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Posts posted by JJColorado

  1. I checked out the demo - looks like it really has potential. I wouldn't call it beer and pretzels really. Lotta detail. One thing I couldn't figure out is how to see a description or statistics for a unit. For example I had several fast battleships as Germany but no description of them or way to see what their stats/usefulness is. I kinda know what a fast battleship is but still that seemed missing. Maybe will be in the full version.

    The game was a lot of fun - I'm looking fwd to the release.

  2. Wow - when I read this review I can't understand how the Western Allies are so strong in your game. When I am Wallies and I lose Egypt and the Germans take Norway and Spain, I have a hard time making an offensive anywhere - even repairing the navy is difficult. Also you had 4 CV's in the Med it said in the report. Did you build an extra CV? This seems so difficult with little Allied MPP income.

    It's amazing to read how your allies are so strong. Mine are always so poor.

  3. Well I think the key is not to let much get ashore. You can't kill all of his transports but you can really beat them up. Here is what I do, of course I'm kind of a newbie. But I lost England once not doing these things and by doing these things I've stood off 2 Sealions. It seems that every German will at least give it a try:

    1) Move most assets from Egypt by around turn 5(?). I usually leave an infantry corp and maybe an army in Egypt along w/ 1-2 BB. Everything else goes to England. These assets don't have to land in England if it looks like Sealion is not gonna happen but just head them that way. As long as you don't unload them they can go back to Egypt, and some can sit along the African coast south of Gib to see how things look then pop back to Egypt if desired.

    2) Position your air 1 outside of his spotting range. Usually this is just north of London once France falls. The bomber can spot way out to the east so you should see him coming.

    3) If your air is getting beat up ground your fighters so they don't get spotted. If they intercept then he can see them and airstrike them even if they are one hex outside of his spotting range.

    4) Get your HQ to England ASAP (see point 1) unless you are going to build an HQ in England.

    5) Concentrate every possible RN ship at England. Leave nothing at Gib and maybe 1 ship or zero at Egypt. The RN can be used to intimidate the German. If anything floating moves out of port just absolutely swarm it and sink it. This discourages the Germans for sure.

    6) Patrol w/ a cruiser every other turn or so just west of France and over around Norway. You need to see it coming, and you might catch something at sea to kill.

    7) Try to clog up the area north and east of London. The Germans will want to land east of London so don't leave them much space to do so. Don't necessarily fill these hexes until you think the invasion is at sea because otherwise he will bomb you here.

    8) If the Germans do get ashore they should be at very low strength and be on the coast where your RN can bombard them. Make every effort to kill their HQ's first.

    Once you get a sense that Sealion is not happening then sail those transports back to Egypt that have not unloaded yet.

    Even if Sealion succeeds - which it probably won't - it will cost the Germans their army and bring in USA and USSR which can be very bad when the Germans have no army.

    If a German attempts Sealion vs a prepared Britain and fails - make them play the game out to the end. Germany takes a huge chance - they should live w/ the consequences of such a big gamble. If they fail or if they lose their army and Russia comes into Germany - that is the price they pay. Play the game to the end. Don't let them surrender. Maybe this will make them consider the consequences the next time.

    [ November 06, 2006, 08:17 AM: Message edited by: JJColorado ]

  4. Hi,

    Is there any way to get units to recover from fatigue and low morale? I have a German 4 point cruiser that has been sitting in Copenhagen harbor for at least a year and is still at about 9% morale and organization. Is there any way to help units recover?

    The same thing happens to my British ground units. Minor countries have better morale than my guys and they never seem to recover...no matter how long I wait.


    P.S. I know that invading and conquering neutrals will help but I'm hoping there is another way.

  5. Hey Terif,


    So since you replied so quickly I'd like to ask you a quick opinion.

    I have German airpower currently in the med trying to take Malta, and the German army builds won't be finished until Sep 41.

    Would it be wiser to

    A) launch the attack right away (w/o most Luftwaffe and w/o full Wermacht)

    B) launch attack in Sep/Oct 41 once Wermacht and Luftwaffe are prepared

    C) Wait until USSR is at very high readiness level (95+) and launch attack in bad weather over the winter

    Thanks for your opinion which would be very valuable.


  6. Hi,

    Just a couple of quick Barbarossa questions.

