horribly wrong.)

    Such a feature was implemented in Clash of Steel as the "Blitzkrieg" which would happen in the first clear weather turn of 1940 when the Axis attacked the low countries. The French morale dropped to 30% or so, if I recall. Would such a feature work in SC2 to help France put up the white flag in a more historical manner?

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