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Posts posted by Raziaar

  1. B) When in the orders phase, click the "Save" button. It will prompt for a file name. Enter one & save.

    The game is now saved under the "Start Game" button from the initial menu. Click that and you will see the file name you chose as a clickable option. So click it and you will get options on how to start the game. Select TCP/IP and you will get an IP. Have your friend start CMBB & look for your IP - basically go through the normal TCP/IP process from then on.


    I know about the TCPIP thing already. Think I mentioned it in my original post. What does RTFM mean?

    What i'm trying to figure out, is how to go from TCP/IP back to PBEM in case me and him have to stop suddenly on our TCP/IP game.

  2. Alright. Let me explain. Me and a friend are engaging in friendly PBEM with one of our games. We talk daily, we play a few turns a day, but there's times when i'm sure we'd both like to be able to open the PBEM up and play a few rapid rounds in sucession without having to send back and forth data, by saving the game, then opening it up as a TCP/IP game on one of the turns.

    Now, this works... but we've run into the problem of being able to convert the saved game file back into PBEM form that would start the PBEM process back as it would normally go. Is this impossible to do? If its impossible, thats a bummer, but if its possible, please explain how, because that'd be a really neat feature!

  3. I play one game... called dragonrealms which is online text based massively multiplayer. Since I script in this game, I'd like to be able to pass the time by playing CM:AK while I play this game... and the best way i'd be able to do this is to play it in windowed mode. Is there a way this can be achieved? I looked in the preferences and haven't seen a place to change any resolution or anything! Bah.

  4. Well, I have played a couple missions against the A.I. Losing some, winning some. I had one recent one, like a 2000 pointer battle in a medium sized city, which was actually quite dense and large. I was germans and had all infantry with a bunch of 50mm on map mortar teams(which were pretty useless for me for the entire game). I also only had 3 of the towing halftracks, with 2 105mm howitzers, and 1 quad flak thing.

    The enemy had a bunch, and I mean a BUNCH of powerful tanks and vehicles, seemingly with more points than I had to spend. Though with their vehicles they had less infantry, and although it was a bloody battle in the town, I was proud to win a total victory(which I thought was hopeless for me with all those tanks and armored cars etc).

    So after that one mission i'm feeling pretty confident, and was wondering when most people would try their first PBEM multiplayer game. I'm kinda interested in one, but not sure if i'm ready to handle it. How would I go about finding a partner to play with anyways?

  5. Well, I couldn't find anything of this in the manual, and I couldn't find it doing what searches I could think of on the boards, I have decided to post it here myself.

    My father, who a long time ago is the one who got me interested in World War II era warfare(up to the point where I think WWII planes are thousands of times more aesthetically pleasing than modern day jet fighters tongue.gif ), asked me a question as i'm trying to introduce him to this game. He likes the idea of wargames, but the tediousness of the board game versions he never liked, also cause he couldn't find anyone to play them WITH. So I hope to get him hooked on this. But I digress...

    So the question he asked me this, was if there was a hotkey I could press which would allow me to see the bases, or the units colored in such a way that at a glance, over the whole battlefield you could see your green troops, and you could see your elite troops... etc etc etc.

    I mean, the player actually has this capability, but it is tedious to click on em all, and it would actually just be a time saver to the player, to be able to find his most elite or lowliest grunts.

    Battlefield commanders wouldn't just say, "Hey! Round up those 50 guys, who have varying strengths and capabilities for this difficult job"

    They'd call for "Easy Company" or whatever other elite groups. Or varying elite squads and grouping em all together temporarily in a platoon for a uniquely challenging one time mission.

    Basically, a command that lets the player have his easy ID bases on, but color coded so he can see which are conscript, green, regular, veteran, crack, elite. Though of course not fanatic! tongue.gif

    What do you guys think? Has this been suggested before? Is this already in the game? Is it a good idea or what?


  6. There we go! I got my package. I was shocked at first, I opened it up and it was just a book. My heart sunk, I thought for some reason they sent me the strategy guide. Opened it up though and there was the game, in a paper case tucked between the book <chuckles>

    Not used to recieving games in such a fashion. <grins>

  7. Heh, well, mine isn't messy smile.gif

    Anyways. Wow, played the 'Chance encounter' mission of the first games demo, and had a VERY interesting action round of one of my turns.

    In this SINGLE turn, there was four knockouts with a FIFTH soon to happen, if the timer didn't end.

