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Posts posted by HeinzBaby

  1. leave him be! :D this pic had me baffled, since I had mixed and matched the DAK uniforms - Olive tops, faded bottoms, I couldn't figure out why my landser's weren't running around barefoot. The 9291.bmp [arm] is only in the faded set..

    I thought von lucke was taking the pi$$ with his barefooted pic, keep up the great work Andrew :D

  2. Spoiler alert

    Was playing US in 'Line of Defence', having a ball, was like clubbing baby seals...Until a Bloody Tiger showed up and put the frightners into everyone.

    To cut it short, three of my Shermans managed to get around to the flank and rear at about 150-200yds if memory serves me? and started a hailstorm of fire into the beast.

    Tiger has Rear and side armour 82mm/0 so I thought there was a good chance of killing it. The Tiger crew bailed after a torrent of 'partial penatrations', so in CM terms what sort of damage is this doing, compared to 'internal flaking' and 'ricocheting'?

    ...My guess, its purely a morale thing, the crew receiving this are yelling..'get the hellout' before one actually comes through the door...Anyone care to put their two bobs worth in? smile.gif

    BTW the Tiger KO'ed a TD and a Sherman before abandonment..

  3. Played US, put all the 37's, TD's with a Inf plt+ .30Mg all in the orchard, Lee plt on the right flank with an Inf plt, zook & .30Mg on the rev slope of the ridge in front of the Lees. Last Inf plt strung along behind the stone wall in front of the mosque, all Inf hiding.

    I just kept hitting play, 74-26 US Major Victory, only lost the Lees and TDs, my Inf didn't open fire until DAK Inf crossed the open ground before the walls, geez talk about Flanders :D ...Gerry armour never got past the ridge in front of their start lines...

    Then I played Axis...lol

    Consider the Hammering they got previously I planned a set piece assault on my left, and waited for all the Armour to arrive.

    Lined up everyone before the ridgeline, timed the 105 Arty to HE area prep around the little house, with smoke from the mortars...

    Blew the whistles, foot Inf moved off over into the rough, everything with wheels and tracks hooped up and over, accelerators to the floors. Geez what a mother of a dust cloud :D , The PzIII Co. closed bloody fast to the Lees and it was all over for in that neck of the woods. Lees must of panicked?, most of them drove around all over the place. Switched Arty to the mosque area and flanked the Shermans which were starting to give me a lot of hurt, with the my last plt of Pz III's. Rolled up the mosque and with my Inf. US surrendered before end game...

    Got a Minor Axis Victory 63-37.

    The PzIII cavalry charge was quite memorable, I couldn't afford a long range shoot-off with armour of those Lees and Shermans, nasty surprise that, Great senario Rune ;)

  4. "..smallest nit"...try this...what about the US tank tread ribs 'facing' the 'wrong?' direction when viewed from the front. Shouldn't the rib face '\_/' rather than '/-\'. I rotated the bmp 180, cut n' pasted the old style 'block' from CMBO into the steel skeleton track which is used in BB, and AK...looks great now... smile.gif

    BTW.. this demo rocks guys!!,love the sounds, especially the empty M1 clips to name a few :D

  5. ...going against the grain, I enjoyed 'Patton'. Despite the props, Scott's portrayal of him gave a great thumbnail of his idiosycronies [good and bad]. And IICR Patton was the only Allied Commander that OKH really had any concerns about. I'd rather of been one of 'Georgie's boys'in the 3rd, than with Monty's lot ;):D

  6. ...mean while back to topic...

    I'd wait for CMAK, then as suggested earlier, get a bundle pack of CMBO & CMBB if it or when it becomes available. I'm a latecomer to the CM series, getting CMBB then back tracking to CMBO. Each Theatre of Ops sim [bO and BB] has improved from the previous, I love them both being a whore and flirt between them, enjoying both despite their own idiosyncrasies.

    As a kid [100 years ago] I had all the Airfix and Hasagawa HO/OO kits, progressing to the boardgames [sPI], and years later with PC's we now have the CM series. I presume CMAK will be the best of the trilogy... and there is no harm in collecting all three. :D

  7. ..I thought the term 'Jock Columns' was a term used only in Brit Armoured Divs? the 7th..I don't think their armour 'bent over backwards' to help the Inf. [ask the ANZAC's]. I got the impression that the Ind. Armd Brigs doctrine WAS to support the Inf. with their Vals and Matildas. The down fall of the Armd Divs was their continual use in penny packets ie. un-coordinated Bde attacks, Rommels famous quote taken from Wellington? at Waterloo, .."they came at us in the same old way and we shot them in the same old way..." Sidi Rezegh and Gazala were good examples. Monty also put an end to the 'aparthid' existence of British Armoured Divisions and centralised the Arty, or did the Aulk' do that at Alma Halfa?. smile.gif

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