    1) I'm in June 41 as Axis and Russian war level is at 59%. Is it possible to wait until Spring 42 before invading without Russia entering the war until then if I don't attack any neutrals?

    2) Are there any negative effects on Germany or positive effects on USSR if USSR DOW's Germany rather than the opposite? (i.e. does Germany lose a Barbarossa bonus)


  7. Hi,

    I'm involved in my first PBEM game of SC2 and am still unsure what I should be doing w/ the USSR.

    Can anyone give some advice? Here are some possible topics:

    Where to set up defense lines?

    Should forward cities be defended w/ corps?

    Should the USSR keep 700-ish MPP's invested in research for things like inf wpns, production tech, industrial tech, infrastructure, intel, air tech?

    What units should the USSR plan to construct before Barbarossa?

    Where should forts be built?

    If necessary assume Barbarossa from Poland/Rumania beginning in July or August 41 after standard France/LC assault.



  8. Hi,

    I'm pretty new to the game and am just trying to get a handle on Allied counterattack strategy.

    If the Axis holds Spain, Vichy, the Med, and Scandinavia, what's the best place to go at them?

    SPAIN - seems very difficult because the only port is at Gib and that is a tough hext to take, especially since you can't put air in western North Africa because there is no port there to supply the air units. So, the Allies are faced w/ landing in Iberia with no supply port to use and then trying to take Gib - seems VERY risky.

    FRANCE - This seems to be the standard but it's also going right at the German's strongest defences.

    SCANDINAVIA - Norway seems possible especially if the Germans don't have much air up there. The Allies could probably liberate Oslo before the Germans could effectively react and then go into Sweden as well. That could then serve as a good air base and open up more invasion options in northern Europe.

    Can someone(s) clue me in to some decent allied invasion plans? (invasion point, air basing, etc).



  9. SeaMonkey wrote:


    You guys need to try JJ's Z-Plan tourney II edition, talk about having fun, opening up many different options, squashing ahistorical gambits,no cookie cutting, and there is no need for bidding/house rules....download, pick your side and have at it....no quiet times, war from the get go! SC ..."gotta luv it".


    Where can I find this scenario? What is the file name, etc?


  10. SeaMonkey wrote:


    You guys need to try JJ's Z-Plan tourney II edition, talk about having fun, opening up many different options, squashing ahistorical gambits,no cookie cutting, and there is no need for bidding/house rules....download, pick your side and have at it....no quiet times, war from the get go! SC ..."gotta luv it".


    Where can I find this scenario? What is the file name, etc?


  11. Bill101, you said:


    I didn't have much of a clue how to keep down Russian war readiness either, so before I new it I was at war with them, with not enough of Europe in my hands.


    How DO you keep Russian war readiness down? I know that a small garrison (1 or 2 units)is necessary early then a larger garrison (4 or 5 units) is necessary by end of 1940 or so. Is there anything else that can be done?


  12. Hi,

    Thanks for the answers. I haven't ever seen the Axis go after Egypt yet. It seems like there is not time/resources to do this between fall of France and attack on Russia while still dealing the Scandinavia and the Balkans. I'm presuming that it's fatal to Barbarossa to have German and Italian resources tied up in the Med during mid-late 1941. So, how does this usually work in terms of timeline and force commitments?


  13. Hi,

    I'm somewhat experienced w/ the game (some PBEM) and three questions keep bothering me.

    1) What do most players do with/to Vichy France? If I as the Allies mount Operation Torch against French North Africa - will Metro Vichy be at war with me and the Germans get them as an ally?

    2) The UK and US have a really really hard time operating in the Med due to very low supply ( max supply in the Med is 5 MPP city). I end up fighting one or two engagements (bombard or ship to ship) with each BB/CA/CV and then having to spend many turns sailing back to U.S. to repair the ship --- and by the time I reach the central Med I'm always at 2 or 3 supply value for my ships. Am I missing something?

    3) Now that I think of it - one more question. When I try to mount an invasion of Italy as Allies I almost always end up so committed there that I cannot mount an invasion of France in 43/44 - at least not until what seems to be way too late. Is this normal? Any tips?

    4) I read somewhere that attacking Iraq as the Allies is important because it gives a land connection to Russia. Why is this important? Will it allow all of my cities North Africa to go to 8/10 MPP's? I guess that if so this would solve my supply problems. :)



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