    Start of Turn: http://www.angelfire.com/wv2/raziaar/Start_of_Turn.jpg

    The round first started, and my panzershreck squad in the bottom of the church fired out its round, hitting the tank directly across the way with one shot knocking it out.

    First Knockout: http://www.angelfire.com/wv2/raziaar/1stknockout.jpg

    The turn continued to roll on by, and my panzershreck team I had on the second floor which was directly above the first one, decided to make a bold move, AGAINST my commands(I had him hidden, guess he got up when the first one attacked), shooting his round far across to the fields scoring a DIRECT hit which knocked out the sherman there, which I thought was excellent!

    Second Knockout: http://www.angelfire.com/wv2/raziaar/2ndknockout.jpg

    A little over fifteen seconds from the second knockout, my hidden stug, spotted the sherman next to the one he previously took out, and the sherman saw the stug too. The stug fired, then shortly after before the shell hit, the sherman fired. The stug's shell exploded the sherman in fiery glory.

    Third Knockout: http://www.angelfire.com/wv2/raziaar/3rdknockout.jpg

    The round that the sherman fired just before being exploded by the stug, managed to strike the stug, putting it out of commission. It's like Hollywood, aint it!

    Fourth Knockout: http://www.angelfire.com/wv2/raziaar/4thknockout.jpg

    Now, near the end of the turn, the last remaining allied sherman locked on to my other hidden stug, and my stug did the same. My stug managed to fire two shots, but both missed by a long shot. That's when the turn ended, so had there been just a couple more seconds, i'm sure this would have been the fifth(or sixth if it was anything like the previous two knockouts! tongue.gif )

    End of Turn: http://www.angelfire.com/wv2/raziaar/End_of_Turn.jpg

    Again, this all happened in a single action phase of a turn, and I thought it was pretty cool. Things went majorly in my favor this turn.

  8. Yay, all cross your fingers that it gets to me before next weekend smile.gif

    Anyways, you guys were right, the missions in the first games demo were much more fun. I now believe you that the BB demo are just to show off the changes in the two tongue.gif

    In the siegfried line one, on the first games demo, I beat the americans while defending as the germans. It was an epic battle, I had lots of fun especially cause I won it!. That was my first experience on how DESTRUCTIVE artillery barrages can be! The enemies never managed to take the town, which is a relief, cause that was basically my last stand. My savior in that was the panther reinforcements. The infantry reinforcements were well... blown to bits shortly after they arrived by a second heavy artillery barrage :eek:

    The other mission, I played as the americans, did a quite successful rush on the enemy, and ended up winning. That battle tought me well on how to mount and disembark troops right when I want them to, to use cover and showed me the real gritty close melee fights, which were a total slaughter in the trees.

    Anyways, enough of my rambling, i'm just excited, cause my Barbarosa to Berlin order shipped, and if its much better than the first games demo, i'm gonna be very happy smile.gif

    [ July 15, 2003, 11:33 AM: Message edited by: Raziaar ]

  9. Like the katyusha, which I would have loved to see represented onmap :(

    I do realize some units are represented off map, and planes are bunched into that category(well, not offmap entirely, you can see their 'shadow'. I already ordered the game, and I am just curious how many actual units listed in the 300 tanks and other vehicles, or 600+ other units are off map represented pieces?

    Or are planes, and off-map artillery units not counted in those stats?

    Are there any websites that have complete or very large unit lists, with a small thumbnail for each one?

  10. Like the katyusha, which I would have loved to see represented onmap :(

    I do realize some units are represented off map, and planes are bunched into that category(well, not offmap entirely, you can see their 'shadow'. I already ordered the game, and I am just curious how many actual units listed in the 300 tanks and other vehicles, or 600+ other units are off map represented pieces?

    Or are planes, and off-map artillery units not counted in those stats?

    Are there any websites that have complete or very large unit lists, with a small thumbnail for each one?

  11. The Yelnia stare, I just got done playing that in the BB demo as the germans. Damn was that hard! I only ever managed to take out two tanks, one for each anti tank gun that then got knocked out. It was basically a tough fight to hold back the advancing hoarde, but managed to hold out until like 46 turns, which gave me a 'tactical' victory at 68% to 42% or something win percentage in my favor.

  12. This is kinda off topic, I don't want to make a whole nother topic. I did a search, couldn't find too much helpful information on it.

    How much elevation can there be in CMBB maps? Can there be very hilly or even steep mountaineous terrain with deep ravines and mountain roads? Or am I spoiled too much by other games?

