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SoF Sniper

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Everything posted by SoF Sniper

  1. thanks...you guys are great!!! thanks for all the info, also, how do you feel about me useing this game as my first... what i mean is, like i said, i have never played this type of game before... i was just wondering from an expirienced point, if this is the best game for me to learn on, or should i be playing somthing else? if so, what do you all recomend...? i do like how it is done by turns, i think it would be too confusing to play those "realtime" types. but, anyway, what do you guys think? thanks again...good day!!!
  2. if i could ask, what are AAR? and where do i find them?thanks!!!
  3. wow!!! i play alot of games and have never seen soo many people be so helpfull and not give me ignorance with their replies, THANKS soo much all, i guess i am off to read!!! thanks again...good day!!! ohhh yea, maybe we will meet on the battlefield someday...!!!! MUHAHAHA!!!
  4. how are you all... i just picked up combat missions beyond overlord(special edition). i bought the game thinking i could really get into playing this kind of game play, but upon playing i am getting very frustrated! i am new to these kind of games, never played before... i have played the tutorial in the book and did well, then when i moved onto the next scenerio, man, what a mess they made of me!!! i mean it was all new machinery and stuff which i dont know how to use because the tutorial is very basic... i am asking for help from whom ever can. could you help a new comer and point me towards maybe somekind of good tutorials for the game? anything that will teach me to play? i would really like to get to play online with others, but at this rate i dont know what to do!!! again can someone please take the time to help me?thanks for any help!!! good day!
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