  13. Thanks everyone. Well, I ordered the game. Too bad I didn't do it monday or such, cause I won't have it for the weekend.

    I have a feeling i'll be very pleased about this game. Hope i'll get good enough, or at least get a hang of the game enough to challenge some of you here, it seems like a very nice community of people.

    One primary reason of getting is to sustain me for half-life 2, come 9/30 which will in turn sustain me until Rome: Total War's release. However, all three games I believe will be among some of my favorite and constantly played.

  14. One thing I noticed too, is that if i'm waiting on the defensive, things are agonizingly slow to wait for the advance of opposing armies. In that one map, it took the germans 20 turns to even SHOW UP on my map! That took a LOONG time, even fast forwarding through it every time.

    I realize this game is about strategy, and thats fine. I know the computer has to think, but does the full version take so long for the individual turns to go into effect? It's actually not that bad invididually, but hwen you are forced to wait 20 turns, that can be painful.

    One last question, if you will. I am in the united states, Texas to be exact. I notice United states is in the 'other' section of shipping the game. How long will it take me to ship the game over to me? can I expect overnight or two day delivery like most other game companies, or longer? <chuckles>

  15. Well, i'm on the demo Citadel map. I am playing as the German's. I advance with my tanks, nicely enough, losing a few along the way. After I pound through most of the Anti Tank guns, there are a few infantry crews, such as from a destroyed enemy tank, that gets isolated out in the open on the road. He's being routed, or at least falling back, and running away. I have about 5 tanks targetting him, 1 with MG, 2 with main gun, 3 with MG, 4 with main gun, etc.

    yet, during the whole sixty seconds of that round, all the shells and bullets hit near or on the infantry, yet the infantry is still running. I clicked on him, and he still has the same number of troops that he has when i first started to fire at him.

    Does that help, if not, I dunno how I can clarify it any more.

    Edit: Well, as for orders, all I did was push T for target and clicked on the infantry. As for tactics, there wasn't any needed, he was fleeing, I was trying to mow him down, with almost half a dozen tanks. They failed for 3 rounds before he finally died.

    [ July 10, 2003, 01:05 AM: Message edited by: Raziaar ]

  16. I know that infantry that are dug in are supposed to be tough, though I still think bombarding a single infantry foxhole with 15 tanks and still not killing it in 3 rounds is way too tough.

    Though that's not my point.

    I have the updated demo, and I enjoy it, but this is one thing that bugs me, and makes me not want to buy the game.

    It seems that infantry are like 100 times tougher to kill than tanks, even using tanks against the infantry. Using machine guns or main gun, infantry running in open ground won't die in the demo when I attack them with machine guns or with main guns, using veteran tanks, and lots of them.

    It's that one battle where you can be the german with nothing but tanks advancing on the russian foothold.

    One last thing, on that very same map. It seems the computer has a much easier time destroying objects than me. No matter how I set up my forces as the russians in the very same map, I can barely knock out a single german tank before all my forces are wiped out.

    When I played the germans, the russians took out a little over half of my total forces in my final push, i got a minor victory.

    Are these things changed in the full version, or is AI just super godlike like in all games, and infantry way tough to kill even when uncovered?

    Sorry for the rant, but I gotta know, before I buy this game. Speaking of buying, why is it only sold on the makers website? Not popular enough? How many people play on average?

  17. I know that infantry that are dug in are supposed to be tough, though I still think bombarding a single infantry foxhole with 15 tanks and still not killing it in 3 rounds is way too tough.

    Though that's not my point.

    I have the updated demo, and I enjoy it, but this is one thing that bugs me, and makes me not want to buy the game.

    It seems that infantry are like 100 times tougher to kill than tanks, even using tanks against the infantry. Using machine guns or main gun, infantry running in open ground won't die in the demo when I attack them with machine guns or with main guns, using veteran tanks, and lots of them.

    It's that one battle where you can be the german with nothing but tanks advancing on the russian foothold.

    One last thing, on that very same map. It seems the computer has a much easier time destroying objects than me. No matter how I set up my forces as the russians in the very same map, I can barely knock out a single german tank before all my forces are wiped out.

    When I played the germans, the russians took out a little over half of my total forces in my final push, i got a minor victory.

    Are these things changed in the full version, or is AI just super godlike like in all games, and infantry way tough to kill even when uncovered?

    Sorry for the rant, but I gotta know, before I buy this game. Speaking of buying, why is it only sold on the makers website? Not popular enough? How many people play on average?

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